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Template:5e Monster/doc

1 byte added, 21:06, 2 February 2020
{{5e Ability|MulitclassMulitattack|The foo may make two claws attacks, a claw and bite attack, or a claw and psychic wave attack.}}
{{5e Ability|Ranged Attack — Psychic Wave|The foo can attack in a [[SRD5:Cone|cone]] 120 ft. long. Enemies in the zone must make a [[SRD5:Charisma|Charisma]] [[SRD5:Saving Throw|saving throw]] ([[SRD5:DC|DC 17]] taking 50 (10d10) [[SRD5:Psychic|psychic]] damage on a failure or taking [[SRD5:Half|half]] damage on a successful save.}}
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