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1-2 combat engineers
1-4 tooth-tail for infantry (mine are universally mechanized so AFVs and CFVs as well as LAVs included here)
1-6 tooth-tail for tanks
1-7 for artillery (mobile and MLRS)
1-10 Helicopters (attack, multirole and transport)
1-15 Multirole Fighter
1-17 Air Superiority Fighter
(naval gets really complex but in the end it's about 1-5 including air craft carriers)
thats number of people not number of vehicles etc. so one tanker per 6 support personnel or 24 support personnel per tank.
DnD Munchkins
Ventru are the rare hybrid which results from the crossing of an orc and an elf. Born of hatred and violence, the ventru are shunned by both their parents. As such, they tend to aim at survival above all.
For nation states.
Current population : 30 million
Ventru are conflicted creatures, always very distant-minded. They tend to be very quiet, not wanting to disturb, and more importantly, not wanting to be disturbed. Incredibly temperamental, they do not back down from threats, but rather, relish them, as it gives them an opportunity to hurt someone, to lash out against the world and what they believe to be its injustice.
Armed forces make up about 2%:500,000
===Physical Description===
Ventru are quite tall, usually standing between 6 foot 3 to 6 foot 9, and are almost always remarkably well muscled. They combine the ferocious features of an orc with the natural beauty of an elf and have completely pupilless, empty eyes. This, more than anything else, makes people suspicious of the ventru. Some ventru have a slightly green tint to their skin or slight tusks, depending on who their orcish ancestor was. Those ventur are the exception, not the rule though. They tend to favor weapons which reflect their ambiguous nature, often using axes as well as swords.
Budget: 15.468 billion (projected)
Military Forces:
Ventru tend to have terrible relations with most other races, and even among each other. Elves hate them because they are orcs, orcs hate them because they are elves, and others treat them with all the prejudice of both. The only races which they can tolerate and which tolerate them are often the other half-breeds, half-elves and half-orcs particularly. They do however, strive desperately to be accepted, and are almost always turned down by all.
Army: 250,000
Logistical Personnel: 125,000
Ventru tend to be chaotic, only caring for themselves, often at the cost of others. A few however, either choose to embrace the savagery within them, or to suppress it, becoming paladins and the like.
Airforce: 125,000
Logistical Personnel: 80,000
Ventru have no lands, and usually get kicked out of any they stay too long in. Barring some very open human cities, they tend to suffer heavy discrimination. Unlike half-orcs, who usually live with either the orcs or humans, or half-elves, who can form their own communities, ventrus can do neither, as they are hated by both their parents, and are too few in number to form an independent community.
Navy: 125,000
Logistical Personnel: 80,000
Ventrus tend to hate the gods that made them suffer so much, especially Elven and Orcish ones. As such, ventru clerics and paladins are rare, but when present, epitomize the embodiment of good.
Bought at: http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1112&p=3795899#p3795899
200,000x Lycos Combat Machete ($20 million)
Ventru speak Elven and Orcish, and have the ability to learn all languages from both sides. However, they tend to prefer common, and will use Elvish and Orcish only in extreme circumstances.
200,000x Blacktalon Combat Gloves ($16 million)
200,000x Mamba Tactical Boots ($40 million)
Ventru names are a combination of the guttural sounds of Orc names with the poetry like flow of the Elven tongue.
200,000x Multispectral Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform ($16 million)
===Racial Traits=== <!--Required information below this point.-->
200,000x LY20 High lethality advanced rifle (HILAR) ($500 million)
* {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|<!-- attribute modifier here, like "+2" -->|<!-- attribute here, like "Strength" or "Intelligence or Wisdom" -->}} <!-- repeat this line for each attribute adjustment your race has. Leave the modifier section blank if your race has no attribute adjustments. Leave the attribute section blank if you race can select where to put the modifier. -->:  <!-- fluff to explain adjustments -->
* [[Type::<!-- race type here -->]] ([[Subtype::<!-- Subtype 1 here -->]]):  <!-- fluff about type and subtypes -->
* {{Racial Size|<!--race size here-->|<!--race name-->}}
* <-race name-> [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is <!-- base land speed --> feet:  <!-- other movement modes and speeds -->
* <!-- If the race has low-light vision or darkvision, use of the of following:"{{3.5e Darkvision|<!-- number of feet darkvision goes, leave 'ft' off -->}}" or "{{3.5e Low-Light Vision}}" -->
* <!-- name of special ability {{Ex}}, {{Su}}, {{Sp}}, or {{Ps}}. -->:  <!-- game rule information about special ability. repeat as needed -->
* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: <!-- languages with which characters automatically starts off -->.
* [[SRD:Bonus Languages|Bonus Languages]]: <!-- starting languages which characters may choose due to Int bonus -->.
* [[SRD:Favored Class|Favored Class]]: <!-- Use "{{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Wizard|Wizard}}" for each favored class of the race, replacing SRD:Wizard with the page name and Wizard with the class name for the appropriate class. If there is no favored class, put "[[Favored Class::Any]]" -->
* [[Level Adjustment]]: +[[Level Adjustment::<!-- Enter the LA of your race here. If it is +0, enter 0 -->]]
* [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::<!-- Add the LA to the racial hit dice (if the race has no racial hit dice, add 1 instead) and enter that number here. -->]]
200,000x LY46 'Hellhammer' .50cal handgun ($300 million)
===Vital Statistics===
25,000x MGJ21 'Mary Jane' Light Machine Gun ($50 million)
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|name=<!-- Name of race -->
|start=<!-- Starting age for PCs. -->
|simple=<!-- Age modifier for simple classes (i.e. Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer) -->
|moderate=<!-- Age modifier for moderate classes (i.e. Bard, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger) -->
|complex=<!-- Age modifier for complex classes (i.e. Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard) -->}}
10,000x GR-88 Grenadier Rifle ($47 million)
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|middle=<!-- starting age for middle age -->
|old=<!-- starting age for old age -->
|venerable=<!-- starting age for venerable age -->
|maximum=<!-- max age modifier -->}}
1,000x Lyran Battlehound Attack Dogs ($10 million)
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|mHeightBase=<!-- male base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|mHeightMod=<!-- male height modifier -->
|mWeightBase=<!-- male base weight -->
|mWeightMod=<!-- male weight modifier -->
|fHeightBase=<!-- female base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|fHeightMod=<!-- female height modifier -->
|fWeightBase=<!-- female base weight -->
|fWeightMod=<!-- female weight modifier -->}}
1,000x Arachne Body Armor ($700,000)
1,000x Auditory Implants ($500,000)
{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}
5,000x LY83 "Fox" Light Multirole 4 x 4 Utility Vehicle ($500 million)
-1,000 normal, 1,000 with LY64 GPMG, 1,000 with LY60 HMG, and 1,000 with LY221 Little Shepherd AA system
10x LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System ($70 million)
5 with cruise missiles, 5 with 30x220mm rockets
15x King Sheperd Anti-Aircraft System ($270 million)
40x LY219 Armoured Multirole Tactical Vehicle (AMTV) ($193.5 million)
-10x Ambulance ($41 million)
-10x IFV ($42.5 million)
-10x Anti-tank Missile System ($52.5 million)
-10x Stormdrake System ($57.5 million)
2x Minotaur Strategic Cargo Aircraft ($600 million)
5x E-LY908A 'Darkhawk' ($535 Million)
2x KC-747 'Galt' aerial refueling tanker ($620 Million)
10,000x LR-1M ($5 million)
100,000x Warheads for the LR-1M ($20-40 million)
5,000x MA-14 ($400 million)
From: Lyran Arms(http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1112&p=3795899#p3795899)
Heavy Mechanised Division Package
130 x LY9/M22 Dire Wolf Heavy Tank
490 x LY224 Sorcha HIFV
20 x LY224 Armoured Recovery
5 x LY224 Command Vehicles
25 x LY7/222 King Shepherd STMRAD
72 x LY300 Manticore MRS
30 x LY6 Werewolf Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer
3000 x HEMT trucks
80 x TRA-92 "Eiko" Light Attack Helicopters
10 x K45A2 'Vandal' Light Utility Helicopter
1 x LY471 Skyguard Battery
20,000 x AY144L assault rifles
2,000 x LY20 HILAR
5,000 MGJ-21 LMGs
2,000 x GR-88 grenadier rifles
40,000 x LY1002 ‘Hellsbreath’ grenades
40,000 x Blacktalon combat gloves (pair)
40,000 x Mamba tactical boots (pair)
10,000 x Badger Trench Axe
10,000 x Lycos Combatant Machete
40,000 x Multispectral camouflage uniforms (set
-20,000x LADN LeMay (35.2 million)
Not from any storefront:
100x F-5 E/F Tiger II ($210 million) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_F-5
2x Iowa Class Battleship ($3.6 Billion) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_class_battleship

Revision as of 06:48, 1 September 2012


Ventru are the rare hybrid which results from the crossing of an orc and an elf. Born of hatred and violence, the ventru are shunned by both their parents. As such, they tend to aim at survival above all.


Ventru are conflicted creatures, always very distant-minded. They tend to be very quiet, not wanting to disturb, and more importantly, not wanting to be disturbed. Incredibly temperamental, they do not back down from threats, but rather, relish them, as it gives them an opportunity to hurt someone, to lash out against the world and what they believe to be its injustice.

Physical Description

Ventru are quite tall, usually standing between 6 foot 3 to 6 foot 9, and are almost always remarkably well muscled. They combine the ferocious features of an orc with the natural beauty of an elf and have completely pupilless, empty eyes. This, more than anything else, makes people suspicious of the ventru. Some ventru have a slightly green tint to their skin or slight tusks, depending on who their orcish ancestor was. Those ventur are the exception, not the rule though. They tend to favor weapons which reflect their ambiguous nature, often using axes as well as swords.


Ventru tend to have terrible relations with most other races, and even among each other. Elves hate them because they are orcs, orcs hate them because they are elves, and others treat them with all the prejudice of both. The only races which they can tolerate and which tolerate them are often the other half-breeds, half-elves and half-orcs particularly. They do however, strive desperately to be accepted, and are almost always turned down by all.


Ventru tend to be chaotic, only caring for themselves, often at the cost of others. A few however, either choose to embrace the savagery within them, or to suppress it, becoming paladins and the like.


Ventru have no lands, and usually get kicked out of any they stay too long in. Barring some very open human cities, they tend to suffer heavy discrimination. Unlike half-orcs, who usually live with either the orcs or humans, or half-elves, who can form their own communities, ventrus can do neither, as they are hated by both their parents, and are too few in number to form an independent community.


Ventrus tend to hate the gods that made them suffer so much, especially Elven and Orcish ones. As such, ventru clerics and paladins are rare, but when present, epitomize the embodiment of good.


Ventru speak Elven and Orcish, and have the ability to learn all languages from both sides. However, they tend to prefer common, and will use Elvish and Orcish only in extreme circumstances.


Ventru names are a combination of the guttural sounds of Orc names with the poetry like flow of the Elven tongue.

Racial Traits

  •  :
  • ():
  • <-race name-> base land speed is feet:
  • }}" or "Low-Light Vision: A can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

" -->

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
years + + +
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
years years years + years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male ' " + lb. × () lb.
Female ' " + lb. × () lb.

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