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System: Dungeons and Dragons 2e 
Abbreviation: SJR6 
Series: SJR 
Author: Jean Rabe 
Publisher: TSR 
Item Code: 9409 
Publication Date: 1993 
Format: Paperback 
Page Count: 96-page book, single-sided fold-out map (A Trve and Accvrate Map of Krynnspace)
"-pagebook,single-sidedfold-outmap(ATrveandAccvrateMapofKrynnspace)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 96.
ISBN-10: 1-56076-560-7 
Preceded by: Greyspace 
Followed by: Space Lairs
Product Blurb
For centuries, the intelligent races of Krynn have looked upward, toward the moons, planets, stars, and the very crystal sphere of Krynnspace. They have looked up and wondered, and gone back to their planetbound lives.

Meanwhile, on other worlds in other spheres, spelljamming ships have begun to venture into the Void; they have encountered vast evil - and vast wealth - in the trackless reaches of wildspace. Their ships have explored their own spheres and are even now moving toward Krynnspace.

And on Krynn, the art of spelljamming is stirring. Unbeknowst to most of the inhabitants, spelljamming ports are opening. Spelljammers from other spheres are exploring the planet, and explorers from Krynn are rising into the sky and into space. Soon the mysteries of Reorx, Chislev, the Black Clouds, and the dark planet Nehzmyth will be yielded up - or will destroy those seeking to investigate.

Now you can add spelljamming to your Krynn-based campaign with Krynnspace, an accessory for the SPELLJAMMER campaign setting. The SPELLJAMMER boxed set is needed to use this booklet.

This 96-page booklet includes:

  • Details on the planets, moons, and special mysteries of Krynnspace.
  • Statistics for all the major NPCs who inhabit the planets, or who roam wildspace as privateers or pirates.
  • Statistics and descriptions for new monsters, magical items, and encounters.
  • Short adventure hooks to make designing Krynnspace scenarios a snap.

SPECIAL BONUS: A full-sized map of the Krynnspace crystal sphere, showing all the planets and their orbits.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

SJR7 Krynnspace is an accessory for the Spelljammer Campaign Setting.

It provides setting information about the Krynnspace crystal sphere. The product consists of one 96 page book and one poster. It was published by TSR Inc. in 1993.[1]


The Krynnspace book expands on information about Krynnspace that was given in the Krynnspace sidebar on pages 74 and 76 of Concordance of Arcane Space and chapter 4 of Lorebook of the Void.


Known ErrorsEdit

  • The spelling of the planet 'Sirrion', and the god it was named after, was incorrect during 2nd Edition AD&D and was corrected in the 3rd Edition D&D Dragonlance Campaign Setting hardback.[2]
  • The spelling of the city 'Palanthas' was incorrect during 2nd Edition AD&D and was corrected in the 3rd Edition D&D Dragonlance Campaign Setting hardback.[3]
  • The description of Krynn's moons conflicts with the description of the moons in most Dragonlance products and novels. The equi-distant arrangement suggested here[4][5][6] would make conjunctions of two moons and the Night of the Eye (a conjunction of all three moons) impossible.[7][8]
  • The spelling of the god 'Zeboim' is incorrect in the chapter, The Gods of Krynnspace, but is correct when used as the name of a moon in the Zivilyn chapter.[9]
  • The deity Shinare is represented by a planet in Dragonlance sources.[10][11] No mention is made of this planet.

Disputed InformationEdit

  • The Spelljamming Port at Palanthas is not supported by any Dragonlance product and is seen as a continuity error by many Spelljammer and Dragonlance fans.



  • Krynnspace Planetary Diagram


See alsoEdit


  1. Jean Rabe (1993). Krynnspace. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-560-7.
  2. Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, Jamie Chambers, Christopher Coyle (2003). Dragonlance Campaign Setting. (3.5e) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3086-1. pp. 120, 129.
  3. Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, Jamie Chambers, Christopher Coyle (2003). Dragonlance Campaign Setting. (3.5e) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3086-1. p. 175.
  4. Jean Rabe (1993). Krynnspace. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-560-7. Sidebar about 'the configuration of the moons', p. 35.
  5. Jean Rabe (1993). Krynnspace. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-560-7. Sidebar about 'the view from Krynn's moons', p. 36.
  6. Jean Rabe (1993). Krynnspace. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-560-7. History of Krynn section, Krynn chapter, pp. 37-39.
  7. Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, Jamie Chambers, Christopher Coyle (2003). Dragonlance Campaign Setting. (3.5e) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3086-1. Moon Magic section, Chapter 2 p. 74.
  8. Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis (1987). Dragonlance Adventures. (1e) TSR. ISBN 0-88038-452-2. The Moons of Magic section, Wizards of High Sorcery chapter p. 27.
  9. Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, Jamie Chambers, Christopher Coyle (2003). Dragonlance Campaign Setting. (3.5e) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3086-1. pp. 120, 134.
  10. Harold Johnson, John Terra, J. Robert King, Wolfgang Baur, Colin McComb, Jean Rabe, Norm Ritchie, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, Jeff Grubb, Doug Niles, Michael Williams (1992). Tales of the Lance. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-338-8. World Book of Ansalon. p. 129.
  11. Sean Everette, Chris Pierson, Cam Banks, Trampas Whiteman (2005). Holy Orders of the Stars. (3.5e) Sovereign Press. ISBN 1-931567-15-8. p. 95.
  • Spelljammer reference: SJR7
  • TSR reference: TSR 9409
  • ISBN: 1-56076-560-7

External linksEdit