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Gambler (3.5e Prestige Class)

155 bytes added, 14:18, 3 April 2012
Becoming a Gambler
'''{{Anchor|Deus Ex Machina}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 10th level, a gambler may safely invoke a miracle of cause and effect which swings the tide of battle in his favor. As a immediate action, a gambler may create effects equal in strength to ''[[SRD:Limited Wish|limited wish]]''. This is not an actual limited wish spell, rather the effects stem from some manner of good fortune... the gas pump decides at this moment to fail, exploding and allowing the hero to escape... the opponent is distracted, taking a penalty to his saving throw and allowing an ally to get his spell through.... the next spell cast goes berserk, and ends up teleporting the party to the other side of the world. Regardless of the source, the actual miracle is an extraordinary effect of good fortune, and the DM may construct something plasuable within the power limitations described within the spell. This great toll of luck is rare, and may only be used 1/week. The gambler does not pay the experience cost for invoking this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Lucky Soul}}:''' At 10th level, some of that chaotic luck has rubbed off on your body, granting you the Chaotic subtype, regardless of your actual alignment, and granting you Damage Reduction 10/lawful. Your Aura of Chaos now equals your character level instead of your class level. Your type does not change.
The epic gambler gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic gambler feats) at 11th and every 4 levels after.
Gamblers who become lawful lose their Second Chance, Karma, and Deus Ex Machina class abilities, but retain all other qualities and traits of the class. They also may not level in this class until their alignment has become non-lawful once more.
Note: Sorry i change it without asking but i don't know how to contact you.. And i don't understand the thing you wrote about 10/lawful.
===Campaign Information===

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