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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

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|date_created=22nd March 2016
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A bodyshifter is essentially a mix between the [[SRD:Druid|Druid]] and the [[SRD:Monk|Monk]], though instead of casting spells and turning into animal the bodyshifter focuses on only partially transforming her body. The bodyshifter uses her own body to her best advantage, smashing her foes with powerful unarmed strikes and adapting to the situation by strategically shifting her body. The bodyshifter uses a point allocation mechanic. She may invest points in powerful bodyshifts or in less powerful bodymorphs. She may only have a single active bodyshift, but an unlimited amount of bodymorphs. Additionally, bodymorphs can be easily allocated and re-allocated, while bodyshifts require a 10 minute meditation period.
===Making a Bodyshifter===
|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Unarmed<br>Damage {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} AC<br>Bonus {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Shift<br>Points {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Maximum<br>Investment
|special1=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (1), [[#Bodymorph|Bodymorph]], [[#Masterwork body|Masterwork Body]], [[#Shapechanger|Shapechanger]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} 1
|special2=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (2), [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +5 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1
|special3=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]], [[#Morphic Endurance|Morphic Endurance]], [[#Variable Build|Variable Build]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +5 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1
|special4=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (3), [[#Morphic Reach|Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +6 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2
|special5=[[#Shifting Resistance|Shifting Resistance]], [[#Variable Adaptation|Variable Adaptation]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +6 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2
|special6=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]], [[#Mettle|Mettle]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +7 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 2
|special7=[[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (40 ft.), [[#Shed Skin|Shed Skin]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +7 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 3
|special8=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (4), [[#Morphic Reach|Improved Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +8 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 3
|special9=[[#Efficient PhysiquePhysical Boost|Efficient PhysiquePhysical Boost]] {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +8 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 3
|special10=[[#Fortified Body|Fortified Body]] {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +9 {{!!}} 7 {{!!}} 4
|special11=[[#Extraordinary Shifts|Extraordinary Shifts]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +9 {{!!}} 7 {{!!}} 4
|special12=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (5), [[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]], [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (80 ft.) {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +10 {{!!}} 8 {{!!}} 4|special13=[[#Biological ImmortalityTimeless Body|Biological ImmortalityTimeless Body]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +10 {{!!}} 8 {{!!}} 5
|special14=[[#Primordial Soup|Primordial Soup]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +11 {{!!}} 9 {{!!}} 5
|special15=[[#Efficient PhysiqueDual Shift|Efficient PhysiqueDual Shift]] (+5),], [[#Variable Adaptation|Instantaneous Adaptation]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +11 {{!!}} 9 {{!!}} 5
|special16=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (6), [[#Morphic Reach|Greater Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +12 {{!!}} 10 {{!!}} 6
|special17=[[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (160 ft.) {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +12 {{!!}} 10 {{!!}} 6
|special18=[[#Efficient PhysiquePhysical Boost|Efficient PhysiquePhysical Boost]] {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +13 {{!!}} 11 {{!!}} 6|special19=[[#Biological ImmortalityRenewal|Improved Biological ImmortalityRenewal]] {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +13 {{!!}} 11 {{!!}} 7
|special20=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (7), [[#Evershifting Chaos|Evershifting Chaos]] {{!!}} 2d10 {{!!}} +14 {{!!}} 12 {{!!}} 7
|20th || 1d8 || 1d10 || 2d6 || 2d8 || 2d10 || 4d8 || 6d8 || 8d8 || 12d8
'''{{Anchor|Bodyshift}} {{Su}}:''' This is the main The eponymous ability of the Bodyshifter and allows the a bodyshifter , allowing them to radically transform her manipulate their bodyin otherwise unthinkable ways. A bodyshifter may only have has a single active bodyshift active at any time, although she and may switch between them as a swift action. Otherwise bodyshifts are permanent An active bodyshift remains in place until switchedchanged, or if the bodyshifter dies . The effectiveness of a bodyshift depends on the amount of shift point invested into them. A bodyshifter may allocate or reallocate all of her available points by meditating for 10 minutes. The bodyshifter cannot invest more points in which case she returns to each bodyshift than 1 + 1/3rd her natural formclass level.
The bodyshifter may invest shift points into her various bodyshifts. She allocates those points with a 10 minute meditation. She may only place as many points in a single body shift equal to one third of her class level (rounded up). The A bodyshifter starts knowing a single bodyshift at 1st and learns another at 2nd level and 4th and each 4 levels thereafter, selecting them from the [[#List of Bodyshifts|list below]].
'''{{Anchor|Bodymorph}} {{Su}}:''' The bodyshifter also possesses the ability to make minor alterations to her body. Unlike bodyshifts, she may have as many bodymorphs active at the same time as she pleases. Acquiring However unlike a bodymorph requires a move action. Each bodymorph requires a number bodyshift, she must invest an amount of base shift points (the number in the parentheses next to each individual entry) point into them to be invested into activate them and some can cannot be augmented further. Unlike The amount of shift point needed to activate a bodyshift, you may reallocate all points invested bodymorph is written in a parentheses next to the bodymorph as a move action. Similarly, they are permanent until you reallocate the points into them.
Much like bodyshifts Unlike a bodyshift, you may only invest a number of shift reallocate all points invested in a single bodymorph equal to 1/3rd of your class levelsas a move action. This includes Similarly, they remain in place until you reallocate the initial investmentpoints into them or die. The bodyshifter cannot reinvest points invested into a bodymorph to a bodyshift, or vise versa.
Unlike bodyshifts, the bodyshifter knows all bodymorphs available to her from the start:
:''{{Anchor|Adaptive Eyesight}} (1-3):'' The bodyshifter's vision become much more powerful, granting herself the benefits of the [[Improved Eyes (3.5e Equipment)|Improved Eyes]] graft as well as [[Bright-light Vision (3.5e Creature Ability)|Bright-light Vision]]. If she invest an additional point her darkvision increase by another 30 ft and she gain telescopic vision, allowing her to divide by 10 the distance penalty to a bonus on [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]]equal to half her level, low-light vision and darkvision 60 ft. If she invest a 3rd points already had darkvision, she gain instead increase the ability to See in Darkness as a [[SRD:Devil|Devil]] and she gain full spectrum vision, allowing range of her to replicate the effect of a [[SRD:Ring of X-Ray Vision|Ring of X-Ray Vision]] with no [[Constitution]] damage incurred darkvision by uses, in addition of being able to see other spectrum which may or may not be useful60 ft.
:''{{Anchor|Big Hand}} (12):'' The bodyshifter gain the benefits of [[Oversized Grip (3.5e Feat)|Oversize Grip]] even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Additionally, she counts as one size category larger for the purpose of dealing calculating her unarmed strike damage.
:''{{Anchor|Big Head}} (1):'' The bodyshifter falls is constantly under the effect of [[Big Head Mode (3.5e Spell)|''big head mode'']].
:''{{Anchor|Cosmetic Morph}} (1):'' The bodyshifter can changes her appearance radically. She may make cosmetic changes to herself within the limits of the [[SRD:Disguise Self|''disguise self'']] spell. The , except that the changes are a transmutation effect phsyical and do not fool [[SRD:True Seeing|''true seeing'']] or similar abilities. If the bodyshifter invests an additional point in this bodymorph, the limit of cannot alter her transformation is now dictated by [[SRD:Alter Self|''alter self'']]clothes.
:''{{Anchor|Chameleon Skin}} (2):'' The bodyshifter gain the ability to blend in her surrounding, granting her a +4 bonus to Hide. If she stand completely still for 3 rounds she gain the ability to hide without cover and concealment with +8 bonus instead.
:''{{Anchor|Fast Legs}} (1-32):'' The bodyshifter's base land speed increases by 20 10 feet. For each additional point invested in this morph, the speed increase doubles to maximum of +80 ft at 3 points.
:''{{Anchor|Flexible Spine}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gains the benefits of the [[Flexible (3.5e Feat)|Flexible]] feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
:''{{Anchor|Merform}} (23):'' The bodyshifter falls is constantly under the effects of [[Merform (3.5e Spell)|''merform'']].
:''{{Anchor|Plain Look}} (1):'' The bodyshifter assumes a very very plain look, granting her a +10 bonus on [[SRD:Disguise Skill|disguise]] checks in order to disguise into no one in particular. The bonus increases to +20 when standing in a crowd. This cannot be used with [[#Stunning Look|Stunning Look]] or any Bodyshift/Bodymorph which makes her look extraordinary. :''{{Anchor|Regenerative Cells}} (1-3):'' The bodyshifter gains one third of her class level (rounded up) in [[Rapid Healing (3.5e Creature Ability)|Rapid Healing]]. She also gains the ability to regrow her limbs within 3d6 minutes, re-attach them and survive headless. If she invest an additional point it become [[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast Healing]] instead. If she invest two additional points it becomes [[True Immortal (3.5e Template)|Pseudo-Regeneration]].  :''{{Anchor|Stunning Look}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gains the [[Too Hot (3.5e Trait)|Too Hot]] trait and the ability to use ''Fascinate'' as [[SRD:Bard|Bard]] of her level (DC 10 +1/2 HD + [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier) at will. :''{{Anchor|Suction Cups}} (2):'' The bodyshifter falls is constantly under the effect of [[SRD:Spider Climb|''spider climb'']].
:''{{Anchor|Superstrong Legs}} (12):'' The bodyshifter gains a +20 bonus on [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] checks. She adds the distance she may use [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] to the distance traveled with each jump.
'''{{Anchor|Masterwork Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level bodyshifter receives [[Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat)|Masterwork Body]] as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Extend Limbs}} {{Su}}:''' A 2nd level the bodyshifter has learned how to extend her limbs, this allows her to manipulate objects around her up to 20 feet outside of her reach. While she may manipulate objects (such as dragging a box or activating a lever), she is unable to use this ability to attack or activate magic items. The distance she can extend her limbs doubles at 7th level and each 5 levels thereafter.
'''{{Anchor|Efficient Physique}} {{Ex}}:''' A At 3rd level the bodyshifter gains a +1 bonus become immune to two of her physical ability scores, at 6th level and each 3 levels thereafter, the [[SRD:Fatigued|Fatigued]] condition. If she is made [[SRD:Exhausted|Exhausted]] she takes penalty as if she may increase two again by 1. She may apply the increase to different ability scores each timewas [[SRD:Fatigued|Fatigued]].
'''{{Anchor|Morphic Endurance}}:''' A 3rd level Bodyshifter bodyshifter gains [[SRD:Endurance, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Endurance]] and [[Diehard, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Diehard]] as a bonus feats. She may use her class level +3 instead of [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] to determine , the bonus granted by [[Endurance, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Endurance]]endurance increases by +1 at 5th level and each five levels thereafter.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Build}} {{Su}}:''' A 3rd level bodyshifter gains both ''powerful build'' and ''slight build'' (counting as either a size larger or smaller) as her form shift whenever it would be advantageous.
'''{{Anchor|Morphic Reach}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, 8th and 16th level, the bodyshifter's natural reach increases by 5'.
'''{{Anchor|Shifting Resistance}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level bodyshifter become immune to effect which change her shape against her will, such as polymoprh spells and petrification. She may also always revert to her native form as a move action.
'''{{Anchor|Extraordinary Shifts}} {{Ex}}:''' An 11th level bodyshifter's supernatural class features become extraordinary.
'''{{Anchor|Biological ImmortalityTimeless Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 13th level bodyshifter become immortal. She may change her apparent age at will gain Timeless Body as a [[SRD:Move ActionsDruid|move actiondruid]]. She no longer suffers any penalties '''{{Anchor|Primordial Soup}} {{Ex}}:''' When a 14th level bodyshifter dies, her body decays into a strange ooze-like soup within 1d4 days of death. The soup is treated as acid but only for biological creatures. If it is left to it own devices for at least a year however, the bodyshifter emerges from aging it with a new body identical to her old one and the soup dissolves. The soup can be used as a focus for any resurrection spell, removing any level loss or penalty she previously suffered from are removedbeing resurrected. She Any creature dissolved in the pool become part of it, speeding up the process by a number of days equal to it CR. If the bodyshifter died of old age or cannot otherwise be resurrected the bodyshifter's body still accrues bonuses from agingdissolve into soup but never allow the bodyshifter to come back until she is able to be brought back to life again. AdditionallyThe pool may be disrupted or destroyed, she becomes immune forcing the bodyshifter to ability damage, ability drain, [Death]-effect and [[SRDbe raised in a more conventional manner. '''{{Anchor|Dual Shift}} {{Ex}}:Energy Drain, Negative Levels, and Level Loss|energy drain]]''' A 15th level bodyshifter may now use two bodyshifts at the same time instead of one.
At '''{{Anchor|Biological Renewal}} {{Ex}}:''' The 19th level when the bodyshifter dies, if her 's body is not damaged (as per capable of making a mockery of death. She may use her [[SRD:Raise Dead#Shed Skin|raise deadShed Skin]])ability to return from the dead, upon doing so she returns is brought back to life 1d10 minutes after death with no level loss or other penalties. If her body is too damaged, she still decay into as per [[#Primordial SoupSRD:True Resurrection|Primordial Soup''true resurrection'']]. The process require 5 rounds, which the Bodyshifter's remaining cells clump together and start growing. Any damage dealt to the clump is dealt to the resurrected bodyshifter, if enough damage is done to kill her again the attempted regeneration fail. The bodyshifter may try again with another use of Shed Skin.
'''{{Anchor|Primordial Soup}} {{Ex}}:''' When a 14th level In order to use this ability the bodyshifter dies, her body decays into a strange ooze-like soup within 1d4 days of death. The soup is treated as acid for all creatures. Any creatures dying within becoming part of it. If it is left to it own devices for must have at least a year howeverone or more cell still in existence, the bodyshifter emerges from it with a new body identical to so effects which destroy her utterly make her old one and the soup dissolves. The soup can be used as a focus for any resurrection spell, speeding up the process completely unable to 24 hourscome back this way.
'''{{Anchor|Evershifting Chaos}} {{Ex}}:''' A 20th level bodyshifter may now use two bodyshifts at the same time instead of oneredistribute her shift points between her body shift and/or bodymorph as a free action once per round.
===List of Bodyshifts===
If she invest four shift points, she gain the benefits of the [[Greater Combat Trick (3.5e Feat)|Greater Combat Trick]] feat, she now bypass all DR (except DR/-) with her blade and spike attack, she also gain the ability to destroy force effects with them. She treat a 5x5 square of force as an object with 10 hit points per inch of thickness and a hardness equal to the caster level of the caster.
If she invests five shift points, her iterative attacks gained from BAB no longer gain a penalty greater than -5 and she is constantly under the effect of [[SRD:Haste|''haste'']]. If her [[SRD:Haste|''haste'']] is somehow dispelled it is instead suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
If she invests six shift points,
If she invests seven shift points on this bodyshift, her skin can now feed on sunlight making her able to survive without breathing, drinking, eating or sleeping as long as she is in contact with sunlight. While under sunslight her skin simply heal too fast, increase her fast healing to 10 and halving piercing and slashing damage.
'''{{Anchor|Extra Arms}}:''' The bodyshifter grows another pair of arms. However they start off much clumsier and weaker than normal arms. She may only wield light weapons with her secondary arms and only adds half of her [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] modifier to damage. Any skill checks made with only the secondary arms are made with a –4 penalty. If While in this bodyshift she possesses gain the benefist of the [[SRD:Two-Weapon Multiweapon Fighting , Codex (3.5e Feat)|Two-Weapon Codex Multiweapon Fighting]] feat it applies to all extra attacks granted by having multiple arms (much like [[SRD:Multiweapon Fighting|Multiweapon Fighting]]).
''Augment:'' If she invests a single shift point on this bodyshift, her secondary arms no longer take penalties and may now wield one-handed or light weapons.
If she invests two shift points on this bodyshift, she gains an additional pair of arms which start weaker but become normal when she invests three pointsand she gain additional attacks when she make a full-attack.
If she invests four shift points on this bodyshift, she gains an additional pair of arms which start weaker but become normal when she invests five pointsand she gain additional attacks when she make a full-attack.
If she invests six shift points on this bodyshift, she gains an additional pair of arms which start weaker but become normal when she invests seven pointsand she gain additional attacks when she make a full-attack.
'''{{Anchor|Feral Form}}:''' The bodyshifter gain a single [[Feral Strike (3.5e Variant Rule)|feral strike]] of her choice from the [[Mythic Beast (3.5e Race)|Mythic Beast]] list. The shift to a feral form grants additional abilities. She gains three abilities on the [ ''beast shape I''] list, a +10 bonus to all speeds and a +2 bonus to [[Strength]] and [[Dexterity]].
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[[Category:Base Class]]