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Thaumaturge (3.5e Class)

171 bytes removed, 20:02, 10 June 2015
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|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Path Abilities<br>Readied {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Path Abilities<br>Known
|special1=Focus, Path Rating, Paths, First Path I, Second Path I {{!!}} 1 + 1/2 Cha Mod {{!!}} 4
|special2=Third Path I, Switch {{!!}} 1 + 1/2 Cha Mod {{!!}} 7
|special3=First Path II {{!!}} 2 + 1/2 Cha Mod {{!!}} 8
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Thaumaturges are proficient with all simple weapons, and are not proficient with either armor or shields.
'''{{Anchor|Focus}}:''' As a move action the thaumaturge may focus their energy, increasing the power of their next Path Ability. The next Path Ability they use during the same turn gains a +2 bonus to its DC.
'''{{Anchor|Path Rating}}:''' All thaumaturges have a path rating which dictates how strong some of their path abilities are. The path rating is equal to their class levels in thaumaturge, plus one for every two levels levels they have in a non-thaumaturge class (see "Thaumaturges and Prestige Classes" below).
Spells and psionic abilities gained (called Path Abilities) are treated as [[SRD:Special_Abilities_Overview#Spell-Like|spell-like abilities]], except for the following exceptions:
*Path Abilities have a DC equal to 8 + 1/2 your level 10 + your [[Charisma]] modifier+ the Path Ability's level (the tier at which it can be taken).
*Path Abilities have both verbal and somatic components (and thus are affected by [[SRD:Arcane Spells and Armor|arcane spell failure]], except with armor with which they are proficient).
*Path Abilities cannot be cast defensively unless they have a range of Touch.

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