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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability

2 bytes removed, 17:29, 15 November 2017
Minimum Rank 2 Uses: Grammar check
You know how to win friends and influence people, and a smile or kind word from you can melt even the coldest heart. With a bit of time, you can get people to like you more than they otherwise would. This is a natural shift in rapport, one that is not magically enforced. If you mistreat or disappoint a person after changing their rapport with you, they are likely to respond more negatively than before. After all, no one likes false friends.</onlyinclude>
Use of this ability is a 10-minute action, which must be spent in uninterrupted conversation or shared activity with a creature. The activity or conversation can change as the result of outside circumstances, but it must continue for the full 10 minutes or you must start over at a later time. At the end of that time, you make an Affability check against a DC of 13 + the target’s CR + the target’s [[Wis]] modifier + the target’s negative [[#Rapport|rapport]] with you, if any. (It is harder to make someone who like you when they already dislike you, but not easier to make them like you more when they already like you. ) The degree to which you improve your rapport with them is determined by your check result. (Note that a negative rapport is one that applies a ''positive'' modifier to the DC.)
If you are attempting to improve your standing with multiple targets, you must spend the required time with each target and check against them individually. Your check is compared against each of their individual DCs, affecting those with a lower CR first. If you succeed on getting a portion of the group to like you, however, the rest may accept you more readily, even if you do not attempt to gain their favor as well. If you are worried about saying something terrible in front of a well-regarded individual, you can instead impress their friends and allow them to speak well of you.