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Class Features
All of the following are class features of the spiritualist.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Spiritualists are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff, and shortspear. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Light armor does not, however, interfere with the incantation of [[#Bindings|bindings]]]], while medium and heavy armor do.
'''{{Anchor|Bindings}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' From the very start, spiritualists learn to bind spirits in different forms; there are four different categories of bindings, which are spirits, essences, fetishes and incantations. All of these last for a number of rounds equal to three times the Spiritualist's [[Constitution]] modifier unless noted otherwise (minimum two rounds). A spiritualist knows a number of bindings equal to the number listed on the table above, and at level four and every even level afterwards he may switch out one binding he knows for another. Unlike other spell-like abilities, bindings have both somatic components and have a chance of failure as per arcane spell failure when the spiritualist is in medium or heavier armor.
Prestige classes that advance casting (either arcane or divine) advance the spiritualist's effective level as far as bindings go, but do not grant the spiritualist any more bindings known. Furthermore, a Spiritualist counts as being able to cast spells (either arcane or divine) of a level equal to one-half his effective caster level for the purposes of filling the prerequisites of prestige classes or feats.
''Spirits:'' The spiritualist binds a spirit to do his bidding, causing it to appear in any adjacent square. It takes one round to bring a spirit into being, and another for every additional spirit already on the field. (So if the spiritualist has two spirits out, bringing another one into being requires three rounds of binding.) Any saves creatures must make in response to spirits have a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the spiritualist's level + the spiritualist's [[Wisdom]] modifier. If a spiritualist binds a spirit of the same type which is already out, the first one disappears as though killed.

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