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User:Zhenra-Khal/Realms Of Beyond/Character Options

59 bytes added, 23:38, 15 June 2017
'''{{Anchor|Bestial}}:''' Your form is savage, having animal traits. You gain three natural weapons - One primary (Such as a bite or gore) and up to two secondary attacks (Such as claws or slams). You also have natural armor equal to one-quarter of your character level, and your base speed is increased by +5ft for every 4 character levels you possess. You also choose one special movement type - Such as climb, swim, fly or burrow. You gain a movement speed of this type, with a speed equal to one-half your base speed (Rounded up). If you gain a Fly speed, your maneuverability is Average. However, either your savage appearance makes social situations difficult (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma), OR your wild ways kept you away from society and you were never educated properly (Causing you to take a -2 penalty to Intelligence). This mutation can only be chosen once.
'''{{Anchor|Slight}}:''' Your body is smaller and more lithe than others of your kind. You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity, and Slight Build, which allows you to function as one size smaller whenever it would be beneficial. You also gain bonus to AC, attack rolls and Hide checks as if you were one size smaller. However, either you aren't as muscular as the larger members o your kind (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Strength) or your slender frame makes you more frail than normal (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Constitution). You cannot take both this Mutation and the Brute mutation. This mutation can only be taken once.

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