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Mind Poop (3.5e Power)

64 bytes added, 11:56, 31 October 2012
|subj=Creature touched
|save=[[SRD:Will |Will]] partial
|pp=15 (psion/wilder) or 11 (telepath)
''Mah boi, this '''PINGAS''' is what all true Mama Luigis toast for! '''To protect the loyfe cycle! I need scissors! 63!''' Pinch the enclosed instruction book! I will make you a face! '''YOU DARE BRING''' smoke '''TO MY LAIR? YOU MUST DIE!!!'''''
This power floods the mind of its target with [ a cavalcade of utter inanity and nonsense]. A victim that fails its [[SRD:Will |Will]] save has its senses utterly overridden by the insanity you've implanted into its brain, and is treated as though it's fallen victim to a ''sensory deprivation''<ref name="spc">[[Publication:Spell Compendium|Spell Compendium]]</ref> spell. The power effect surrounds the subject in a storm of frightfully bizarre sights and sounds that make absolutely ''no'' sense, which blocks all auditory, olfactory, taste, and visual sensations, and also blocks finely tuned senses of touch (such as those that provide tremorsense). The victim is effectively [[SRD:Blinded|blinded]] and [[SRD:Deafened|deafened]], and gains no benefit from [[SRD:Blindsense|blindsense]], [[SRD:Blindsight|blindsight]], [[SRD:Scent|scent]], or [[SRD:Tremorsense|tremorsense]]. In addition to those effects, the insane images block out even telepathic or empathetic links the subject might possess with other creatures, and for every round that the effect lasts, the victim is forced to make another [[SRD:Will|Will]] save or suffer 1 point of [[SRD:Ability Damage|damage]] to [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]], [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]], and [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] - the sensations are so ''aberrant'' to all notions of sense and logic that they slowly shatter the mind.
Even if the target succeeds on its initial [[SRD:Will|Will]] save, it's still [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]] for 3 rounds as a result of the utter ''stupidity'' of what you just forced into its brain.
You may spend 2 additional power points to negate the [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] [[SRD:Ability Damage|damage]] that you would otherwise suffer for manifesting this power.
You may spend 4 additional power points to convert the [[SRD:Ability Damage|ability damage]] inflicted by this power to [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]]. If you do, you may then spend 4 additional power points to convert the [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] to [[SRD:Ability Drain|ability drain]]. (You spend 8 total additional power points to make this power inflict [[SRD:Ability Drain|ability drain]].) This does not apply to the [[SRD:Wisdom |Wisdom]] [[SRD:Ability Damage|damage ]] you inflict to yourself by manifesting this power.
For every 2 additional power points you spend augmenting this power, its save DC increases by 1.

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