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Talk:Saiyan (5e Race)

2 bytes added, 19:11, 16 November 2019
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: Oh, gotcha, sorry about that. Also on the the whole oberoni fallacy thing, you didnt clarity what exactly that was. I assume your referring to the zenkai bonus.
: If you could just expound on that that would be really helpful. --[[User:Iskerbabble|Iskerbabble]]
:: [ The fallacy.]
:: In short, saying, "The DM can do this to make this feature not imbalanced," doesn't balance anything.
:: The race should be balanced without the need for DM intervention or for them to change how they run the game. --[[User:Ghostwheel|Ghostwheel]] ([[User talk:Ghostwheel|talk]]) 12:09, 16 November 2019 (MST)

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