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1,423 bytes added, 00:09, 9 August 2010
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IdeaElemental Bender by levels: Ninja  #Bend Element, Bender's Blast#Bending Technique#Least Elemental Affinity#Bending Technique#Lesser Elemental Affinity#Bending Technique#Greater Elemental Affinity#Bending Technique#Supreme Elemental Affinity#Bending Technique Bend element: Ability to move element of the Rimefire Flamechoice around, partially DM-fiat Bending level: Equal to class level + 1/2 character level, max equal to character level. Increases in certain situations *Fire: +1 during daytime, +2 on a fire-aligned plane*Water: +1 during night, +2 on a water-aligned plane*Earth: +1 while touching ground, +2 on an earth-aligned plane*Air: +1 while not touching ground, +2 on an air-aligned plane Can use a move action to focus energy to increase by another one Least Elemental Affinity: *Fire - Gain endure elements (cold)*Water - Gain endure elements (fire)*Earth - Gain endurance feat*Air - bonus to jump checks equal to class level Lesser Elemental Affinity: *Fire - Gain fire resistance 5*Water - Water walking*Earth - +4 vs. being moved*Air - Float 1' above earth at will Greater Elemental Technique: *Fire - Ignore fire resistance, 1/2 damage for immunity*Water - Gain cold resistance 5*Earth - Diehard*Air - Blindsense Supreme Elemental Technique: *Fire - Fire immunity*Water - 20% miss chance vs. ranged attacks*Earth - DR 5/Adamantine, swift action to increase by 5, move action to increase by 1/2 bending level*Air - +30' speed

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