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Vampire, Lasombra (3.5e Template)

40 bytes added, 13:54, 12 May 2011
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'''Damage Reduction (Su):''' A vampire has damage reduction 5/silver and magic. A vampire’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
'''Fast Healing (Su):''' A vampire heals 2 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 vitae. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat(regardless of how many vitae he has left), the Lasombra instantly enters what is called 'Torpor'. During Torpor, fast healing or other effects that might awaken or heal the Lasombra do not affect him. The Lasombra appears to be dead, even with to spells such as Detect Undead. In While in torpor, the Lasombra remains unconscious but alive. If they are exposed to the sun, they automatically fail their Fortitude save and are incinerated. The Lasombra can expend one vitae at any time to waken from torpor. If the Lasombra has no vitae, he remains unconscious in torpor until they gain vitae (probably by a faithful minion spilling blood into their mouth).
'''Frenzy of the Beast (Su):''' Whenever the vampire takes damage, he must make a DC20-vitae save. This save is made by rolling a d20+Charisma and Wisdom modifier. If he fails this save, he enters a Frenzy during which he attacks the last person to attack him. He can only take full round attacks to attack that person, and if the person dies, the vampire leaves his Frenzy. Every turn, the vampire makes another save against the same DC. If he succeeds on any of these rolls, he leaves the Frenzy.If, during the Frenzy,
'''Turn Resistance (Ex):''' A vampire has +4 turn resistance.
-Add HD to any Fortitude save. Forcing blood through dead veins is strenuous however, and can only be done twice a day.
-Add HD to either Strength and or Dexterity for 3 turns.
-Resist the effects of direct sunlight for 1 turn per vitae spent. This point is lost on every turn in which his turn BEGINS in direct sunlight.
-A Lasombra loses one vitae every time he wakes. If he is forced to wake during the day, he can stay awake for 4 rounds per vitae. These points are expended every round.
'''Running out of Vitae'''
If the Lasombra runs out of vitae, he must make a DC12+HD Will savethe DC to resist Frenzying increases by 10. If he fails, he enters a Blood Frenzy. During this Blood Frenzy, he is forced to drain at least 1 vitae from This increase lasts only as long as the closest creature, friend or foe. If he succeeds, he suffers Lasombra has no ill effects for 10 turns, though he must gain vitae in that time or enter a Blood Frenzy with no save.
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