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Yeenoghu (3.5e Monster)

131 bytes added, 23:15, 28 November 2012
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|ac=45 (-1 size, +9 Dexterity, +15 natural, +6 armor, +6 deflection) |touch=22 |flat=41
|bab=+22 |grapple=+42
|at=''+6 triple flail of speed'' +54 melee (2d10+24 26 per head plus [[#Flail of the Conqueror|flail of the conqueror]])|full_at=''+6 triple flail of speed'' +54/+54/+49/+44/+39 melee (2d10+24 26 per head plus [[#Flail of the Conqueror|flail of the conqueror]])
|space=10 ft. |reach=10 ft. (20 feet with flail)
|sa=[[#Absorption|Absorption]], [[#Alter Reality|alter reality]], [[#Field of Savagery|field of savagery]], [[#Pack Attack|pack attack]], [[#Ravage Form|ravage form]], [[#Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]]
=== Combat ===
Yeenoghu is a ferocious melee combatant who fights with a reckless abandon that most demons attribute to his once being mortal, as true demons are aware of their weaknesses and far more self-preserving than he. Yeenoghu also adds his total Strength score (not his Strength modifier) to attack and damage rolls. His tremendous effectiveness in melee is enhanced both by his hyena-like traits (which allow him to attack more effectively as part of a group) and his demonic traits, the powers of which cause him to move swiftly across the battlefield. While his spell-like abilities may be less numerous or powerful than those of other demon lords, they serve their purpose in allowing him to utilize his melee abilities to the fullest extent possible.
Yeenoghu also represents a trait rarely found in the Abyss: teamwork. While he is a formidable foe alone, he functions much more effectively in a group.
Additionally, Yeenoghu is immune to any attack that changes his form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20.
Lastly, Yeenoghu can burn off some of his essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside of his turn, Yeenoghu can lose 44 hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability , or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit points, and can be used any number of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 rounds.
'''{{Anchor|Lord of the Abyss}} ([[Su]]):''' His own personal power, and the spoils of his victories over others, have made Yeenoghu a terror of the Abyssal realm. He receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves , and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Yeenoghu also has maximum hit points per hit die.
Additionally, the Abyss itself protects Yeenoghu from any attempt to scry on him. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Yeenoghu or the area within 1 mile of him must make a DC 32 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Yeenoghu wishes it, he can use an immediate action to transport himself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.
Lastly, Yeenoghu's very presence is a blight on the surrounding area. He radiates a ''[[SRD:Desecrate|desecrate]]'' spell effect to a radius of twenty miles, and the innermost mile of this is subject to an ''[[SRD:Unhallow|unhallow]]'' effect instead, both at caster level 22nd.
'''{{Anchor|Pack Attack}} ([[Ex]]):''' As an free action useable out of turn, Yeenoghu can make a single melee attack against an opponent that has just been struck by one of his allies in melee , so long as he also threatens the target in melee. Furthermore, Yeenoghu is able to use ''[[Summon Monster (3.5e Spell)|summon monster]]'' as an at-will spell-like ability.
'''{{Anchor|Ravage Form}} ([[Sp]]):''' As a full-round action, Yeenoghu may bestow his ravage on a creature eligible to gain a level. That creature gains its first level in the [[Ravaged by By Yeenoghu (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)|Ravaged by Yeenoghu]] racial paragon class. If Yeenoghu attempts to ravage an unwilling creature, it receives a DC 32 Will save to resist (Cha-based).
If Yeenoghu wishes, he can attempt to share the senses of a creature that has at least one level in ravaged by Yeenoghu. This works identically to a [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']] spell, except it must be centred centered on the creature in question. The creature doesn't get any say in the matter. Abaddon Yeenoghu may use this ability at will. This has a caster level of 22nd.
Additionally, if any creature with at least one level in ravaged by Yeenoghu attempts to affect Yeenoghu or the area within 20 miles of him with any ability, Abaddon may choose to use [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominate monster'']] on that creature as a free action that he can use even outside of his turn. The creature receives a DC 32 save as normal. This has a caster level of 22nd, and the DC is Charisma-based.
'''{{Anchor|Spell-Like Abilities}}:''' At will - ''[[SRD:Animate Objects|animate objects]]'', [[SRD:Antimagic Field|''antimagic field'']], ''[[Art of the Gigantes (3.5e Spell)|art of the gigantes]]'', [[Ashe's Spell Seizure (3.5e Spell)|''Ashe's spell seizure'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''Bestow curse'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Blasphemy|Blasphemy]], ''[[SRD:Chaos Hammer|chaos hammer]]'' (can be used as a swift action), ''[[SRD:Cloak of Chaos |cloak of chaos]], ''[[SRD:Create Undead|create undead]]''<SUP>M</SUP>, [[SRD:Crushing Despair|''crushing despair'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Death Knell|''death knell'']] (can be used as a swift action), ''[[SRD:Desecrate|desecrate]]''<SUP>M</SUP> (can be used as a swift action), ''[[Devastation Inhalation (3.5e Spell)|devastation inhalation]]'' (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Dimensional Anchor|''dimensional anchor'']] (can be used as a swift action), ''[[SRD:Dispel Good|Dispel Good]], [[SRD:Dispel Law|dispel law]]'', [[Elush's Elemental Extraction (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's elemental extraction'']], [[Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's epiphyseal erosion'']], [[Elush's Explosive Exsanguination (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's explosive exsanguination'']], [[Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's eye-blasting explosion'']] (can be used as a swift action), ''[[Emulate Ouroboros (3.5e Spell)|emulate Ouroboros]]'', ''[[SRD:Enlarge Person|enlarge person]]'' (can be used as a swift action), [[Erzebet's Skull Bomb (3.5e Spell)|''Erzebet's skull bomb'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Greater Command|''greater command'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (can be used as a free action 3/round), ''[[SRD:Heroes' Feast|heroes' feast]]'' (can be used as a swift action), [[Hijacking Dispel (3.5e Spell)|''hijacking dispel'']], [[SRD:Hold Monster|''hold monster'']], [[SRD:Lesser Confusion|''Lesser confusion'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Limited Wish|''limited wish'']], [[SRD:Magic Circle against Good|Magic Circle against Good]] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Magic Circle against Law|magic circle against law]] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Mass Hold Monster|''mass hold monster'']], ''[[Overbite (3.5e Spell)|overbite]]'', ''[[SRD:Protection from Good|protection from good]] '' (can be used as a swift action), ''[[SRD:Protection from Law|protection from law]] '' (can be used as a swift action), [[Rapture of Rupture (3.5e Spell)|''rapture of rupture'']] (can be used as a swift action), ''[[SRD:Righteous Might|righteous might]]'', ''[[SRD:Shatter|Shatter]] '' (can be used as a swift action), ''[[Shylock's Revenge (3.5e Spell)|Shylock's revenge]]'' (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Spell Turning|''spell turning'']], [[SRD:Symbol of Insanity|''symbol of insanity'']], [[Torn From Within (3.5e Spell)|''torn from within'']], [[Turn To The Abyss (3.5e Spell)|''turn to the abyss'']], [[SRD:Unholy Aura |''unholy aura'']]<SUP>F</SUP>, [[SRD:Unholy Blight|''unholy blight'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Word of Chaos|''word of chaos'']], 2/day - [[SRD:Summon Monster IX|''summon monster IX'']] (once as a chaos spell and once as an evil spell), 1/day - [[Apocalypse From The Sky (3.5e Spell)|''apocalypse from the sky'']], [[SRD:Astral Projection|''astral projection'']], ''[[Devour Soul (3.5e Spell)|devour soul]]'', [[SRD:Gate|''gate'']]. Caster level 22nd, DCs are Charisma-based (default 32).
'''{{Anchor|True Sight}} ([[Ex]]):''' Yeenoghu sees naturally as though under the effect of a ''[[SRD:True Seeing|true seeing]]'' spell.
Yeenoghu’s Large ''+6 triple flail of [[SRD:Speed|speed]]'' is a uniquely fearsome weapon literally made of the heads of his most powerful defeated foes, which are magically animated to bite at foes that he strikes. Each of the heads babble incoherently, automatically creating the effect of a ''maddening whispers'' spell (DC 35) to all enemies of Yeenoghu within 75 feet. If the opponent saves against the effect, they are immune for the rest of the current encounter. Yeenoghu may freely choose which effect of the spell to instill upon those affected. This save is Constitution-based.
The enhancement bonus of the flail is overridden by that of Yeenoghu's [[#Lord of the Abyss|lord of the Abyss]] ability. The chains on the flail automatically extend and contract as appropriate, giving the wielder double their normal reach when using it. Each time Yeenoghu makes a successful melee attack roll, roll 1d6 to determine how which heads strike successfully (see based on the [[#Table: Flail of the Conqueror|table]] below).Each head deals an identical amount of base damage (10d12) and can deal piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage at Yeenohgu’s whim. They also each have a unique effect as described below. All save DC’s from the heads are Strength-based and have a save DC of 35.
*''The Balor‘s Head:'' Though Yeenoghu has fought and destroyed countless demons, few possessed sufficient power to be worth adding to his flail. This was not the case for the balor who previously claimed lordship over what is now Yeenoghu’s layer, marking his final significant test on his way to becoming a demon prince. Upon striking an opponent, it The Balor's Head releases a blast of elemental energy that deals the same an amount of damage that the head dealt with that hitequal to The Balor's Head's base damage. This extra damage can either be acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage (chosen by Yeenoghu at the moment the damage is dealt), but regardless of the type a successful Reflex save halves the bonus damage dealt.
*''The Chieftain’s Head:'' This head is from the first gnoll chieftain that Yeenoghu ever slew in his subjugation of the entire species. Its eyes appear frenzied and rabid, its jaws foaming over with saliva. A creature struck by this head must make a Will save or become unable to distinguish friend from foe, immediately attacking the closest creature to it in melee for the duration of the encounter. The affected creature also fails to register the presence of any gnoll (including Yeenoghu and any of his summoned minions) around it, and will not attack them.
*''The Ghoul King‘s Head:'' The head of Doresain--the demon lord formerly known as the King of Ghouls--comprises the middle head of Yeenoghu’s flail. A creature struck with this head must make a Fortitude save or be [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzed]] for 1 minute.
Yeenoghu's primary base of devotees is amongst his native people; gnoll lore has immortalized Yeenoghu as one of its greatest figures, and the fact that his tale of triumph continues to this day spurs them to emulate his deeds and attempt time and again to rebuild the empire he created. Other would-be conquerors, particularly those well-versed in their historical studies, also pay respects to Yeenoghu for his exploits.
In the Abyss, Yeenoghu maintains good relations with the [[Molydeus (3.5e Monster)|molydei]], but has attracted the ire of [[Baphomet (3.5e Monster)|Baphomet]] due to what has been perceived as an attempt to steal followers. He also surrounds himself with fiendish gnolls and upon whom he commonly bestows his ravage, who serve as his new force in battle and frequent the vast expanse of his realm, which has become a hive of activity with the introduction of several gnoll armies into its borders, one of the key pieces in his bid to acquire more territory.
[[Category:Liber Demonica]]