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Brainstorm (3.5e Invocation)

81 bytes added, 13:11, 19 November 2018
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|}{{#set:Summary=Turn your [[Exposcient_(3.5e_Class)#Painwaves | Painwaves]] into a Swarm.}}
You turn your Painwaves attack into a Swarm creature instead of its usual shape. You can summon it anywhere within the range of your Painwaves attack. It is a Medium Construct with the Psionic and Swarm subtypes, is immune to anything that allows a Will or Fortitude save, has 1 HP per Manifester Level of the [[Exposcient (3.5e Class) | Exposcient]] who brought it into being, and uses your BAB and Reflex saves. It has an AC of 13 + your Charisma modifier, acts immediately after you in the initiative count, and can move a distance on its turn up to the Range Increment of your Painwaves attack.
Once brought into being, it continues existing until dismissed (A swift action). While it exists, you cannot use your Painwaves attack in any form.

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