SRD:Chime of Opening

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Chime of Opening: A chime of opening is a hollow mithral tube about 1 foot long. When struck, it sends forth magical vibrations that cause locks, lids, doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. A chime of opening also automatically dispels a hold portal spell or even an arcane lock cast by a wizard of lower than 15th level.

The chime must be pointed at the item or gate to be loosed or opened (which must be visible and known to the user). The chime is then struck, a clear tone rings forth, and in 1 round the target lock is unlocked, the shackle is loosed, the secret door is opened, or the lid of the chest is lifted. Each sounding only opens one form of locking, so if a chest is chained, padlocked, locked, and arcane locked, it takes four uses of a chime of opening to get it open. A silence spell negates the power of the device. A brand-new chime can be used a total of ten times before it cracks and becomes useless.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

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