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SRD:About Planes

23 bytes added, 18:52, 10 October 2009
Transitive Planes
=====Transitive Planes=====
These three planes have one important common characteristic: Each is used to get from one place to another. The [[SRD:Astral Plane|Astral Plane]] is a conduit to all other planes, while the [[SRD:Ethereal Plane |Ethereal Plane]] and the [[SRD:Plane of Shadow|Plane of Shadow]] both serve as means of transportation within the [[SRD:Material Plane|Material Plane]] they’re connected to. These planes have the strongest regular interaction with the [[SRD:Material Plane|Material Plane]] and are often accessed by using various spells. They have native inhabitants as well.
=====Inner Planes=====

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