Caelistis (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Organizations/Haage

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Church of Haage[edit]

Churches to Haage are usually ornate stone buildings, made of marble or other fancy materials, surrounded by brilliant bazaars full of rare and valuable items and merchandise. When someone enters the church, they go through endless business propositions to start with basic loans and incomes. To get higher ranks in the guild, you need only pay your way there.

Affiliation Score Titles and Benefits
3 or lower Not affiliated, or junior member.
4-14 Peddler: Gain a +4 on Appraise skill checks, and every week you gain 5 gold pieces per affiliation point as income.
15-22 Trader: Add half your affiliation score to Diplomacy checks made to lower the price of goods bought from NPCs. In addition, once per week you gain 15 GP per affiliation point as income. This overwrites your previous income.
23-29 Salesman: You may use the spell Identify at will as a Supernatural ability without paying the material component. In addition, once per week you gain 50 GP per affiliation point as income. This overwrites your previous income.
30+ Merchant: The world recognizes your status as a follower of the God of Greed. All items bought from NPCs cost 25% less. This also applies to the base price of items when crafting mundane or magical equipment. In addition, once per week you gain 100 GP per affiliation point as income. This overwrites your previous income.
Action Affiliation Points Gained
Character Level +1/2 level
Have ranks in Knowledge (Religion) +1/4 per rank
Cleric, or Favored Soul class +2
Have 4 ranks in Appraise +1
Have 4 ranks in Diplomacy +1
Has paid 100 gold in dues to the church +2
Has paid 1000 gold in dues to the church +2
Has paid 5000 gold in dues to the church +2
Has paid 10000 gold in dues to the church +3
Has paid 17500 gold in dues to the church +4
Has paid 25000 gold in dues to the church +4
Has paid 50000 gold in dues to the church +4