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Create the page "Trace Chaos" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |67–74 || align="left" | ''protection from [[SRD:Protection from Chaos|chaos]]/[[SRD:Protection from Evil|evil]]/[[SRD:Protection from Good|good]]/[[SRD |52–59 ||''magic circle against [[SRD:Magic Circle against Chaos|chaos]]/[[SRD:Magic Circle against Evil|evil]]/[[SRD:Magic Circle against Good|go85 KB (11,855 words) - 04:56, 8 March 2022
- ...e, or kind. ''Glyphs ''can also be set with respect to good, evil, law, or chaos, or to pass those of your religion. They cannot be set according to [[SRD:C ...nclude>''[[SRD:Spell Descriptions#Material (M)|Material Component]]: ''You trace the ''glyph ''with incense, which must first be sprinkled with powdered dia4 KB (677 words) - 01:50, 23 July 2011
- | lvl=[[SRD:Chaos Domain|Chaos]] 3, Cleric 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3 ...terial (M)|Material Component]]: ''A little powdered silver with which you trace a 3-footdiameter circle on the floor (or ground) around the creature to be5 KB (803 words) - 07:16, 10 April 2011
- | name=Magic Circle against Chaos ...(as in the third function of ''[[SRD:Protection from Chaos|protection from chaos]]''), but the deflection and resistance bonuses and the protection from men5 KB (812 words) - 01:53, 23 July 2011
- | name=Protection from Chaos ...ration of the ''protection from chaotic ''effect. If the ''protection from chaos ''effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be3 KB (401 words) - 02:09, 23 July 2011
- | lvl=[[SRD:Chaos Domain|Chaos]] 1, Cleric 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1 ...terial (M)|Material Component]]: ''A little powdered silver with which you trace a 3-foot -diameter circle on the floor (or ground) around the creature to b2 KB (392 words) - 07:18, 10 April 2011
- || [[SRD:Chaos Hammer|Chaos hammer]] || Empowered || Protoplasm from Limbo || 1,900 gp || [[SRD:cloak of Chaos|Cloak of chaos]] || Extended || Shield with +1 [[theBasics#ws_enhancementBonus|enhancement69 KB (9,128 words) - 22:04, 9 April 2011
- | Chaos hammer || General | Cloak of chaos || General32 KB (4,666 words) - 22:30, 25 February 2012
- | align="left" | ''[[SRD:Chaos Hammer|Chaos Hammer]]'' || align="left" | Chaos Hammer (Broke) || align="left" | Summons a random dancing hammer-like weapo ...ft" | ''[[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|Cloak of Chaos]]'' || align="left" | Clock of Chaos || align="left" | All nearby time-pointing devices go wild.124 KB (19,737 words) - 23:57, 18 April 2019
- certainly devastating: entire cities have simply disappeared without a trace because of a marauding siege beetle. ...sometimes purposefully sent to the Material Plane to bring destruction and chaos.24 KB (3,567 words) - 04:18, 14 February 2013
- ...ose, and their creators are a mystery to them, the race leaving not even a trace of its presence left. ...which seem to have fused, flattening into a high speed disc surrounded by chaos.6 KB (859 words) - 06:05, 19 September 2012
- ...chaos axis, and are most often good. Those that are not neutral on the law-chaos axis are most often lawful as a chaotic Xanthian is not very common. Evil X ...bute the magic of their land, and their ability to use magic spells as the trace incidental leakage of magic from the body of the Demon Xanth. Lore has it t32 KB (5,390 words) - 01:03, 21 February 2020
- Sorcerers are not the only class with inborne magical talents that trace back to powerful ancestry. While not a spell caster in the truest sense, W ...more, the warlock must pick one axis of his alignment (good, evil, law, or chaos). His eldritch blast is now aligned to that axis, and deals an extra 2d6 d21 KB (3,169 words) - 16:45, 10 December 2018
- *''[[SRD:Pass without Trace|pass without trace]]'' ...ainst Good|magic circle against good]] or [[SRD:Magic Circle against Chaos|chaos]]''34 KB (5,531 words) - 08:01, 19 September 2013
- ...ood]]'', ''[[SRD:Detect Law|detect law]]'', or ''[[SRD:Detect Chaos|detect chaos]]'' (choose one as use play this card). ...pell-like ability at-will for 1 hour per caster level. In addition, it can trace the destinations of teleportations that are up to 1 day per caster level ol2 KB (401 words) - 01:58, 19 September 2012
- ...that they use to entertain themselves during long down times. The state of chaos has increased the demand for Kagabu elementalists, a fact that makes them s The larger clans can trace their history back to the beginning of the Empire (well, most of them, anyw33 KB (5,513 words) - 21:39, 7 August 2011
- ...race|pass without trace]]'', ''[[SRD:Protection from Chaos|protection from chaos]]'', ''[[SRD:Protection from Law|protection from law]]'', ''[[SRD:Sleep|sle ...invisibility]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Circle against Chaos|magic circle against chaos]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Circle against Law|law]]'', ''[[SRD:Plant Growth|plant g21 KB (3,214 words) - 07:36, 17 July 2020
- '''Domains Granted:''' [[SRD:Chaos_Domain|Chaos]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[SRD:Evil_Domain|Evil]], [[Lu ...[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60ft, ''cloak of chaos'' (see [[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|spell description]]), [[#Dark Blessing|dark blessing]], [[#Fallen Angel|fal29 KB (4,837 words) - 05:36, 20 September 2017
- ...ature moving under the effect of a ''[[SRD:Pass_without_Trace|pass without trace]]'' spell, the trackless step class ability or a similar feature, though he | class="left" | Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo (Limbo)57 KB (9,104 words) - 07:49, 19 September 2012
- [ Chaos Beast]<br> [ Chaos Diamond]<br>667 KB (102,755 words) - 12:33, 24 November 2012