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Tachyon Bolt (3.5e Power)

63 bytes removed, 02:01, 13 December 2013
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|author_name=Leziad|date_created=8 Spetember 2013|status=Need to create mantle|balance=<!--One of: Low, Moderate, High, Very High, or Unquantifiable-->|isnotuser=I'm not a user<!-- if you have a username for this wiki delete this parameter-->
|name=Tachyon Bolt
|desc=Time|lvl=Atom Mantle 7, Time Mantle 7
|time=1 Standard Action
|summary=A bolt of energy so fast it travel travels backward in time, deal deals massive damage , and has no hard counters.
''The young ardent placed her hand as if she was to fire another wave or of energy. The wizard scoffed at her, ; he had all his contingencies and need only to think for his teleport spell to trigger. Before anything else could happen , the wizard was torn clean in two as a beam of atomic energy travel traveled through his back before stopping in the Ardent's hands.''
In order to manifest Tachyon Bolt , you must expend your psionic focus.
As you manifest this power , a line of black and white energy travel travels from where you aimed toward you, ; all creatures in the path of the beam take 13d10 typeless damages damage and must make a fortitude save or be [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]] for 1 round per manifester level. The power travel travels the line backward, hitting creatures and object objects farther away from the manifester first, the . The bolt travel travels through all obstacle obstacles. even if it would not deal enough damage to break the obstacle.
A Tachyon Bolt do does not trigger contingencies, ; until it is fully manifested , allies and enemies cannot take free, immediate , or use readied actionactions. Mettle and similar abilities has no effect on Tachyon Bolt's effect.
'''[[SRD:Augment|Augment]]:''' For every additional [[SRD:Power Points|power point]] you spend, this power’s damage increases by 1d10 points. For each extra 2d10 points of damage, this power’s save [[SRD:DC|DC]] increases by 1.