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Yeenoghu (3.5e Monster)

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Yeenoghu's Worshipers: Grammar check
Yeenoghu's primary base of devotees is amongst his native people; gnoll lore has immortalized Yeenoghu as one of its greatest figures, and the fact that his tale of triumph continues to this day spurs them to emulate his deeds and attempt time and again to rebuild the empire he created. Other would-be conquerors, particularly those well-versed in their historical studies, also pay respects to Yeenoghu for his exploits.
In the Abyss, Yeenoghu maintains good relations with the [[Molydeus (3.5e Monster)|molydei]], but has attracted the ire of [[Baphomet (3.5e Monster)|Baphomet]] due to what has been perceived as an attempt to steal followers. He also surrounds himself with fiendish gnolls and upon whom he commonly bestows his ravage, who serve as his new force in battle and frequent the vast expanse of his realm, which has become a hive of activity with the introduction of several gnoll armies into its borders, one of the key pieces in his bid to acquire more territory.

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