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''{{Anchor|Basic War Tactics Training}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''The fighter can add 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) as a circumstance bonus to disarm, trip, grapple, overrun, bullrush, sunder and feint checks. | ''{{Anchor|Basic War Tactics Training}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''The fighter can add 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) as a circumstance bonus to disarm, trip, grapple, overrun, bullrush, sunder and feint checks. | ||
+ | ''{{Anchor|War Tactics Memory}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'' The fighter can a number of times per encounter equal to 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) take 10 on their use of disarm, trip, grapple, overrun, bullrush, sunder and feint checks on foes. | ||
− | ''{{Anchor| | + | ''{{Anchor|Undying Battle}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'' The fighter has such a stern and strong body and will that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying and can remain conscious even when at 0 or less hitpoints. |
+ | ''{{Anchor|Battered But Fierce }} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'' The fighter now only becomes staggered from non lethal damage when their nonlethal damage is equal to 1.5x their current hit points + their fighter levels and only becomes unconscious when it exceeds 1.5x + their fighter levels. Additionally you heal nonlethal damage caused by using your martial abilities at the rate of 1 point every 30 minutes. | ||
''{{Anchor|No Surprises}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'' The fighter can always act in the first surprise round and is not flatfooted unless they are unable to act for some reason. | ''{{Anchor|No Surprises}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'' The fighter can always act in the first surprise round and is not flatfooted unless they are unable to act for some reason. |
Revision as of 17:44, 11 November 2020
War Social Experience (Ex): The fighter may add 1/2 their fighter levels to intimidation and bluff checks as a competence bonus and does not suffer a penalty to intimidation and bluff checks if they have a low charisma score(treat as 0 instead)
Basic War Tactics Training (Ex):The fighter can add 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) as a circumstance bonus to disarm, trip, grapple, overrun, bullrush, sunder and feint checks.
War Tactics Memory (Ex): The fighter can a number of times per encounter equal to 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) take 10 on their use of disarm, trip, grapple, overrun, bullrush, sunder and feint checks on foes.
Undying Battle (Ex): The fighter has such a stern and strong body and will that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying and can remain conscious even when at 0 or less hitpoints.
Battered But Fierce (Ex): The fighter now only becomes staggered from non lethal damage when their nonlethal damage is equal to 1.5x their current hit points + their fighter levels and only becomes unconscious when it exceeds 1.5x + their fighter levels. Additionally you heal nonlethal damage caused by using your martial abilities at the rate of 1 point every 30 minutes.
No Surprises (Ex): The fighter can always act in the first surprise round and is not flatfooted unless they are unable to act for some reason.
Planned Initiative (Ex): The fighter adds 1/2 their fighter level(minimum one) to initiative checks as an insight bonus and does not take a penalty to initiative if they have a naturally low dexterity modifier(instead treat it as 0).
Keep Trying (Ex): The fighter can if the fail a save, reroll the save as a free action though the fighter must take the second result even if it is worse then the first. The fighter can do this a number of times per day with different saves equal to 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one).
Vigor (Ex): If through natural rest, healing effects or fast healing the fight is healed to their max hp, the fighter can now gain 1/2 their total hp as temporary hp if they would be healed or regain more hp. The temporary hp gained through this is lost first. An example is a fighter has 38 hp max normally, with healing effects or rest they could now have 57 hp total, 17 of those points are temporary hp.
Bravery (Ex): The fighter adds 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) as a morale bonus to saves against fear effects and demoralize checks.
Brutal Opportunity (Ex): The fighter takes the advantage against those who let their guard down. A number of times per encounter equal to 1/3 their fighter level(minimum one) when the fighter hits a foe with an attack of opportunity they automatically threaten a critical hit. If it hits, the foe is also denied it's dexterity bonus to ac for one round if they fail a reflex save. The fighter can choose not to use this on an attack if they wish.
Strong Grip (Ex): The fighter may if they would be disarmed or drop anything they are holding for whatever reason may take 10 on their check or save to keep their held items in their hands. If they are stunned, they can make an additional reflex save equal to what stunned them to try and keep their held items.
Horrifying Body Count (Ex): For every hostile foe no more then 3 cr lower then the fighter or with less then 1/2 cr that the fighter kills in an encounter, the fighter gains a 1+ circumstance bonus on intimidation checks. The fighter must have done at least 75% of the damage the foe took or played a large role in the foe's death.
Second Skin (Ex): The fighter no longer takes a penalty to movement speed when wearing medium armor and is not fatigued or exhausted if sleeping in medium armor. Additionally worn light and medium armor no longer counts as encumbrance for the fighter. Taking this a second time allows the fighter to apply these effects to heavy armor and run up to four times their speed in heavy armor instead of three times.
Natural Extension (Ex): The fighter no longer treats their equipped or worn weapons (within reason) as part of their encumbrance.
Zephyr Charge (Ex): The fighter can now charge at four times their speed instead of just twice their speed.
The Long Run (Ex): The Fighter can now run for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution score plus 1/2 their fighter level(minimum one) and now only has to make a constitution check every other round when running for more then their limit.
Fast Scare (Ex): You can use the intimidation skill as a move action instead of a standard action. Taking this a second time allows it to be used as a swift action
Martial Faux Training (Ex): The fighter can treat their strength, dexterity and constitution as 2 points higher then normal to qualify for bonus fighter feats. This does not actually give any other bonuses or effects.
Readied and Ahead (Ex): You can ready a number of actions each day equal to 1/2 your fighter level (minimum 1) but you can take these actions at any time instead of before your turn and this does not affect your initiative. You do need to specify when and how you will use them but you also do not need to use them if you would rather save them. These are lost after 24 hours if not used.
Hardy Body And Mind (Ex): If affected by an effect or magic or psionic effect or some form of curse or disease that would normally require magic to remove or heal from, the fighter can now once a day make a a new save at the initial ability DC save to try and throw off the effect. This does not apply to death, imprisonment, temporal stasis or petrifaction or similar effects. Examples of effects that can be removed by this are mummy rot, feeblemind, clay golem cursed wounds, bestow curse, polymorph, enchantments, transmutations, level drain, level loss or ability drain.
That Trick Again? (Ex): Each time a fighter saves or passes a check against a foe's abilities be they magic, psionics, extraordinary, feat, skill or otherwise, the fighter for the duration of the encounter gains a 1+ circumstance bonus to saves against that foe's ability that was just used. If the ability is magic or psionic based, they gain the bonus against the equivalent magic school or psionic discipline, if there is no equivalent choose the school or discipline that fits best for that ability. The bonus is lost if the fighter fails a save or check against the ability