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Suicune (3.5e Monster)

422 bytes added, 23:17, 4 September 2013
<onlyinclude>[[File:245Suicune.png|thumb|right|[ Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon! ] From HeartGold and SoulSilver.]]
{{3.5e Monster Classic
|sq=Water Pokémon Traits, [[#Pressure|Pressure]], [[#Walk on Water|Walk on Water]], [[#Purify|Purify]]
|fort= |ref= |will= <!--Good Fortitude and Will, poor Reflex-->
|str= 16 <!-- +3 -->|dex= 17 <!-- +3 -->|con= 20 <!-- +5 -->|int= 17 <!-- +3 -->|wis= 20 <!-- +5 -->|cha=18 <!-- +4 -->
|feats=[[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]]<sup>B</sup>, [[SRD:Run (Feat)|Run ]] (1 HD)|env=Just about anywhere
|org=Solitary (only one known to exist)
'''{{Anchor|Gust}} {{Su}}:''' Even though it doesn't fly, Suicune constantly kicks up a small-scale whirlwind around itself. Any creature that approaches within 10 feet of Suicune (or which Suicune comes within 10 feet of) and is Suicune's size or smaller must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + ½ Suicune's Hit Dice + Suicune's Wisdom modifier) or get hurled 1d6&times;10 feet away from Suicune and take 2d6 nonlethal damage. Creatures larger than Suicune are merely checked and take 1d6 nonlethal damage if they fail their save. The high winds also impose a &minus;4 penalty to all ranged attacks made by or against Suicune. Suicune may suppress or resume its wind aura as an immediate action. This is a [Flying] effect.
'''{{Anchor|Walk on Water}} {{Ex}}:''' Though it's really more strongly associated with the winds, Suicune is very closely tied to the water. It can walk on the surface of water as though it were solid ground. It can also walk on the surface of most water-based liquids, such as milk, nonmagical acids, most magical acids, juices, blood, etc. in the same fashion. It cannot walk on the surface of liquids that are not water at all, such as lava, bromine, and mercury.
'''{{Anchor|Purify}} {{Ex}}:''' Suicune can purge any and all toxins - even supernatural toxins - from a body of water with a touch of its paw. It may do this as a standard action. This ability also extends to poisons applied against Suicune itself. Suicide automatically succeeds on all saving throws against poisons administered by contact, and has a +6 bonus to saving throws against poisons administered by other methods.
'''<!--Another special ability (tagged with {{Su}}, {{Ex}}, {{Sp}}, or {{Ps}} if applicable)-->:''' <!--Special ability description.--> '''<!--Another special ability (tagged with {{Su}}, {{Ex}}, {{Sp}}, or {{Ps}} if applicable)-->:''' <!--Special ability description.--> <!--lather, rinse, repeat-->==== Advancement ====
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