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Flash Step (3.5e Invocation)

30 bytes removed, 05:14, 21 November 2017
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{{#set:Summary=Using your ki, you teleport yourself between spaces for a short distance}}
Taking this ability gives the Saiyan Warrior user the ability to magically transport between spaces, as if using the dimension door spell with a caster level equal to his character level. The Saiyan Warrior user can use this ability for 1 ki point as a full round action, for 3 points as a standard action, for 5 points as a move action, for 7 points as a swift action, or for 9 points as an immediate action. The Saiyan Warriors users caster level for this effect is equal to his class level. If used as an immediate action, this ability cannot be used with any other abilities that allow immediate actions.

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