Talk:Night Wind (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Need Help?[edit]

I like the ancestral school idea, maybe I can help you by making a few maneuvers and help with the categorizing? --Leziad (talk) 02:13, 23 November 2014 (UTC)

There's no actual category since the only actual Ancestral School feat was Anointed Champion, but once the other ancestral schools are developed, and if more ancestral schools are added, then it certainly can become a category of its own.
Night Wind maneuvers are mostly complete (just unposted). You're welcome to add, though, if you feel Night Wind (or Champion's Might) could use some maneuvers.
There's other ancestral schools that are mostly incomplete (off the top of my mind, there's Primal Lightning, Silver Tongue and Speed of Thought), so I haven't posted anything about them. Once I finish Night Wind, I might add the remaining Ancestral School feats and then ask for help on the maneuvers.
That said - I'd like to see more people using the Ancestral School rules. I really feel that, if a sequel to Tome of Battle was ever done, the concept of ancestral schools would have provided with a logical expansion without ruining the feel of having only nine disciplines (or ten; I really dig the concept of Falling Star as ranged maneuvers were definitely necessary). I don't push people into this, though, since everyone is free to make their own disciplines, but I'd like to see the Ancestral School rules used a bit more (if not a lot more). T.G. Oskar (talk) 08:05, 23 November 2014 (UTC)
I am going to play a character using Night Wind, I can certainly tell about my experience later on. As for category, the [Ancestral School] tag probably could use a feat page. --Leziad (talk) 09:30, 23 November 2014 (UTC)