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====XAur Golau====
The kingdom of the elves stretches across the entire continent, for the elves in the past had never known conflict (so they say). Surrounded by cliffs and ocean, they remained separate from the world, though through their advanced divnations and occasional scouts not completely unaware. Their gaze was not keen enough though, and they fell victim to orc raids and other hazards. Finding the world in contempt, they rejected it and most chose to remain within their ancestral home, waiting out for the hazards outside to suffer the ravages of time.
Though Aur Golau is one of the most pleasant kingdoms available, its people are considered unwelcoming of others. They desire above all else to be left alone, and possess little respect for other cultures. The fall of Vulpeculae a century past was merely an example of the decadence of man and their eventual fate. Still, in the more youthful generation a split has formed, with many of the youth slipping out or being exiled. If this situation is not resolved, eventually Aur Golau will face an age crisis. The government is a Xmonarchy, run by X XKing Shadrach. It is generally considered a CN society, because while the land is seeped in ancient laws it is also subject to the whims of their king. If a comparison to Earth could be made, Aur Golau would be Welsh in design.
====XKathib==== The lizardfolk of the desert are a mysterious folk. Their culture is very different from those of lusher territories, and their populace speaks little of their distant homeland. They carry a long set of traditions and superstitions with them out of the desert which may not all make sense to others. Within their homeland, Kathib is a nation of great bulb shaped towers, white adobe, marble, and gold, and ancient artifacts. It is known that Kathib stands upon the ruins of a much older and forgotten civilization before them, a civilization during an age of dragons and great magic. But beware those that delve within, for it is also said these ancient tombs carry with them a potent curse.
The lizardfolk government is a monarchy, run by Sultan Tanin. It is generally considered a CN society, for the legitimacy of the leadership is dictated by a mandate of heaven. When the government goes sour, it is expected that those of the military turn against them until the time for a new monarch to take the desertlead.
The government is If a Xcomparison to Earth could be made, run by X XKathib would be Arabic in design. It is generally considered a CN society,
Within the dry savannaslies a poor but growing nation of outcasts. In past times, Vulpeculae and other kingdoms would banish their criminals and troublemakers to the distant northern veldt, expecting them to be devoured by the beasts which roamed up there. Instead, these outcasts formed a rough but functioning society of many races, as well as a significant number of gnolls. Life within can be short, but full of opportunity as the upcoming nation has begun to discover the land's own natural resources hiding within its borders.
The government is a Xdemocracy, run by X XPresident Regte. It is generally considered a TN society, though within its more rural and barren areas one could easily say that the quickest blade is the law, a wild west with frontier justice. It is swift, but not always fair.
====X====If a comparison to Earth could be made, Dier would be African in design.
A small nation, it owes its existence to====Kingdom of Anser====
The government is a XA small nation, it owes its existence to the fall of Vulpeculae itself. Their order of knights and survivors of the disaster fled to nearby former territory of Vulpeculae, run yet untouched by X Xits destruction. It is generally considered Swearing off the depravities of old, it was set up by the paladin Sir Breton as a LG societyland which would fight the evils of his nation and eventually restore the land to its former glory. They resisted others from entering the forbidden land, and act as the front line to keep whatever demons lie within at bay. Though small, they fight bravely and are united in their quest to right past wrongs. Unfortunately courage sometimes breeds zeal, and other nations are sometimes afraid the small nation may one day become too purge-happy in their quest. Anser is known for its major city with its great silver towers which glisten in the setting sun.
====X====The government is a meritocracy, run by a group known as the Silver Council. It is generally considered a LG society with a focus on bravery and justice.
Once the great kingdom of Vulpeculae stood here. NowIf a comparison to Earth could be made, only lies ruinAnser would be English in design. From its ashes rose a loose collection of riffraff which together forms
====Vul Noctis==== Once the great kingdom of Vulpeculae stood here. Now, only lies ruin. From its ashes rose a loose collection of riffraff which together form this "nation". It is held together barely by the philosophy of might makes right, the desires of those who would uncover the old kingdom's secrets at any cost, and those nostalgic for the past but unwilling to leave their homeland for the zealous Anser. Few in number, they still benefit from Vulpeculae's infrastructure and buildings to this day. They find invasions from other lands exploring their ruins to be an affront, and find themselves hostile to all visitors. The government is a Xmilitary dictatorship, run by X XWarlord Grausam. It is generally considered a CE society,  If a comparison to Earth could be made, Vul Noctis would be German in design.
====XZaeim==== This nation lives an unsteady existence, living in a land which is generally hostile to life and too extreme for most. The only nation founded upon this small continent which is vast but largely uninhabited, Zaeim is ruled by possibly the only ones powerful enough to handle these lands, spellcasters. The example of inequality, commoners toil below as spellcasters in literal towers of ivory plot, plan, and unearth the secrets of the old world. It is believed that Vulpeculae first gained their secrets in this land, and that buried under the ash lays many kingdoms before them. The land is marked with a major volcano known as Mt Multnomah which causes a dry ashen "snow" to cover much of the land.
This nation lives an unsteady existenceThe government is a magocracy, run by Archmagus Sahir. It is generally considered a NE society,
The government is If a Xcomparison to Earth could be made, run by X XZaeim would be Egyptian in design. It is generally considered a NE society,

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