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User:Luigifan18:Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)

882 bytes added, 01:42, 25 September 2015
==Viewtiful Warrior==
There are many sources one can turn to for power. Some use magic to empower themselves, unlocking the secrets of the universe through study, inborn power, or faith in a deity or in nature. Some use their ''ki'' to empower themselves. Some use the power of their mind to break their enemies. Some simply master weapons, some get incredibly '''''angry''''', and some use fancy special techniques. The Viewtiful Warrior is none of these (well, okay, he's kind of the last one, but those who follow the Sublime Way might be insulted by the comparison). No, the Viewtiful Warrior gets his strength from the force known only as "Viewtiful Effects", or "VFX"for short. He fights with '''''style''''', and this is the source of his power.
===Making a Viewtiful Warrior===
'''Abilities:''' [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] is by far the Viewtiful Warrior's most important ability, as many of his class abilities depend on it (his strength stems from living his life in the spotlight, after all). After that, he needs [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] to enhance his dodging abilities (and perhaps ranged attack rolls), and [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] to enhance his melee damage and chances of hitting (especially when he isn't using [[#VFX|VFX]]). [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] is (as always) useful for hit points and [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saves, as the Viewtiful Warrior's hit die is a little small for a melee fighter. Last in the order of importance are [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] (for [[SRD:Will|Will]] saves, [[#Viewtiful Dodge|Viewtiful Dodge]] at low levels, and [[#Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]] at high levels) and [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] (for [[SRD:Skills|skill points]]).
'''Races:''' Humans, with their love of being the center of attention, are very likely to pursue this path if they find they have the talent for it. Gnomes also find this path quite appealing, as it melds well with their natural abilities. Dwarves and elves don't quite get the appeal - — they find Viewtiful Warriors a bit showoffish (which they are, and that's an understatement) and distasteful (which is a matter of opinion).
'''Alignment:''' Any.
*[[#VFX Mach Speed|Mach Speed]]: DC 10 - It's pretty obvious that the Viewtiful Warrior's sped himself up somehow. And when the fire aura shows up, that's a sure sign that Slow isn't being used.
*[[#VFX Slow|Slow]]: DC 20 - From the perspective of everyone else, the Viewtiful Warrior just sped himself up. It takes a keen eye to notice that he doesn't seem to possess the blistering attack speed he possesses under Mach Speed. Of course, the Viewtiful Warrior [[#Rock On!|punching someone across the room ]] is a dead giveaway.
*[[#Replay|Replay]]: DC 15 - Onlookers can't necessarily see the action being replayed (you need the ability to sense psionic effects for that), but as soon as the lightning aura appears, the jig's pretty much up.
*[[#Zoom|Zoom]]: DC 30 - You don't have to be a Viewtiful Warrior to perform a [ straightblast punch] or to [ slam into someone with your shoulder and buttocks]. [[#Hurricane Kick|Whirling about like a <s>top</s> windmill with your feet outstretched]] or [[#Rocket Jump|spinning like a drill whenever you jump]], on the other hand... well, at the very least, the Viewtiful Warrior will be mistaken for a monk.
'''{{Anchor|Double Jump}} (VFX):''' A Viewtiful Warrior may jump while in the air. Once he does so, he must somehow stabilize his weight (typically by resting it on the ground, but anything that would allow him to use a movement speed he actually has works) before doing so again. When jumping from the ground, he may wait for the peak of his jump before jumping again. If falling, using this ability reduces falling damage to only apply from the point the jump was made from (which can negate it entirely, if the Viewtiful Warrior jumps close to the ground). This is a VFX ability, but does not actually consume any VFX points. Nonetheless, it can't be used if the Viewtiful Warrior has run out of VFX.
'''{{Anchor|Costume Swap}} {{Sp}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior may alter the details of any mundane clothing (including nonmagical armor) he wears any time he wants to do so. For example, he could change a purple outfit into a red one, or a yellow one, or a striped one, or a polka-dotted one, or a tie-dye one... He can also add or remove any small decorations (such as pins, emblems, or buttons) in this fashion. This ability is performed as a move action (which means that it takes enough time to provoke an [[SRD:Attack Of of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]]) and is the equivalent of a 0-level spell. The effect is instantaneous and can't be dispelled. The clothing is actually altered by this ability (which makes this a transmutation, not an illusion). This ability cannot alter the properties of a magic item (or even a mundane suit of armor) in any way that would alter its statistics, abilities, or interactions with other game mechanics(except for altering its color). Using this ability emits a brief flash of light that, while short-lived, may be enough to give away the Viewtiful Warrior's position &mdash; certainly an inconvenience during those rare moments when he ''doesn't'' want to be seen.
At 4th level, Costume Swap becomes a swift action and no longer provokes attacks of opportunity. At 7th level, it becomes a free action. Its spell level doesn't rise as a result of this action cost reduction (as it's still really only useful for lampshading costume design changes, applying a flimsy disguise to yourself on the fly, or quickly changing your outfit to fit into a given social setting).
*Anything that gets sent flying by an attack or thrown by a creature travels twice as far as it otherwise would. This does not apply to opponents [[#Rock On!|that the Viewtiful Warrior launches by hitting them]] until he reaches level 20, at which point it is already accounted for in the Viewtiful Warrior's ability to launch stunned creatures by having them travel out to the edge of the Viewtiful Warrior's range. This doesn't apply to anything that's fired rather than thrown, such as an arrow from a bow. However, all projectiles, whether thrown or fired, will be slowed down just like creatures and other objects.
[[SRD:Time Stop|''Time stop'']], [[SRD:Haste|''haste'']], and other effects that temporally accelerate a creature can cancel out VFX Slow (and are likewise canceled out by VFX Slow), but only for the creatures or objects under said effects. (Many casino owners who know about Viewtiful Warriors have ''haste'' cast on their slot machines so that Viewtiful Warriors can't cheat them.) VFX Slow has the is [[Time Descriptor (3.5e Other)|a [Time] descriptoreffect]].
'''{{Anchor|Voomerang}}:''' At 2nd level, the Viewtiful Warrior gains the ability to craft Voomerangs. The Voomerang is a V-shaped shuriken-like weapon that the Viewtiful Warrior is automatically proficient with. The Viewtiful Warrior throws it as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, making a ranged attack roll, and it hits everything in its path whose AC it beats for 2d8 slashing damage. The Voomerang alters its flight path to hit as many creatures as it can, as many times as it can, with average maneuverability, but it's worn out after it's flown 300 total feet. Alternatively, the Viewtiful Warrior may use a full-round action when throwing the Voomerang to extend two more blades from its frame before throwing, increasing its damage to 4d8, its maneuverability to good, and its range to 600 feet. A single Voomerang takes 5 minutes and costs 150 gp for a Viewtiful Warrior to create.
'''{{Anchor|Air Pummel}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 3rd level, a Viewtiful Warrior is just as skilled at launching multiple attacks in the air as he is on the ground. Even without a fly speed, he can make a full attack while in midair. Furthermore, while in midair, he can descend at a mere 5 feet per round simply by repeatedly making attacks &mdash; even if those attacks are aimed at empty space. He must use a full attack action in order to utilize this benefit, and he cannot move from the square he occupies while using this technique, even if he's able to make full attacks as a standard action or take more than a single full-round action in a round. If the Viewtiful Warrior can fly, then this class feature is superseded by the Viewtiful Warrior's flight capabilites.
'''{{Anchor|One-Two}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 3rd level, each time the Viewtiful Warrior strikes an opponent with any attack, he gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against that opponent for the rest of the round. This bonus is not retroactively applied to the initial attack. If the Viewtiful Warrior hits the foe more than oncein a round, the bonus he gains to attack and damage rolls is cumulative (+1 on the second attack, +2 on the third attack, +3 on the fourth attack, and so on and so forth).
'''{{Anchor|Improved Trip}}:''' At 3rd level, a Viewtiful Warrior gains [[SRD:Improved Trip|Improved Trip]] as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites for it.
*The Viewtiful Warrior gains a 100-foot enhancement bonus to movement speed. This enhancement bonus is increased by +10 feet per class level. (At 6th level, the enhancement bonus is +160 feet.)
*If the Viewtiful Warrior doesn't have the [[SRD:Run (Feat)|Run]] feat, he is treated as though he has it (without requiring its prerequisites) while VFX Mach Speed is in effect. If he does have it, his running speed multiplier is increased by 1 (&times;6 if unencumbered, &times;5 if in heavy armor or carrying a heavy load) while using VFX Mach Speed.
*The Viewtiful Warrior gets two extra attacks at his full BAB if attacking with a standard action, or six extra attacks at his full BAB if making a full attack action. This doesn't apply to [[#Red Hot Kick|Red Hot Kick.]] . With [[#Red Hot One Hundred|Red Hot One Hundred]], the Viewtiful Warrior can get four extra attacks at his full BAB if attacking with a standard action, or twelve extra attacks at his full BAB if making a full attack action (this isn't possible until 8th level, and only applies to unarmed attacks).*The Viewtiful Warrior falls five times as quickly as usual. Strangely, this doesn't increase the falling damage he takes (but doesn't decrease it, either).*''{{Anchor|Fire Aura}} (VFX, [[Su]]):'' When the Viewtiful Warrior manages to connect with four or more attacks in a single round, he gains a fiery aura for five rounds. While covered with this fiery aura, his attacks deal an additional 2d6 fire damage, and he gains immunity to fire and [[Energy Anti-Resistance (3.5e Creature Ability)|fire anti-resistance ]] equal to 5&times; his class level that can overcome fire immunity and fire absorption. He can refresh the duration of his fiery aura before it vanishes simply by connecting with four or more attacks in a single round while under the effects of Mach Speed, but he does not need to continue using VFX Mach Speed to keep the fire aura active (at least until its duration runs out). If he runs out of VFX, the fire aura is immediately dispelled. The Viewtiful Warrior must be attacking ''something'' to generate or refresh the fire aura, but that something doesn't have to be a creature - &mdash; it could be ''anything'' capable of taking damage or responding to being attacked (like a pillar, a chest, a wall without magical reinforcement, or even a slot machine or [[#Shocking Pink|Shocking Pink]]).*''{{Anchor|Afterimage Assault}} (VFX):'' When the Viewtiful Warrior connects with four or more attacks in a single round, he rapidly emits clones of himself. These clones rush out up to 150 feet away from the Viewtiful Warrior to fight for him. Each clone makes a single attack against a single creature or object(using the Viewtiful Warrior's own modifiers), then vanishes. The Viewtiful Warrior makes two clones per round, assuming that he connects with four or more of his own attacks. The clones preferentially attack whatever is closest, other than what the Viewtiful Warrior himself is attacking, but he can direct them to attack anything within 30 feet of their chosen target or choose the direction(s) in which the clones move out to attack. The clones actually move along the air itself; they don't need to move along the ground, and can even be used to retrieve things that are out of reach. (A clone can be directed to retrieve a single object, which is done instead of attacking a creature or object, and bring it to the Viewtiful Warrior). The Viewtiful Warrior must be attacking ''something'' to generate clones, but that something doesn't have to be a creature &mdash; it could be ''anything'' capable of taking damage or responding to being attacked (like a pillar, a chest, a wall without magical reinforcement, or even a slot machine or [[#Shocking Pink|Shocking Pink]]). Likewise, the clones can attack anything that can take damage or respond to being attacked (but they won't attack something that there's no point in attacking, like a random wall).
:This ability improves at later levels. At 10th level, the Viewtiful Warrior generates 4 clones per round and they can move out to 300 feet away. At 13th level, the Viewtiful Warrior generates 6 clones per round and they can move out to as much as 450 feet away.
*If the Viewtiful Warrior is [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|on fire]], he can put himself out simply by activating Mach Speed. He cannot be set on fire while Mach Speed is active. However, this is only as effective as jumping into water, so it may not be helpful against supernatural fires (such as the ''blackfire''<ref name="scspc">[[Publication:Spell Compendium|Spell Compendium]]</ref> spell). Mach Speed also grants no fire resistance in and of itself (that requires the [[#Fire Aura|fire aura]]).
*The following effects occur within a radius of 100 feet per class level:
**Propellers are sped up, causing anything using them to fly to gain altitude. When VFX Mach Speed ends, the propellers return to their original speed and altitude.
**Anything that gets sent flying by an attack or thrown by a creature only travels half of the distance it otherwise would. (This doesn't apply to anything that's "fired", such as an arrow from a bow.)
VFX Mach Speed's effects and costs are greatly reduced when used in combination with [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]; the only effect of VFX Mach Speed during VFX Slow is that the Viewtiful Warrior's movement speed is not reduced, and VFX Mach Speed only costs 1 VFX point per round to maintain when used in combination with VFX Slow. (In total, the Viewtiful Warrior uses 2 VFX per round.) VFX Mach Speed doesn't stack with [[SRD:Haste|''haste'']] or similar effects. Also, VFX Mach Speed cancels out [[SRD:Slow|''slow'']] and other such effects; however, these effects also cancel VFX Mach Speed. VFX Mach Speed is [[Time Descriptor (3.5e Other)|a [Time] effect]].
'''{{Anchor|VFX Replay}} (VFX):''' This power records the action around the Viewtiful Warrior and repeats big moments for the audience's viewing pleasure. It costs 1 VFX point every round to maintain. While VFX Replay is in effect, whenever the Viewtiful Warrior lands a successful attack or is struck by an attack, that attack is repeated 2 times and the Viewtiful Warrior spends 1 point of VFX (the Viewtiful Warrior cannot choose whether or not this happens). Attacks that miss or otherwise fail to have any effect are not repeated by VFX Replay. If the Viewtiful Warrior runs out of VFX at any point, the Replay power immediately ends and the Viewtiful Warrior suffers the usual consequences of running out of VFX. The variables of the repeated attacks are the same as the original (attack roll result, damage roll result, critical hit status, etc.), but the opponent's variables are not; VFX Replay can force a target to make 3 saves or opposed rolls to avoid an effect. Effectively, VFX Replay triples damage (including damage from critical hits) and makes secondary effects of attacks 3 times more likely to happen (or can triple their effects, if the effects can stack and the target is really unlucky).
*''{{Anchor|Lightning Aura}} (VFX, [[Su]]):'' If the Viewtiful Warrior himself directly made the attack that got tripled by VFX Replay, he gains a lightning aura for 5 rounds. This lightning aura adds an additional 2d6 electricity damage to the Viewtiful Warrior's attacks, and he gains immunity to electricity and [[Energy Anti-Resistance (3.5e Creature Ability)|electricity anti-resistance ]] equal to 5&times; his class level that can overcome electricity immunity and electricity absorption. He can refresh the duration of his lightning aura by successfully making another Replay-enhanced attack. He does not lose the aura if he stops using Replay (at least, not until its duration runs out). However, if he runs out of VFX, he immediately loses the lightning aura. The Viewtiful Warrior must attack ''something'' to generate or maintain the lightning aura, but that something doesn't have to be a creature &mdash; it could be anything capable of taking damage or responding to being attacked (like a pillar, a chest, a wall without magical reinforcement, or even a slot machine or [[#Shocking Pink|Shocking Pink]]).
*''{{Anchor|VFX Critical Replay}}:'' At 10th level, a Viewtiful Warrior who chose VFX Replay increases his threat range and critical multiplier by 1 (for example, from 20/&times;2 to 19-20/&times;3) while using VFX Replay. The threat range increase stacks with any other effects that increase threat range, such as [[SRD:Improved Critical|Improved Critical]], and is applied after effects that multiply threat range (such as [[SRD:Keen Edge|''keen edge'']]). At 13th level, a Viewtiful Warrior who threatens a critical hit while using VFX Replay automatically confirms said critical hit.
'''{{Anchor|Yamaarashi}} {{Ex}}:''' As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the Viewtiful Warrior cloaks himself in an orange glow, then lunges forward and makes a melee touch attack on an opponent within twice his melee range. (He moves to a space adjacent to his target if he is not adjacent to them already as he performs the attack, and if anything else is between him and his target, he performs Yamaarashi on whatever got in his way instead.) If Yamaarashi hits, the Viewtiful Warrior grabs the foe and hurls them over his shoulder, hurling the opponent 120 feet away and dealing triple his unarmed strike damage. The opponent must be the same size category as the Viewtiful Warrior or smaller for Yamaarashi to work properly. If the foe is one size category larger, the Viewtiful Warrior takes a &minus;4 penalty on the attack roll. If the foe is two or more size categories larger, the Viewtiful Warrior takes a &minus;4 penalty on the attack roll and is unable to grab the foe, instead simply dealing his standard unarmed strike damage (his attack is still considered a touch attack, and thus bypasses armor and natural armor bonuses to AC).
When grabbed and thrown with Yamaarashi, the foe hits the ground after flying 20 feet, then rolls the rest of the way and falls [[SRD:Prone|prone]] at the end of its movement. It is considered to have fallen [[SRD:Prone|prone]] at the moment it hits the ground for the purposes of abilities that can negate falling [[SRD:Prone|prone]] (such as [[Ukemi (3.5e Feat)|Ukemi]]), and provokes [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attacks of opportunity]] while rolling. It may attempt a [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] check (DC equal to the damage inflicted by Yamaarashi) after the first 10 feet and every 30 feet of rolling afterwards to stop itself, but it still falls prone when its movement ends. If it hits another creature, the consequences are the same as if [[#Rock On!|it had been whacked into that creature]] via [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]; the Reflex save DC for the other creature to get out of the way before impact is 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's Strength modifier+ the thrown creature's modifier to grapple checks. If the thrown creature hits a wall, it takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet it had left to travel.
At 12th level, if the Viewtiful Warrior chose [[#Yamaarashi|Yamaarashi]] at 7th level, he gains [[SRD:Improved Grapple|Improved Grapple]] as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites. (Yamaarashi still provokes attacks of opportunity.) If he already has Improved Grapple, he can pick any other feat that pertains to grappling or unarmed attacks as a bonus feat, though he must still meet the prerequisites.
At 15th level, [[#Yamaarashi|Yamaarashi]] becomes '''{{Anchor|Improved Yaamarashi}}'''. While it still provokes attacks of opportunity, the Viewtiful Warrior has damage reduction 20/adamantine while performing the attack, and he can grab opponents up to one size larger than himself without penalty. He takes a &minus;4 penalty when grabbing an opponent two or more sizes larger than himself with Yamaarashi, and he makes a melee touch attack at a &minus;4 penalty to deal standard unarmed strike damage (rather than actually managing to grab the foe) if the target is three or more size categories larger. A foe tossed by Improved Yamaarashi continues rolling until it is made to stop by another creature (for example, using the [[SRD:Stand Still|Stand Still]] feat), it succeeds on a [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] check to right itself, it falls far enough to take 10d6 or more falling damageat least 100 feet, or it hits a wall. Until then, it moves 120 feet per round on the Viewtiful Warrior's turn, moving in a straight line, and can do nothing on its own turn except for attempt a [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] check to stop rolling. Once it hits a wall, the victim takes 1d12 points of damage for each class level the Viewtiful Warrior has. In any case, it falls [[SRD:Prone|prone]] when it stops.
'''{{Anchor|Desperado}} {{Su}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior must have proficiency in a martial or exotic ranged weapon to take this class feature. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity (even if his regular ranged attacks do not), the Viewtiful Warrior may charge up power within himself and his ranged weapon and prepare up to four shots against any target or targets within range, then fire. All four shots are made at the full base attack bonus, and they also home in on targets, therefore ignoring [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] and dodge bonuses to AC. (The targets aren't actually denied their [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] bonus to AC &mdash; the Dexterity bonus is simply ignored &mdash; so Desperado can't be used to sneak attack unless the targets would be denied their Dexterity bonus to AC for some other reason.)
At 12th level, the Viewtiful Warrior can fire up to six shots in this attack. At 15th level, the Viewtiful Warrior can fire up to eight shots in this attack.
'''{{Anchor|Stinger}} {{Ex}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior must have proficiency with a martial or exotic sword to take this class feature. The Viewtiful Warrior may charge and move up to twice his speed as a standard action, and he gains a +4 bonus to both the attack and damage roll (instead of the usual +2 bonus), even when not limited to only a standard or move action, as long as he uses a sword to execute his attack at the end of the charge.
At 12th level, if the Viewtiful Warrior took [[#Stinger|Stinger]] at 7th level, he gains [[Publication:Grim-N-Gritty/Appendix 4/Improved Charge (3.5e Feat)|Improved Charge]] as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites. If he already has Improved Charge, he may instead select any feat that pertains to charging or using a sword, as long as he meets the prerequisites. However, he may take [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|Weapon Specialization]] for any sword type in this way even if he has no levels in fighter(using his 12 levels of Viewtiful Warrior as a substitute prerequisite), as long as he meets the other prerequisites (including having [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] for that sword type).(This only applies for taking Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat at 12th level due to having taken Stinger at 7th level and already having Improved Charge by 12th level. If he wants to get Weapon Specialization for any other weapon, or misses this chance to get it as a bonus feat, then he has to meet the ''real'' prerequisites for it, including levels in fighter or an equivalent class.)
'''{{Anchor|Air Raid}} {{Sp}}''': This class feature is gained at 15th level, but only if the Viewtiful Warrior took [[#Stinger|Stinger]] at 7th level. The Viewtiful Warrior launches a 120-foot line of lightning down at a 45-degree angle from his position as a standard action, dealing 6d8 points of damage. (True to its name, Air Raid is intended to be used from midair.) Targets are entitled to a [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC = 16 + the Viewtiful Warrior's [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier) for half damage. The Viewtiful Warrior may fire a number of lightning bolts equal to half his Viewtiful Warrior class level, rounded down. He launches one bolt per round as a standard action (the attack immediately ends if he elects not to fire the bolt, and all remaining bolts are lost), and after the attack is done, he must wait a number of rounds equal to half the number of bolts he fired (minimum 1 round) to use the attack again. Air Raid is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell (caster level equal to the Viewtiful Warrior's class level), has the [Electricity] descriptor, and costs 1 point of VFX to use (this cost is for the ability as a whole, not for each bolt, and Air Raid may not be used if the Viewtiful Warrior has only 1 point of VFX remaining). While using Air Raid, the Viewtiful Warrior may spend 1 VFX point to use [[SRD:Dimension Door|''dimension door'']] as a move action once per round (this doesn't automatically end his turn), which enables him to reposition himself with great precision (the cost for using ''dimension door'' '''is''' paid once per round). If he does so, his VFX stops recharging, and he must refrain from using ''dimension door'' for at least 1 round before his VFX will begin recharging again. The ''dimension door'' ability is considered to be part of the Air Raid ability, not a spell-like ability in and of itself, so it has no spell level of its own and its caster level is equal to the caster level of the Air Raid ability.

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