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Tempus Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)

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|date_created=September 27, 2009
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Tempus Paragons are bastions of defense, guidance, and wisdom, who can stand against even the most unrelenting force, and stand their ground, never once flinching, never once faltering. They can spot enemies hiding in the shadows with ease and let their friends know without ever saying a word, withstand even the most intense storms without thinking twice, and shrug off terrible effects as though they knew they were coming. These facts tend to drive a Tempus paragon into becoming a leader, a defender, a savior, almost all the time.
'''Abilities:''' The most important ability score to a Tempus paragon is [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]], for they need it to best focus their defenses best. Past that comes [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]], [[SRD:Strength|Strength]], [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]], [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]], and [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]], all for different reasons. Some to help defend the Tempus paragon himself, some to help him guide his people better.
'''Races:''' [[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]] only.
|1st|| class="left" | +1 || +2 || +2 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Patience|Patience]], [[#Perception|Perception]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]])
|2nd|| class="left" | +2 || +3 || +3 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Endure|Endure]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]), [[#Telepathy|Telepathy]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]), [[#Unending Endurance|Unending Endurance]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]])
|3rd|| class="left" | +3 || +3 || +3 || +3
'''{{Anchor|Patience}}:''' A Tempus paragon is a nonpareil of everlasting patience, and he is able to simply weather even the most brutal attacks because of this. A Tempus paragon can, a number of times per day equal to his [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] modifier, take 10 on a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will save]].
'''{{Anchor|Perception}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A Tempus paragon is accustom to wandering in the shadows, and leading his people to safety. At first level, a Tempus paragon's [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]] doubles in range. In addition, the [[SRD:DC|DC]] for any [[SRD:Spot Skill|spot]] or [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listenlisten]] checks the Tempus paragon makes is divided by two.
'''{{Anchor|Endure}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A Tempus paragon is a being who can withstand the most terrible heat, and the harshest cold of space. At second level a Tempus paragon is considered always under the effect of an ''[[SRD:Endure Elements|endure elements]]'' spell.
'''{{Anchor|Telepathy}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' At second level, a Tempus paragon gains the ability to communicate telepathically with any other creature within 100 feet of him.
'''{{Anchor|Unending Endurance}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A Tempus paragon's barely ever need needs to eat or drink, and can survive for a seeming eternity. A Tempus paragon can survive without water for 1 year plus a number of extra years equal to his [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] score (not modifier). Additionally, a Tempus paragon can go without food for a number of years equal to 3 × his [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] score (not modifier). Also, if a Tempus paragon finds the need to begin making [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks to resist starvation, he only needs to do so once every five hours, instead of every hour. See [[SRD:Environment#Starvation and Thirst|Starvation and Thirst]] for more details.
'''{{Anchor|Ability Boost}} ([[SRD:Ex|Ex]]):''' At third level, a Tempus paragon’s [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] score increases by 2 points.
'''{{Anchor|Paradigm}}:''' At third level a Tempus paragon reaches a point where he truly embodies the power of his lost race, and can actually lead them out of the dust and the darkness at long last. At this point, the Tempus paragon loses the [[Xenoblooded (3.5e Creature Subtype)|xenoblooded subtype]], and aquires the [[Xenotheric (3.5e Creature Subtype)|xenotheric subtype]], gains a [[Xenotheric (3.5e Creature Subtype)#Bio-Energy|bio-energy]] pool, and is permitted to take xenotheric feats. Additionally, they gain immunity to [[SRD:Poison|poison]], [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigue]], [[SRD:Polymorph|polymorphing]], petrification and form-altering effects as well as resistance to [[SRD:Acid Effect|acid]] 10 and [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]] 10. As normal they do not possess an extraplanar or native subtype.
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Tempus Paragon====
'''Religion:''' <-description of how The Tempus have lost what religion they originally had, and this class typically (but gives a Tempus paragon no exclusively) approaches real ties to a particular religion. Though, they often find themselves gravitating towards deities of travel and order, or of wisdom and stoicism, should they find a need for religion including likely portfolios it would worship->. This, combined with their endless patience, usually lead them to being very devoted and steady worshippers.
'''Other Classes:''' <-How this class typically interacts Tempus paragons can understand any point of veiw, and can sympathise with other classes any creature, given they have enough time, and how characters with their lifespan, they have enough time. A Tempus paragon can discuss things they experienced first hand with the historians, and the most learned of this class interact with characters scholars. At the same time, they can understand the simplistic ways of other classes->the traveller and the rogue.
'''Combat:''' <-Typical role Tempus Paragons are a strange type of defender, who can defend against unusual things with startling consistancy. They can withstand mental attacks with an inexorability that is impossible to find in combat->this world, and see the invisible shadows that would otherwise snuff them out before they could react.
'''Advancement:''' <-Typical A thousand avenues of advancement options for characters with this classare open to a Tempus Paragon, from that of the sage, to that of the warrior. Include desirable multiclass options->Though, Tempus Paragons tend to be drawn mostly towards paths that utilize [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] score, and to paths that make use of their [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] and [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] scores. Of course, a Tempus paragon is rarely ever drawn to paths that have a heavy reliance on [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]].
====Tempus Paragons in the World====
{{quote|<-Some quote from a character of this class->Even I will pass...|orig=<-NPC name->Unonun Reasarano, <-race-> <-class->[[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]] Paragon}}
<-Where characters Most often, Tempus paragons are wanderers, guides, gaurdians, and saviors of their kind before all else. Tempus paragons tend to be relentless and infinitely patience in their mannerisms, able to outlast virtually anything and everything in this class fit world, even outliving deities in their time. Tempus paragons are truly bastions of protection in a d20 worldeven the harshest worlds.->
'''Daily Life:''' <-day in The daily life of a Tempus paragon can take them anywhere, from the blistering heat of a glass desert, to the life empty cold of an endless winter. Though, no matter where they are taken, they can survive. A Tempus paragon who chooses to be a character gaurdian of his people usually tends to go where he is needed most, and do what is most beneficial of this class->his kind.
'''Notables:''' <-notable NPCs ''Unren Pendara'', Male [[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]] Paragon: the last Tempus to actually have witnessed the death of this class->their homeworld.
''Oneno Vivasan'Organizations:''' <-info on what, where, whenFemale [[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]] Paragon: said to have stood within the maw of the realm of true death itself, and how characters of this class congregate and assemble->stood her ground.
''Newawe Hearteras'', Male [[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]] Paragon: first Tempus to actually find a home on another world. '''Organizations:''' Tempus, on their home world, wander in groups that can contain numbers of ranging from twenty to two hundred, and are almost always led by a Tempus paragon. These groups are often reffered to as 'Solum' or 'caravans', and rarely ever stop moving, regardless of what may lay before them or behind them. '''NPC Reactions:''' <-How NPCs react to PCs Tempus paragons, in the eyes of most races, are exceedingly unusual creatures. Their endurance is a thousand times greater than that of another creature, they tower above almost all civilized races, and their body looks as though it is made of dust. Those who know of this class->Tempus paragons though, know they can withstand much, and will usually protect their people with a resoluteness that is almost not understandable.
====Tempus Paragon Lore====
Characters with ranks in <-[[SRD:Knowledge Skill|knowledge (the appropriate skills-> planes)]] can research <-pluralized class name-> Tempus paragons to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <-the appropriate skills->[[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge (The Planes)]]
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 5 15 || class="left" | <-common knowledge->The Tempus are not of this world.
| 10 20 || class="left" | <-not so common knowledge->The Tempus are extremely long lived entities, who have seemingly infinite patience.
| 15 25 || class="left" | <-rare information->Tempus paragons exemplify the Tempus race, in a many ways.
|- "
| 20 30 || class="left" | <-very rare information->Characters who get this result can know the name and location of a specific Tempus paragon.
====Tempus Paragons in the Game====
<-How characters Tempus paragons are capable of this class fit surviving almost anywhere, from an endless desert of ice that is swept with bone chilling winds, to the slopes of an erupting volcano. This fact tends to lend them to being in places that others might not be able to survive in, and them being exceedingly difficult to reach. Though, there are the game (PC and NPC) and what roles occasional Tempus paragons who actively seek out other beings, for whatever reason they playmay have.->
'''Adaptation:''' <-Possible variant conceptions The Tempus paragon class can be adjusted to fit any grand scheme within a campaign. For example, in a campaign where there is no 'cosmology', and only other plains of existance, Tempus paragons could be leading their people out from an extradimensional array of this classcatacombs, that they were trapped in untold aeons ago.Or, in case of the universe being younger than the average Tempus, the Tempus could very easily have been trapped in a room that had a non->linear progression of time, allowing them to age past what they normally would be capable of aging past.
'''Sample Encounter:''' <-DM placement Olous Valeron grew up in a cold, empty world. Wandering through the endless aeons and featureless deserts of dust in the dark, following behind his parents, and listening to their words of endless wisdom as they walked. In Olouses long life, he saw the sky change a thousand times, from a spattering of endless stars, to the purple and red streaks of a glorious nebulea as they passed underneath it, and he always wanted to reach out and grab those wonderful lights, no matter how old he was. He eventually reached the age that he could rise as a leader, and he did, beginning to guide those who he had known for NPCs infinite aeons through the dust. He still wished to reach out and grab those lights high above him though, and always starred at them while he walked. One day though, while Olous walked, he saw something glint on the edge of the horizon. He immediately began leading his people towards that glinting light, and when he reached it, he was dumbstruck. For he beheld something that he had only ever heard about from his parents when they spoke of stories their parents had told them. He looked upon a relic from ancient times, a monolith of cold stone and metal. He looked upon a way to grab the stars. Olous and his people entered this monolith then, and have since came to this class.->world, where they are to this day, choosing to wander across this world, instead of settling down.
''EL whatever11:'' <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block{{:Olous Valeron (3. The CR of the 5e NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.)}}
[[Category:Racial Paragon Class]]