Of Crowns and Conquest (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Races
Race | Modifier | Traits | Language |
Canim | +2 Dex +2 Wis -2 Cha | Scent, Bite 1d6, Packmate | Romanian |
Centaur | +2 Con -2 Int | Large, Centaur Warrior, +2 Wilderness lore, Human torso | Cherokee |
Loxodon | -2 Dex +2 Con +2 Wis | Large, Gore 1d8, +2 Cosmic Lore | French |
Marik | -2 Str | Small, Conjoined Souls, Soul devour, Soul bind, Empathy | Hindi |
Merfolk | -2 Str +2 Int +2 Cha | Small, Amphibious, Profiteer, +2 Speechcraft | Italian |
Ogrim | +2 Str -2 Dex +2 Cha | Negotiator, Unstoppable Force, Erratic Explosion | Spanish |
Scarab | +2 Con | Mute, fly speed 30 ft, Nat Armor Bonus, 4 armed, Spell Resistance, Darkvision, Light Sensitive | Coptic Egyptian |
Servitor | -2 Str +2 Dex +2 Con | Small, low light vision, Nimble, Bred to serve | German |
Vedalken | -2 Con +2 Int +2 Cha | Clever, +4 craft (any), +1 Caster Level | English |
Wyrmkin | +2 Str | Claw 1d6, Predator, Blood of Dragons | Russian |
- Note that Language denotes naming conventions and equitable culture rather than actual language spoken (common)
Race | Adulthood | Middle Age | Old | Venerable | Maximum Age |
Canim | 18 | 44 | 71 | 124 | +9d20 |
Centaur | 11 | 28 | 39 | 45 | +3d10 |
Loxodon | 20 | 49 | 75 | 131 | +9d20 |
Marik | 12 | 30 | 42 | 55 | +2d20 |
Merfolk | 15 | 35 | 53 | 70 | +2d20 |
Ogrim | 15 | 35 | 52 | 68 | +2d20 |
Scarabs | 16 | 37 | 56 | 74 | +5d10 |
Servitor | 14 | 33 | 50 | 65 | +2d20 |
Vedalken | 15 | 34 | 51 | 66 | +2d20 |
Wyrmkin | 26 | 180 | 360 | 540 | +50d100 |
Culture & Races[edit]
Krypteia is home to a myriad of races and cultures, all of which are playable. It should be noted that most civilizations have a dominant race and culture, and their populations are reflections of their openness towards other species. Only in the largest communities would one find all the races of Krypteia present, small communities tend to have little to no alien presence. It should be noted that Races with similar cultures have a higher likelihood of living in proximity to each other. Races have been grouped into their cultural affinities, adjacent groupings interact regularly.
Marik, Merfolk, Ogrim, Servitor and Vedalken are the only species who can interbreed. Children will inherit the the father’s species and will look like a hybrid of the two.
The five races of the Septheon coexist south of the Dragonscar. They believe that they were created by the Titans to care for Krypteia until the Titans return. The Loxodon city of Titania is seen as the religious center for the Septheon, and its head Curate is the religious leader for all Septheon. This is not enough to stop border disputes, trade wars and other petty squabbling amongst the races.
- +2 Dex +2 Wis -2 Cha
- Bite: 1d6 + Str
- Packmate: As long as they have an ally within 10ft they get a +1 morale bonus on attacks and damage and +2 saving throw against fear. Additionally, whenever they perform an aid another check they grant their ally +4)
- Speed: 30 feet
Physical Description[edit]
Canim average 5’10” in height and weigh roughly 160 pounds, although some Canim have been known to reach as large as 7 feet tall and in excess of 200 pounds. Their coats tend to be shades of browns, and sometimes almost red in color. They also have greys in their coats that can range from white to the deepest black. Canim typically have green or hazel eyes, and males tend to be slightly larger than females. Due to the warmth of their coats, Canim wear loose fitting clothing when they choose to wear clothes at all, and prefer light and medium armor. Many Canim decorate themselves with tattoos and jewelry.
- -2 Dexterity +2 Constitution +2 Wisdom
- Large -1 AC, -1 attack rolls, -4 on Stealth checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of medium characters, uses Large sized weapons.
- Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
- Gore: 1d8 + 1.5 Str, only useable when charging
- +2 racial bonus on Cosmic Lore
- Speed 20ft
Physical Description[edit]
Loxodon stand between 9 and 11 feet tall. While smaller Loxodon may only weigh 3200, there have been Loxodon as heavy as 5500 lbs. Their hide is predominantly grey, with a slight pink, white or blue hue. Loxodon have dark eyes, typically brown and less commonly a deep purple. Loxodon have a a dexterous trunk that has many uses, and tusks that can be used as a deadly weapon should a Loxodon charge. Loxodon use color on their clothing and armor to identify each other, and paint religious symbols on their bodies during festivals.
- +2 Strength -2 Dexterity +2 Charisma
- Negotiator: +2 racial bonus on Speechcraft, Intuition and Spycraft
- Unstoppable Force: They are not slowed down by moving through rough terrain or on climb checks while dashing, running or charging. Additionally they double their strength bonus when charging.
- Erratic Explosion: Whenever they cast an area effect spell there is a 20% chance for the area to increase to 1.5X and a 10% chance for it to decrease to .5X
- Speed 30 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Ogrim range from 7 to 9 feet tall and usually weigh between 270 and 400 pounds. Females have horns on their head and males can have horns but they are much smaller than their female counterparts. Males have thickened bone on their foreheads and long soft cartilage protrusions originating from their jawline. Ogrim have small tails and stand on cloven hooves. The hard outer shell and soft, flexible inner pads provide excellent traction in uneven, rocky terrain. Ogrim skin tones range from a light grey to blues and even purples. Ogrim eyes tend to match their skin tone and their hair is usually white, black, or brown. Ogrim like to wear medium or heavy armor but have no qualms about showing off their well muscled bodies.
- +2 Constitution
- mute: Scarabs communicate via sign language and hieroglyphic written language
- fly speed of 30 ft with average maneuverability if unarmored and unfatigued, can carry a light load. Fatigue twice as fast as normal if flying.
- +1/4 hit die racial bonus to Natural Armor (max 5)
- Spell resistance Scarabs are resistant to magic, and gain 10 +1/2 hit die +Con modifier spell resistance. They can never lower this SR and also have a -1 caster level penalty.
- Darkvision Scarabs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but otherwise is like normal sight, and scarabs can function just fine with no light at all.
- 4 armed: Scarabs only have two arms that are good for everyday tasks including fighting, the remaining pair is used to communicate in sign language
- Light Sensitive Scarabs have sensitive eyes and are dazzled when in daylight (including the spell daylight)
- Speed: 20 feet. However scarabs can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
Physical Description[edit]
Scarabs stand between 4 and 5 1/2 feet tall and usually weigh between 100 and 130 pounds. They walk on two legs, and have four arms. They also have wings that can fold up under their extremely durable exoskeletons. Scarabs are multi colored, ranging from blues and greens, to yellows and reds. Scarab have large compound eyes that give them superior eyesight, allowing them to see in the dark. Scarab males and females do not typically have a size difference, instead Scarabs from Upper Khepri tend to be smaller while denizens of Lower Khepri are usually larger in stature. Scarabs only lay a single egg once or twice every five years and tend to have lifelong partners. They love to adorn themselves with jewelry made of all sorts of precious metals and rare stones. Scarabs are the finest blacksmiths in all of Krypteia, and as result they arm themselves resplendently.
- -2 Constitution +2 Intelligence +2 Charisma
- Clever: +2 racial bonus on Perception when in broad daylight and entitled to a search check when passing a secret door within 5 ft.
- +4 craft (any)
- +1 Caster Level
- Speed 30 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Vedalken average height is between 5 and 6 feet, and they are quite lean, weighing anywhere from 100 to 145 pounds. Vedalken have smooth, blue skin and are completely hairless. Vedalken have a recessed nasal cavity and narrow nostrils that result in a heightened sense of taste but a dampened ability to smell. Their eyes are almost featureless and just seem to be a solid dark color, this is the result of them not having irises and their sciera being black instead of white. Vedalken love intricate detail on their clothing and armor and the more complex their outfit the more they like it. They are known to have outfits for every occasion. Vedalken often adorn themselves with jewelry and perfume and they typically wear light armor.
The Merfolk culture has earned its name twice over. Merfolk society is full of various guilds, whether merchant or artisan, warrior or priest, all walks of life are members of at least one guild. Merfolk art and architecture remind all why their culture is known as the Guilded, for Merfolk love gilding statues, buildings, and anything they can apply precious metals to.
- -2 Strength +2 Intelligence +2 Charisma
- Small (+4 hide, +1 attack, +1 Ac, all weapons must be scaled down, 3/4th carry capacity, -4 grapple)
- +2 racial bonus on Speechcraft
- Profiteer: Gains 50% more bonus from selling items in areas of high demand.
- Amphibious: Water breathing, +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks when completely submerged, Swim 30 ft
- Speed 20 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Merfolk stand about 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. Their skin can be blue, green and even purples, while their webbing, gills and fins tend to be any shade of red. Merfolk eyes can be teal, magenta, yellow or occasionally a blend of these colors. Males tend to be slightly larger than females and neither sex wears an overabundance of clothing. The clothing they do wear tends to have aquatic elements to it and be somewhat formfitting and light. In general Merfolk tend to wear light and occasionally medium armor in combat, but never armor that would impede their ability to swim.
Yol Sahvot[edit]
The Peoples of the Yol Sahvot are an insular society, relying on Merfolk traders to bring goods to them. The Wyrmkin serve as protectors and rulers over the land while the numerous Servitor toil as little more than servants or slaves.
- -2 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Constitution
- Small (+4 hide, +1 attack, +1 Ac, all weapons must be scaled down, 3/4th carry capacity, -4 grapple)
- Nimble: +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics, Stealth, Devising, and Sleight of Hand
- Bred to serve: -2 save penalty on compulsion spells or effects; Immune to sleep and paralysis effects
- low light vision
- Speed 20 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Servitor average between 3 and 4 feet tall. They weight ranges from 60 to 80 pounds. Their skin is green in color, however Servitor that spend their lives indoors or working in mines usually have grey skin with only a slight tint of green. Servitor have keen eyesight, and their irises are red, brown or yellow. Servitors do not have much sexual dimorphism, both sexes are similar in size and build. They are treated equally by the Wyrmkin and perform the same tasks regardless of gender. Servitor have short gestation periods, and give birth after four months. Servitor are forbidden to wear armor at all within the cities, but they don light or medium armor when accompanying Wyrmkin war parties fighting the Others. Servitor dress warmly, favoring wool and fur clothing.
- +2 Strength
- Claw: 1d6 + Str
- Predator: +2 Athletics, Wilderness Lore
- Blood of Dragons: +2 DC on compulsion spells or effects; Immunity to sleep and paralysis effects
- Speed 30 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Wyrmkin stand between 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall and usually weigh between 190 to 270 pounds. They have a tail and tend to have various projections of bone and keratin. Wyrmkin skin consists of thick and rugged scales that provide protection from the elements and their coloring can be as varied as their projections. Wyrmkin have vertical pupils, while their iris are typically yellows, oranges and reds. Females tend to be slightly larger than Males and lay eggs to reproduce. Wyrmkin rarely leave their residences without donning their armor, and they almost always forgo cloth, preferring hides, leathers and skins. Wyrmkin have powerful claws and sharp teeth that protrude even when their mouth is closed.
The Marik bear no animosity towards any other races, and see it as their duty to enlighten all residents of Kryptiea about the All-In-One. Their vastly different culture and distance from the other races keeps them isolated, but not insular. Marik often spend their entire lives learning about the various cultures of Kryptiea, especially that of their Chala.
- -2 Strength
- Small (+4 hide, +1 attack, +1 Ac, all weapons must be scaled down, 3/4th carry capacity, -4 grapple)
- Conjoined Souls: +2 skill points at level 1; you gain the benefits of a leadership feat concerning your chala, this doesn’t take reputation into account, must have bonded or devoured
- Soul Bind A Marik may choose one willing creature (his chala) to bind with. The Marik must accumulate one month of unobserved studying his chala's habits and behaviors, then another month gaining the trust of the chala by performing the same tasks alongside the creature, eating and sleeping together. Upon completion, the Marik gains the eye color of the bonded chala.
- Soul Devour A Marik may choose to devour the soul of an unwilling creature (His chala). The Marik must first consume the heart of a living creature of the same species (not the chala to be devoured). Next the Marik must spend a month ruling the chala via fear and abusive treatment, cowing it into submission. Once broken, the Marik gains the eye color of the devoured chala.
- Empathy Marik can sense the basic needs, drives, and emotions of their chala.
If a Marik Soul Binds or Soul Devours on a new creature the previous chala dies, and the Marik loses the benefits of the previous soul link.
- Speed: 20 feet
Physical Description[edit]
Marik typically are between 3’3” and 4’ tall. They weigh anywhere from 60 to 80 pounds. Marik are born with a pale, featureless skin tone as well as silver hair and eyes.Usually around the age of 10 they go through their ritual of either Soul Binding or Soul Devouring their Chala. Over the course of the next few years their skin begins to take on minor features of their particular Chala, changing to become similar to their Chala‘s color and even taking on a slightly feathered, or scaly appearance.The Marik’s eye color becomes the same color as their Chala’s and their hair will also change from silver to a color that more closely matches their Chala. By adulthood at the age of 15 a Marik has finished transforming, even if they gained a new Chala their appearance would remain the same. Marik prefer light or medium armor and love to accentuate themselves with gold.
The Centaur tribes pass their stories on through their oral traditions, and live a pastoral lifestyle in the Badlands north of the Dragonscar. They have no formal leader, rather the many small tribes act in their own interests. The only thing Centaurs will really band together for is an incursion onto their lands by another race.
- +2 Constitution -2 Intelligence
- Large -1 AC, -1 attack rolls, -4 on Stealth checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of medium characters.
- Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
- Human torso wield medium sized weapons
- Centaur Warrior Centaurs are innately mounted: they gain Spirited Charge or Mounted Archery. Also the Mounted Combat feat does not apply to them including for the purposes of prerequisites.
- +2 racial bonus on Wilderness Lore
- Speed 40 ft
Physical Description[edit]
Centaurs stand roughly 8 feet tall, although their size can vary greatly depending on which tribe they belong to. They weigh between 800 and 1200 pounds. They have horns and usually long hair on their head as well as a tail made of hair. Their eyes are bright in color, and are usually yellows, blues, or greens. Some centaur have patterns such as spots or stripes naturally, although it is not unknown for Centaur to tattoo these features on
themselves. Due in no small part to the dangerous and often deadly lands that they live in, most Centaurs always wear armour. They no not have a preference to the type of armor they wear, and as resources are scarce they will equip whatever armor they can find or craft that protects them best.