Canon:Tanis Half-Elven

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Tanis, as he is called by his friends and Tanthalas Kanan in Elvin, leader of the Heroes of the lance. His weapons of choice is the longbow and a sword.[1]


Tanis is about six feet tall, broad shouldered with tan skin and green eyes. He is half-elf and the traits of his human heritage and Elvin heritage are obvious on his face with a red beard and pointed elfin ears. walking with elvish grace Tanis normally wore tooled soft leather and a green cloak fastened with an aspen brooch.[1]

Early Life

Tanis is a product of rape and is the nephew of the Speaker of the Sun Solostaran when Solostaran's brother's wife was raped by a human warrior during one of many wars after the cataclysm. His mother died in child birth, and as a result Tanis grows up in the house of the Speaker of the Sun.

Growing up in the house of the Speaker of the Sun Tanis was befriended by Laurana and Gilthanas.[2]

War of the Lance

Returning from their search of the lands Tanis and the rest of the companions gather at the Inn of the Last Home, there they found one of their numbers would not be returning. They meet the plains-people Goldmoon and Riverwind. Goldmoon is the bearer of the Blue Crystal Staff. After a tumult that results in the revelation of the staff's powers, the companions, now charged with keeping Goldmoon and the Blue Crystal Staff safe, are forced to flee from Seeker Guard, escaping Tanis leads towards Qualinesti through Darken Woods. Their the journey takes the companions to Xak Tsaroth on the command of the foremaster. in the city of Xak Tsaroth the Heroes of the Lance find that true gods have never left the people of Krynn.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Weis, Margaret (1984). Dragons of Autumn Twilight. (Wizards of the Coast)
  2. Weis, Margaret (1984). Dragons of Autumn Twilight. (Wizards of the Coast)