/Grapple finished
=== Grapple ===
To initiate a grapple you must make a melee touch attack against your opponent, with a hit establishing the Held condition on both you and your opponent. This provokes an attack of opportunity. In addition to already existing manuevers, new options open up:
==== Move ====
You forcibly move the thing you are holding or is holding you by beating it's defense, moving the target a number of feet equal to the ammount you beat the defense by. If decide to move the creature beyond your reach, you must let go or be let by the thing holding you (free action). If either you or your foe refuses to let go, than move can not move the target beyond your reach unless your attack exceeds your targets defense +5. This attack deals normal damage is successful.
==== Pin ====
By succeeding on an attack against the thing you are bound to your render your foe completely immoblized, unable to take any action other than an escape manuever. This attack deals no damage, can only be performed on a target no more than one size larger than you, and diables you from taking any actions other than move actions or the move and attack manuevers unless your target is two or fewer sizes than you. All attacks that target a pinned target use the targets Surprise Defense.
==== Escape ====
By beating your opponents defense with either an attack roll or a Escape Artist check, you end the held condition on both you and your opponent. Escape,provokes attacks of opportunity.
=== Trip ===