
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Revision as of 22:57, 2 July 2021 by Surgo (talk | contribs) (more print squelching)
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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */

/* Main article color */
div#content {
  background-color: #fcf9d3;

/* Other main color -- sidebar, footer, and just about everywhere there's no gradient. */
html, body, div#mw-panel, div#footer {

/* For some reason body ALSO uses a 1x1 png of the background color. This is unnecessary, and removed. When we were using it it made everything a strange off-color. */
body {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) 0px, transparent 160px) repeat-x, url(;

/* Normal borders, done in Vector as an image */
div#content {
  border: 1px solid #838383;

/* Sidebar borders, which break the sidebar section name with its contents. */
div#mw-panel div.portal {
  /* @embed */
  background-image: url("/w/skins/Vector/images/portal-break-dnd.png");

/* Top of the page */
/* div#mw-page-base { */
/* background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) 0px, transparent 160px) repeat-x, url(; */
/* } */

/* Unselected page tabs color */
div.vectorTabs ul li {
  /* @embed */
  background-image: url("/w/skins/Vector/images/tab-normal-fade-dnd.png");

/* Selected page tabs color (solid) */
div#mw-head ul li.selected a {
  background-color: #fcf9d3;

/* The vertical bar around the tabs */
div.vectorTabs, div.vectorTabs li a, div.vectorMenu h3 a {
  /* @embed */
  background-image: url("/w/skins/Vector/images/tab-break-dnd.png");
  background-position: right bottom;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* The vertical bar between watch and menu */
div.vectorMenu h3 {
  /* @embed */
  background-image: url("/w/skins/Vector/images/tab-break-dnd.png");
  background-position: left bottom;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  margin-left: 0px;

/* Edit box stuff. */
div.editOptions {
  background-color: inherit;
  border: 1px solid #838383;

textarea#wpTextbox1 {
  border-bottom: none;

/* For whatever reason, Vector has its own table background color. Ugh. */
table {
  background-color: inherit;

/* Bring the sidebar up a bit, which actually means shorten the logo height somewhat */
div#p-logo {
  height: 150px;
  top: -150px;
div#mw-panel {
  top: 160px;

/* ----------- In-page Stylistic Stuff ------------ */

table.wikitable, table.smwtable {
  background-color: #fdf9d3;
  border: 1px solid #8C794E;
  padding: 0.077em 0.385em;

table.wikitable th, table.d20 th, table.smwtable th {
  background-color: #e6d88d;

/* Zebra table support (still done by javascript to be portable) */
tr.odd {
  background: #eee3a4;

/* Printer-friendly versions of things */
@media print {
    #content {
        background-color: white;
        background-image: none;

    #dynamic_user_navbox, #footer {
        display: none;

    .authorlite, .smwfact {
        display: none;

/* This has only been confusing people -- the page prints fine without this link. */
div#t-print { display: none; }