User:Jay Freedman
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Jay Freedman
- Description: Your average no-do-gooder. Hates ninjas.
- Age: 20's
- Sex: Male
- Race: Human
- Class: Engineering Major
- Alignment: LN
- Nationality: United States
- Loves: Good formatting and spelling
- Hates: Anything Ninja
- 4th Edition: 4e Character Optimization: Class Guides
- All the information you ever wanted on how to build a 4th edition class to its very limit. Also contains the worlds best guides to understanding class roles such as Defender, Striker, Leader, and Controller. More info then anyone should ever need about classes in 4th Edition.
- I recommend anything written by the author: Lord Duskblade.
Warrior Classes:
- Wizard Tier, Andellion Warrior
- Rogue Tier, Hybrid Elite Warrior
- Fighter Tier, White Guard
Fan Classes:
- Mass Effect, Biotic Vanguard