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V (3.5e NPC)

1,577 bytes added, 03:02, 12 May 2019
V is complete. Now working on adding his familiars.
|lang=Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven
|acmods= +11 Armor bonus, +3 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]], +7 shield, Ring of Protection +3deflection
|skills=+31 [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), +21 [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] ([[SRD:Constitution|Con]]), +31 [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), +13 [[SRD:Hide|Hide]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]) +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (nature) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (religion) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (the planes) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +32 [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), all skills are usable as if trained and as if they had 8 ranks
|poss=3500 gp, [[Book of Knowledge (3.5e Equipment)|Book of Knowledge]] (Greater; +15 to nature, religion, and the planes; also inscribed with poetry from a "Mailliw Ekalb"; Bonded Object and Anchored Object), [[Interspatial Ring (3.5e Equipment)|Interspatial Ring]] IV, [[Ready Talisman (3.5e Equipment)|Ready Talisman]] of Spellcraft +10, [[SRD:Ring of Protection|Ring of Protection]] +3, Sandals of Light Step (Magic Item Compendium pg. 198), [[Alchemy Stone (3.5e Equipment)|Alchemy Stone]], +5 [[Ability Shield (3.5e Equipment)|Charisma Shielding]] [[Autorepair (3.5e Equipment)|Autorepairing]] [[Armored Fashionable Clothing (3.5e Equipment)|Armored Fashionable Clothing]] of the [[Aeon Nix (3.5e Equipment)|Aeons]], +5 Black [[Mineral Weave (3.5e Equipment)|Diamond Weave]] Coat, +1 [[Rare Energy Brand (3.5e Equipment)|Arcane Brand]] [[Slaying (3.5e Equipment)|Slaying]] [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|Silver]] [[Weaponized (3.5e Equipment)|Cane]]
|san1=Flaws|sad1=[[Bad Leg (3.5e Flaw)|Bad Leg]], [[Anchored Object (3.5e Flaw)|Anchored Object]] (Greater Book of Knowledge)|san2=Familiars and Summoning|sad2=V has three familiars bound to him; Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare. Summoning his familiars causes stress on V's body, causing him to lose a certain percentage of max health while they are present. As a standard action, V can summon either Griffon or Shadow, or both as a full-round action. Each of them cost V 10% of his max health, or 20% if both are summoned. Summoning Nightmare is always a full-round action and costs V 30% of his max health. Griffon and Shadow last until death. Nightmare stays for 1 minute. All familiar summons are dismissable, and doing so restores V's max health and current health. (example: V summons both Griffon and Shadow, reducing his max health to 76 hp. V later dismisses them and, under the assumption no damage was taken between summoning and dismissing, restores his health to 96.)|san3=Familiar Deaths|sad3=Should Griffon or Shadow die, they remain in their space as a glowing orb, their core, for 2 rounds. If any healing brings them back up to above 1 hp, they reform, ready to do V's bidding. Nightmare's core does not stick around. If any summon is allowed to expire, they disappear, until the next time V summons them. Their expiration also causes V's max health to increase, though his current hp stays the same. (In the above example, if, after V summons Griffon and Shadow, one of them dies, V's max health is restored, but his hp would stay at 76, rather than raise to 86.)

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