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User:Luigifan18:Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)

1,237 bytes added, 00:34, 7 October 2015
Class Features: Class feature refinement
'''{{Anchor|Improved Unarmed Strike}}:''' Viewtiful Warriors (usually) disdain weaponry — their fists and feet are all they need. A Viewtiful Warrior gains [[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed Strike]] as a bonus feat at 1st level. He does not need to meet the prerequisites. He retains this even if he runs out of VFX.
'''{{Anchor|Unarmed Mastery}} {{Ex}}:''' Viewtiful Warriors are natural experts at unarmed combat. In fact, their unarmed attack ability is equal to (if not ''superior'' to) a monk's! (Then again, there's very little that ''isn't'' completely superior to a monk...) A Viewtiful Warrior is considered armed when making unarmed attacks and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. He can make unarmed attacks interchangeably with either fist or with elbows, knees, and feet (''especially'' feet) &mdash; there's no such thing as an off-hand unarmed attack for a Viewtiful Warrior, so he may apply his full Strength modifier to all of his unarmed attacks, and he may use unarmed attacks even if his hands are full. He may choose whether to deal lethal or nonlethal damage for any given unarmed strike without taking a penalty for either (lethal damage is assumed to be the default), and his unarmed attacks are treated as both manufactured and natural weapons for the purposes of being enhanced by spells, maneuvers, powers, magic items, etc. A Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed attack damage and [[SRD:Monk#Ki Strike|ability to penetrate ]] [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]] is equal to a [[SRD:Monk|monk]] of [[SRD:Monk#Table: Monk Unarmed Damage by Size|the same size category and class level]]; in fact, Viewtiful Warrior levels stack with levels in monk and other classes following the same progression, such as enlightened fist<ref name="ca">[[Publication:Complete Arcane|Complete Arcane]]</ref>. He loses this enhanced damage and damage reduction penetration if he runs out of VFX, but retains all other aspects of his Unarmed Mastery. (If multiclassed, he only loses his Viewtiful Warrior levels for the purpose of enhanced damage upon running out of VFX; levels in monk and other such classes still have their full effect.) At 10th level, as per the monk's progression, the Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed strikes gain an alignment component for penetrating damage reduction. The alignment components of the Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed strike matches those of his own alignment. If his alignment changes, the damage reduction penetration of his unarmed strike changes with it. If he is true neutral, he must choose one of lawful, good, chaotic, or evil for his unarmed strike to be aligned with. This choice, once made, cannot be made unless the Viewtiful Warrior's own alignment changes.
Viewtiful Warriors don't have the [[SRD:Monk#Flurry of Blows|flurry of blows]] class feature, but can more than make up for that with [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]] and [[#VFX Zoom|VFX Zoom]] (especially [[#Red-Hot One Hundred|Red Hot One Hundred]]), assuming that they are at a sufficiently high class level and choose the right class features. (...Admittedly, they can't keep it up for as long as a monk can...) Viewtiful Warriors also don't have many of the monk's class features, such as the monk's AC bonus, [[SRD:Monk#Slow Fall|slow fall]], fast movement, [[SRD:Monk#Quivering Palm|quivering palm]], [[SRD:Monk#Diamond Body|diamond body]], etc., and class levels in Viewtiful Warrior don't stack with monk levels for the class features they don't directly share (read: everything but Unarmed Mastery)... but that's okay, those class features suck anyways, and the Viewtiful Warrior has [[#Viewtiful Dodge|an AC bonus]], [[#VFX Slow|slow fall]], and [[#VFX Mach Speed|fast movement]] of his own that blow the monk's out of the water!
*All enemies with HD equal to or less than the Viewtiful Warrior's class level &minus;5 that wind up within Zoom In's area of effect must succeed on a [[SRD:Will|Will]] save (DC = 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier) or become frozen in fear. As long as the Zoom In effect remains, enemies that fail this Will save helplessly cower in fear. This is a [Fear, Mind-Affecting] effect.
*The Viewtiful Warrior changes his upper-body unarmed attacks to one of the following, chosen at 8th level. This choice cannot be changed once it's made. The change is only in effect during VFX Zoom.
**''{{Anchor|Red Hot One Hundred}} {{Ex}}:'' The Viewtiful Warrior is capable of performing high-powered rapid-fire punches. The Viewtiful Warrior is able to make two attacks for each one attack he would otherwise be entitled to (and each of these two attacks is made with the same attack bonus), but these attacks must be unarmed attacks and each pair of attacks must be made against the same target. In addition, the Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed attacks made via RHOH are treated as though the Viewtiful Warrior was 1 size category larger. This ability can only be used while VFX Zoom is active. If the Viewtiful Warrior is unable to make unarmed attacks with his hands (hands are full, disabled, missing, bound, etc.), he cannot use Red Hot One Hundred.**''{{Anchor|Heavy Heart Shoulder Slam}} {{Ex}}:'' The Viewtiful Warrior makes a single unarmed attack that deals 10 times the damage of a normal unarmed attack. This is a full-round action that replaces all of the attacks he would normally be entitled to for a full attack. (It can be executed as a standard action if using [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]].) ...On second thought, the mental image of a male performing this move is slightly disturbing. This ability can only be used while VFX Zoom is active. If the Viewtiful Warrior is unable to make unarmed attacks with his shoulders (shoulders are disabled, missing, bound, etc.), he cannot use Heavy Heart Shoulder Slam.*''{{Anchor|Hurricane Kick}} {{Ex}}:'' The Viewtiful Warrior changes his lower-body unarmed attacks to a whirlwind kick. He may make a Whirlwind Attack as a regular attack action (which means that he may do so multiple times per round and interchangeably with [[#Red-Hot One Hundred|RHOH]] attacks), but each Whirlwind Attack must be an unarmed attack, and he cannot combine this attack with either of the attack options presented above. The Viewtiful Warrior can do this even if he lacks the [[SRD:Whirlwind Attack|Whirlwind Attack]] feat. The change is This ability can only in effect during be used while VFX Zoomis active. If the Viewtiful Warrior is unable to make unarmed attacks with his feet (feet are disabled, missing, bound, etc.), he cannot use Hurricane Kick.
*''{{Anchor|Rocket Jump}} {{Ex}}:'' When the Viewtiful Warrior jumps while zoomed in, he becomes a twirling drill of destruction. He makes an attack roll as he jumps, and anything he collides with while ascending whose AC is defeated by his attack roll takes damage equivalent to that of his unarmed attack.
*''{{Anchor|Rocket Impact}} {{Ex}}:'' When the Viewtiful Warrior Zooms In while falling, he becomes a piledriver of doom. He makes an attack roll when he begins his dive, and anything he collides with on the way down whose [[AC]] is defeated by his attack roll takes unarmed strike damage. When he hits the ground, he generates a shockwave with a radius of 40 feet centered on himself that affects all creatures in range other than the Viewtiful Warrior himself. This shockwave does unarmed strike damage as if the Viewtiful Warrior was one size category larger and knocks victims [[SRD:Prone|prone]]. A [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC = 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] or [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier, whichever is higher) halves the damage and negates being knocked prone.
*'''{{Anchor|Spiral Dragon Kick}} {{Su}}:''' The [[#Red Hot Kick|Red Hot Kick]] and [[#Cool Blue Kick|Cool Blue Kick]] become Spiral Dragon Kicks if Zoom In is activated during the attack. These attacks blow through everything in their path with a single attack roll, though they can't be (voluntarily) canceled once initiated. Anything they hit takes unarmed strike damage as though the Viewtiful Warrior was three sizes larger, plus 3d8 energy damage. The Red Hot Spiral Dragon Kick deals fire damage, while the Cool Blue Spiral Dragon Kick deals electricity damage. (This is the only difference between the Red Hot Kick and Cool Blue Kick.) The energy damage is in addition to energy damage from a fire aura from [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]] or a lightning aura from [[#VFX Replay|VFX Replay]].
**A Spiral Dragon Kick isn't ''completely'' unstoppable. A creature in the Spiral Dragon Kick's path whose flat-footed AC is greater than the Spiral Dragon Kick's attack roll result can allow the Viewtiful Warrior to (mostly) harmlessly collide with its armor, causing the Viewtiful Warrior to bounce off and provoke an attack of opportunity. The creature which deflected the Viewtiful Warrior takes 5 energy damage, but gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll for its attack of opportunity against the Viewtiful Warrior, should it choose to take it. A creature whose AC is greater than the Spiral Dragon Kick's attack roll but whose flat-footed AC would be defeated by said attack roll must let the Viewtiful Warrior past (and if it's [[SRFSRD:Flat-Footed|flat-footed]] or otherwise unable to use its Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC, it gets hit instead). A creature must have a "standard" AC greater than its flat-footed AC to be able to choose whether to let the Viewtiful Warrior past or to deflect him; if its flat-footed AC equals its "standard" AC, it must deflect the Viewtiful Warrior.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Evasion}} {{Ex}}:''' By the time he reaches 9th level, a Viewtiful Warrior has made smooth, slick dodging into a mesmerizing art form. He has improved evasion from level 9 onwards. Improved evasion is like [[#Evasion|evasion]], except that even on a failed saving throw, the Viewtiful Warrior takes only half damage. If the Viewtiful Warrior already had improved evasion, his [[#Viewtiful Dodge|Viewtiful Dodge]] bonus increases by +2 (this stacks with the potential increase from 3rd level). The Viewtiful Warrior cannot benefit from improved evasion if he runs out of VFX, wears heavy armor, or carries a heavy load, and it's downgraded to regular evasion if he carries a medium load.
'''{{Anchor|Take 2}} (VFX):''' At 20th level, a Viewtiful Warrior who falls in battle (or anywhere else, really) gets one last chance to clean up his act. When the Viewtiful Warrior is incapacitated for an indefinite duration in any way (including being [[SRD:Dead|killed]], knocked unconscious, or [[SRD:Petrified|petrified]], but not any sort of immobilization that lasts for an indefinite duration but allows a saving throw at least once every two rounds to break free (such as [[Galaxy Stop (3.5e Spell)|''galaxy stop'']]), he immediately regains all of his [[SRD:Hit Points|hp]], loses all [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]], and is cured of all [[:Category:Conditions|negative status afflictions]] (including [[SRD:Negative Levels|negative levels]], ability damage, ability burn, and ability drain). However, Take 2 only functions once per week, so the Viewtiful Warrior needs to make sure that he doesn't screw up again &mdash; if he does, the last thing he hears is bound to be "Cut! Cut! Cut!"
Take 2 functions even if the Viewtiful Warrior is out of VFX. It does not allow a Viewtiful Warrior to avoid death due to old age.
====Ex-Viewtiful Warrior====

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