The Reaping Soul discipline is a hidden discipline from the usual nine and taught only be masters of death and despair. The discipline focuses on reaving strikes, supernatural focus and building up to making attacks at the soul. The key skill for Reaping Soul is Intimidate. The favoured weapon is the Scythe and the key ability is Wisdom.
Grim Strike
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee Attack
Target:' One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Your blade wreathes itself in a dark aura, drawing light in, as you swipe at an enemy. The strike brings forth fierce visions of fear.
You make a single melee attack as part of this strike. The attack deals +1d6 damage. If the target is under any type of fear, you gain a +4 on the attack.
Grin of the Reaper
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Target:' One creature
Duration: End of turn
The metal of your blade chills to near subzero temperatures with the unnatural touch of death.
For the rest of the turn, your melee attacks deal +1d6 cold damage +1/initiator level.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Essence of the Reaper
Reaping Soul (Stance)
Level: Fighter 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Duration: Stance
Death is a fear that is ingrained in all beings; living, dead or metal. You learn how to use this against your enemies and embody death itself.
Any fear ability you use bypasses Immunity to Fear, but any creature with such an immunity gains a +4 to their saves vs fear instead. All other creatures recieve a -2 on Will saves vs Fear.
Terrifying Blow
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 2
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: 15ft
Target:' One creature
Duration: 1d3 rounds
As you viciously slay an opponent, you make a grim marking on their body; indicating your next enemy. Dread and fear overcome them and they must flee from you.
If you drop an opponent, you can initate this boost. You designate any enemy within 15ft and they are affected by the cause fear spell (DC 12 + Wisdom modifier).
Reaper's Blade
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 3
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Target:' One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
By gathering up your fears and all despair you have felt before, you tap into the power behind these fears and cut with precision; infusing fear, despair and death into the mind of the enemy.
Your attack deals +3d6 damage. If a creature is under the effects of any level of fear, then they progress immediatly to the next level of fear. If the creature is already under the highest effect of fear, they become unconscious. The creature gets a will save vs the fear effect (DC 13 + Wisdom modifier) and there is no HD limit.
Glare of the Reaper
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 3
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Duration: End of round.
Your blade reaches beyond the veil and becomes frozen by it's powers. The very stench of death surronds the blade and the frosty air condenses off the metal.
All attacks made during your round deal +3d6 cold damage +1/initator level.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Deathly Chill
Reaping Soul (Stance)
Level: Fighter 3
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target:' You
Duration: Stance
As you viciously slay an opponent, you make a grim marking on their body; indicating your next enemy. Dread and fear overcome them and they must flee from you.
Whenever you attack any creature that is frightened or panicked, you deal +2d6 damage.
Soul Draw
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 4
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Target:' One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Your strike does not simply strike your enemy's body, but rather it cuts through his soul and sucks it into your blade; feeding your own soul.
Your attack deals 1 negative level. You gain 5 temporary hit points for 10 rounds.
Black Blade
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 4
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Duration: End of round.
Your weapon shimmers and morphs, becoming a blade made from black energy with the deathly chill of the afterlife with it. It hungers only for the blood and for the soul.
All your attacks made this round are touch attacks.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Grim Look
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 5
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: 15ft radius
Duration: 1d4 rounds.
You look at an enemy so viciously and deathly, they shit themselves.
Whenever you drop an opponent, all enemies within 15ft that can see you must make a will save (DC 15 + Wisdom modifier) or become frightened.
Death's Clutches
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 5
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Target:' One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Pretty much the same as the description above for the similar ability, but cooler and shit.
You make one attack that deals +5d6 damage. If a creature is under the effects of any type of fear, they take 2 points of constitution damage. They can make a will save (DC 15 + Wisdom modifier) to take half the constitution damage.
Breath of the Reaper
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 5
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Duration: End of round.
All your attacks made this round deal +3d6 cold damage +1/initator level.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Soul Suck
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 6
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Duration: Instananeous
Nom nom nom, souls.
Whenever you drop an opponent, you heal a number of hit points equal to twice the HD of the dropped opponent.
All Fear Death
Reaping Soul (Stance)
Level: Fighter 6
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Target:' Personal
Duration: Stance
Wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka
wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka.
Soul Slice
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 6
Initiation Action: 1 standard action.
Range: One creature.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Suck that soul, oh yeah. Swipe swipe swipe, soul soul soul. Slice slice slice!
You make a single attack that deals 2 negative levels. You gain 10 temporary hit points for 10 rounds.
Touch of the Reaper
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 7
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Duration: End of turn.
You cut people with a really really cold weapon and, therefore, they take extra damage from the coldness of the weapon. Woooooo, you're so deadly and death-themed and cold!
All attacks you make in the round deal +4d6 damage + 1/initator level.
This maneuver is a supernatural effect.
Reaper's Scythe
Reaping Soul (Stance)
Level: Fighter 7
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Target: One creature
Range: Melee Attack
Duration: Instantaneous
With powerful death-like omens of deathy death, you can death it up with death and do death-like things to death death death death.
You make a single attack that deals +7d6 damage. If the target is under the effect of any type of fear, then they gain 2 negative levels.
Mercy of Death
Reaping Soul (Boost)
Level: Fighter 8
Initiation Action: 1 Swift action.
Range: Personal
Duration: Instananeous
You make your weapon SUPER SHARP and stuff, with the power of your SUPER SHARP death powers.
Your critical modifier increases by one step and you deal an extra +4d6 damage.
Bloodstained Blade
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 8
Initiation Action: 1 standard action.
Range: One creature.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Your blade, it is stained with the blood of all those that died and now you use it to make some sweet ass cuttings.
You make an attack that deals additional damage equal to twice your initiator level. Your threat range for this attack is doubled. This increase in threat range stacks with all other increases.
Death's Embrace
Reaping Soul (Strike)
Level: Fighter 9
Initiation Action: 1 Standard action
Range: Melee attack
Duration: Instantaneous.
You can has the pinnacle of cutting technology in your hands and cheezeburgers are yours, but they are dead cheezeburgers and full of despair; you uses them to keel your enemies and shiz!
You make a strike that deals +50 damage. If a creature is under the effects of any type of fear, the attack is an automatic critical. If they are not, they must make a will save (DC 19 + Wisdom modifier) or become panicked.
You reap good.
Prerequisites: You must have access to maneuvers.
Benefit: Increase with BAB.