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120 bytes added, 05:19, 17 July 2010
no edit summary
***Make it effectively a melee attack
*Hulk Up - As per Expansion
*Raging Resistance - Immediate +5 vs. a saving throw
*Raging Attack - Extra attack at -2 attack roll
*Raging Speed - Increase speed, starts at +10' and increases at higher levels
*Heedless Charge - +4 to attack instead of +2 on a charge, -4 AC instead of -2
**Pounce - make an extra attack
*Unrelenting Anger - Choose an effect, ignore it for 1-3 rounds (can use this even when normally unable to act)
*Corp-a-corp - enter an opponent's square (no AoO), both your reach is reduced by 5', and all squares adjacent to you are considered difficult terrain
*Unstoppable Juggernaut - +10 to str check to burst a door, break an object, or bull rush
*Suicidal Attack - +1 attack, -1 to AC and saves for one round, stacks up to however many points you spend, max up to class level?
*Ignore Distractions - Reroll saving throw
**Mindless Rage - Immunity to mind-affecting effects**Fearless - Immediate action for immunity to fear*Unrelenting Anger - Choose an effect, ignore it for 1-3 rounds (can use this even when normally unable to act)*Raging Resistance - Immediate +5 vs. a saving throw
*Knockback - as knockback feat
*Animal Form - a la Pathfinder/Tome polymorph?
**Hybrid form? - think Norn
*Spirit guide - Midna/Navi/Prey hawk?
*Bite of the Wolf - gain bite, make trips with it
*Claws of the lion - pounce? claws? need to think about it some more. Maybe allows rage dice to affect them

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