User:Balmz/combat talents

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Martial classes in 3.5 fall behind magic users and psionics quite quickly. They often lack options or things to do besides hit the foe harder or move faster. Combat talents aim to rebalance it so martials are not left behind


Combat talents are only usable by classes or prc with a caster level of less then 5. These talents range for what uses they have. Combat talents replace the use feat tax for martials to learn new abilities or things to use in combat. This frees up the feats for other uses for characters. Some talents have saves on them. Unless otherwise stated the saving throw DC for the talents is 10 + 1/2 attackers BAB + relevant ability score. Combat talents usually have requirements to be able to be used by players.

Classes and learning[edit]

Depending on the class they may learn a certain amount of martial talents per level. Once learned the choices can not be changed by the player. Certain classes gain more talents per level then other classes. Using talents varies alot based off weapon type, armor and shield type and ability scores. Some talents can only be used with certain weapons or armor or items. Certain talents are class restricted and will specify if they are.

Class talent score[edit]

As listed below each class gains a certain number of talents per level based off the class type.

  • Fighter: 5 talents per level
  • Barbarian: 3 talents per level
  • Monk: 3 talents per level
  • Paladin: 3 talents per level
  • Psychic Warrior: 1 talent per level
  • Ranger: 3 talents per level
  • Rogue: 3 talents per level
  • SoulKnives: 3 talents per level

all other classes not listed do not gain combat talents

Reworked feats[edit]

Some feats in vanilla are too weak to justify taking them or fit better in the combat talents part. The following feats are now added as choices to have in combat talents. Players must still meet any requirements to use these. Unless otherwise stated these can only be taken once.