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User:Luigifan18:Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)

1,810 bytes added, 02:04, 28 August 2013
Making a Viewtiful Warrior: Elaboration and link-making
The Viewtiful Warrior uses VFX to enhance his effectiveness and do things that nobody else can. But he must do so judiciously, for VFX has its limits. If used too much, the VFX will temporarily leave him, and then he becomes vulnerable. He can fight well enough on his own, but he appreciates having friends to watch his back while he recharges, as regaining his power tends to take him a while.
'''Abilities:''' [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] is by far the Viewtiful Warrior's most important ability, as many of his class abilities depend on it (his strength stems from living his life in the spotlight, after all). After that, he needs [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] to enhance his dodging abilities (and perhaps ranged attack rolls), and [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] to enhance his melee damage and chances of hitting (especially when he isn't using [[#VFX|VFX]]). [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] is (as always) useful for hit points and [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saves, as the Viewtiful Warrior's hit die is a little small for a melee fighter. Last in the order of importance are [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] (for [[SRD:Will|Will]] saves, [[#Viewtiful Dodge|Viewtiful Dodge]] at low levels, and [[#Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]] at high levels) and [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] (for [[SRD:Skills|skill points]]).
'''Races:''' Humans, with their love of being the center of attention, are very likely to pursue this path if they find they have the talent for it. Gnomes also find this path quite appealing, as it melds well with their natural abilities. Dwarves and elves don't quite get the appeal - they find Viewtiful Warriors a bit showoffish (which they are, and that's an understatement) and distasteful (which is a matter of opinion).
**''{{Anchor|Red Hot One Hundred}} (Ex):'' The Viewtiful Warrior is capable of performing high-powered rapid-fire punches. The Viewtiful Warrior is able to make two attacks for each one attack he would otherwise be entitled to, but these attacks must be unarmed attacks and each pair of attacks must be made against the same target. In addition, the Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed attacks made via RHOH are treated as though the Viewtiful Warrior was 1 size category larger.
**''{{Anchor|Heavy Heart Shoulder Slam}} (Ex):'' The Viewtiful Warrior makes a single unarmed attack that deals 10 times the damage of a normal unarmed attack. This is a full-round action that replaces all of the attacks he would normally be entitled to for a full attack. (It can be executed as a standard action if using [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]].) ...On second thought, the mental image of a male performing this move is slightly disturbing.
*''{{Anchor|Hurricane Kick}} (Ex):'' The Viewtiful Warrior changes his lower-body unarmed attacks to a whirlwind kick. He may make a Whirlwind Attack as a regular attack action (which means that he may do so multiple times per round and interchangeably with [[#Red-Hot One Hundred|RHOH ]] attacks), but each Whirlwind Attack must be an unarmed attack, and he cannot combine this attack with either of the attack options presented above. The Viewtiful Warrior can do this even if he lacks the [[SRD:Whirlwind Attack|Whirlwind Attack]] feat. The change is only in effect during VFX Zoom.
*When the Viewtiful Warrior jumps while zoomed in, he becomes a twirling drill of destruction. He makes an attack roll as he jumps, and anything he collides with while ascending whose AC is defeated by his attack roll takes damage equivalent to that of his unarmed attack.
*When the Viewtiful Warrior Zooms In while falling, he becomes a piledriver of doom. He makes an attack roll when he begins his dive, and anything he collides with on the way down whose [[AC ]] is defeated by his attack roll takes unarmed strike damage. When he hits the ground, he generates a shockwave with a radius of 40 feet centered on himself that affects all creatures in range other than the Viewtiful Warrior himself. This shockwave does unarmed strike damage as if the Viewtiful Warrior was one size category larger and knocks victims [[SRD:Prone|prone]]. A [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC = 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] or [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier, whichever is higher) halves the damage and negates being knocked prone.*The [[#Red Hot Kick|Red Hot Kick]] and [[#Cool Blue Kick|Cool Blue Kick]] become Spiral Dragon Kicks if Zoom In is initiated activated during the attack. These attacks blow through everything in their path with a single attack roll, though they can't be (voluntarily) canceled once initiated. Anything they hit takes unarmed strike damage as though the Viewtiful Warrior was three sizes larger, plus 3d8 energy damage. The Red Hot Spiral Dragon Kick deals fire damage, while the Cool Blue Spiral Dragon Kick deals electricity damage. (This is the only difference between the Red Hot Kick and Cool Blue Kick.) The energy damage is in addition to energy damage from a fire aura from [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]] or a lightning aura from [[#VFX Replay|VFX Replay]].**A Spiral Dragon Kick isn't ''completely'' unstoppable. A creature in the Spiral Dragon Kick's path whose flat-footed AC is greater than the Spiral Dragon Kick's attack roll result can allow the Viewtiful Warrior to harmlessly collide with its armor, causing the Viewtiful Warrior to bounce off and provoke an attack of opportunity. The creature which deflected the Viewtiful Warrior takes 5 energy damage, but gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll for its attack of opportunity against the Viewtiful Warrior, should it choose to take it. A creature whose AC is greater than the Spiral Dragon Kick's attack roll but whose flat-footed AC would be defeated by said attack roll must let the Viewtiful Warrior past (and if it's flat-footed or otherwise unable to use its Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC, it gets hit instead). A creature must have a "standard" AC greater than its flat-footed AC to be able to choose whether to let the Viewtiful Warrior past or to deflect him; if its flat-footed AC equals its "standard" AC, it must deflect the Viewtiful Warrior.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Evasion}} (Ex):''' By the time he reaches 9th level, a Viewtiful Warrior has made smooth, slick dodging into a mesmerizing art form. He has improved evasion from level 9 onwards. Improved evasion is like [[#Evasion|evasion]], except that even on a failed saving throw, the Viewtiful Warrior takes only half damage. If the Viewtiful Warrior already had improved evasion, his [[#Viewtiful Dodge|Viewtiful Dodge]] bonus increases by +2 (this stacks with the potential increase from 3rd level). The Viewtiful Warrior cannot benefit from improved evasion if he runs out of VFX, wears heavy armor, or carries a heavy load, and it's downgraded to regular evasion if he carries a medium load.
'''{{Anchor|Stunning Fist}}:''' Starting at 10th level, a Viewtiful Warrior can stun enemies simply by punching them really, really hard. He gains [[SRD:Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]] as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. Viewtiful Warrior levels are equivalent to [[SRD:Monk|monk ]] levels for determining how many times Stunning Fist can be used per day. A Viewtiful Warrior can still use Stunning Fist even after running out of daily uses, but each use beyond his daily limit costs him 4 VFX points. (Because of this, [[SRD:Wisdom |Wisdom]] isn't as important for a Viewtiful Warrior as it would be for a monk.)
If the Viewtiful Warrior already has Stunning Fist, he may instead select any other [[SRD:Unarmed Strike|unarmed strike]]-related feat for which he meets the prerequisites.
'''{{Anchor|Ukemi}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior gains [[Ukemi (3.5e Feat)|Ukemi]] as a bonus feat at 11th level, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. However, unless he meets the prerequisites, he cannot use VFX while wearing heavy armor, while carrying a heavy load, or while out of VFX. <!-- In the Viewtiful Joe games, you have to initiate Zoom In at the precise moment that you hit the ground in order to use Ukemi. I didn't know how to translate that into D&D, so I'm just leaving it out. The need for precise timing is already embodied by the fact that you have to succeed on a Reflex save to utilize the feat. -->
If the Viewtiful Warrior already has Ukemi, he instead gains [[SRD:Dodge|Dodge]], another feat that counts as Dodge for the purpose of feat prerequisites, or a feat that has Dodge as a prerequisite. Dodge can be gained even if the Viewtiful Warrior doesn't meet the prerequisites, but he must meet the prerequisites of any other feat he may choose to gain at this level.
'''{{Anchor|Viewtiful Forever}} (VFX):''' From 16th level onwards, a Viewtiful Warrior may unleash a torrent of pure awesome after performing a [[#Narrow Dodge|narrow dodge]] via [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]. When the Viewtiful Warrior performs a [[Narrow Dodge|narrow dodge]] (usually, but not always, when his Armor Class beats a foe's attack roll by 20 or less while he's using [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]), if he's also using [[#VFX Zoom|VFX Zoom]], then he may spend a standard action (from his next turn if necessary) and all of his remaining VFX to strike a pose that overwhelms everything. Viewtiful Forever does 2d10 typeless damage to all creatures and objects other than the Viewtiful Warrior and his allies within range of his VFX Slow. This damage is increased by 1d10 for every point of VFX that he spent to activate the effect. A [[SRD:Will|Will]] save (DC = 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier) is allowed to halve the damage. All creatures damaged by Viewtiful Forever are also knocked [[SRD:Prone|prone]] with no save allowed. Since he spends all of his VFX to perform this attack, the Viewtiful Warrior is left vulnerable afterwards, but he has a +10 deflection bonus to AC for 1 round after using Viewtiful Forever to help him cope.
'''{{Anchor|Fighter Bonus Feat}}:''' At 17th level, the Viewtiful Warrior may take a feat from the list of [[SRD:Fighter Bonus Feats|fighter bonus feats]]. He must meet the prerequisites of the feat in question in order to select it (and no, his Viewtiful Warrior levels do ''not'' count as fighter levels for this purpose).
'''{{Anchor|Swift Attack}} (Ex):''' A Viewtiful Warrior attacks quite fast. Starting at 18th level, he may make one extra attack when using a standard action to attack, but the second attack is made at a -5 penalty (just as it would be if he were making that second attack in a full attack; thus, feats, variant rules, etc. that reduce secondary attack penalties during a full attack do the same for this attack). This extra attack is made in addition to the extra attacks granted by [[#VFX Mach Speed|Mach Speed]], and can be repeated as normal when using the [[#Red Hot One Hundred|Red Hot One Hundred]].
'''{{Anchor|Take 2}} (VFX):''' At 20th level, a Viewtiful Warrior who falls in battle (or anywhere else, really) gets one last chance to clean up his act. When the Viewtiful Warrior is incapacitated for an indefinite duration in any way (including being [[SRD:Dead|killed]], knocked unconscious, or [[SRD:Petrified|petrified]], but not any sort of immobilization that lasts for an indefinite duration but allows a saving throw at least once every two rounds to break free (such as [[Galaxy Stop (3.5e Spell)|''galaxy stop'']]), he immediately regains all of his [[SRD:Hit Points|hp]], loses all [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]], and is cured of all [[:Category:Conditions|negative status afflictions ]] (including [[SRD:Negative Levels|negative levels]], ability damage, ability burn, and ability drain). However, Take 2 only functions once per week, so the Viewtiful Warrior needs to make sure that he doesn't screw up again - if he does, the last thing he hears is bound to be "Cut! Cut! Cut!"
Take 2 does not allow a Viewtiful Warrior to avoid death due to old age.
''Epic Viewtiful Warrior Bonus Feat List:'' [[SRD:Armor Skin|Armor Skin]], [[SRD:Blinding Speed|Blinding Speed]], [[SRD:Combat Archery|Combat Archery]]*, [[SRD:Devastating Critical|Devastating Critical]], [[SRD:Dire Charge|Dire Charge]], [[SRD:Distant Shot|Distant Shot]], [[SRD:Energy Resistance (Feat)|Energy Resistance]], [[SRD:Epic Dodge|Epic Dodge]]**, [[SRD:Epic Endurance|Epic Endurance]], [[SRD:Epic Leadership|Epic Leadership]], [[SRD:Epic Prowess|Epic Prowess]], [[SRD:Epic Reflexes|Epic Reflexes]], [[SRD:Epic Reputation|Epic Reputation]], [[SRD:Epic Toughness|Epic Toughness]], [[SRD:Epic Weapon Focus|Epic Weapon Focus]], [[SRD:Exceptional Deflection|Exceptional Deflection]], [[SRD:Improved Combat Reflexes|Improved Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Improved Manyshot|Improved Manyshot]], [[SRD:Improved Stunning Fist|Improved Stunning Fist]], [[SRD:Improved Whirlwind Attack|Improved Whirlwind Attack]], [[SRD:Infinite Deflection|Infinite Deflection]], [[SRD:Instant Reload|Instant Reload]], [[SRD:Legendary Commander|Legendary Commander]], [[SRD:Legendary Leaper|Legendary Leaper]], [[SRD:Legendary Wrestler|Legendary Wrestler]], [[SRD:Overwhelming Critical|Overwhelming Critical]], [[SRD:Penetrate Damage Reduction|Penetrate Damage Reduction]], [[SRD:Reflect Arrows|Reflect Arrows]], [[SRD:Shattering Strike|Shattering Strike]], [[SRD:Spellcasting Harrier|Spellcasting Harrier]], [[SRD:Storm of Throws|Storm of Throws]], [[SRD:Superior Initiative|Superior Initiative]], [[SRD:Swarm of Arrows|Swarm of Arrows]], [[Ultimate Find the Weak Spot (3.5e Feat)|Ultimate Find the Weak Spot]], [[SRD:Uncanny Accuracy|Uncanny Accuracy]], [[VFX Turbo Charger (3.5e Feat)|VFX Turbo Charger]]
<nowiki>*</nowiki>[[SRD:Combat Archery|Combat Archery]]'s benefit extends to any ranged weapon, not just bows. (Ignore this if this clause is already part of your house rules and/or you are using an alternaalternate version of the feat.)<br/>
<nowiki>**</nowiki>[[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]] (more specifically, its [[#Narrow Dodge|narrow dodge]] ability) counts as the defensive roll class feature for the purpose of feat and prestige class prerequisites; however, all other prerequisites must be met as is.<br/>

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