Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/NPCs/NashCallix

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Nash Callix

Nash Callix
  • Human Male - 27 years old
  • Ranger
  • Hometown: Khuul

Nash Callix is a monster hunter for the coliseum in Volmoria. He has the reputation of being the best hunter there is. Other hunters consider him to be extremely lucky, but he would describe himself as extremely clever. Hunting parties that Nash finds himself to be part of seem to always meet the most unfortunate ends, often times only Nash will return from the expedition. Rumors like this tend to Nash starting a hunt alone and then recruiting adventurers to help him with his catch along the way.

Nash loves to spend his down time in a tavern, telling tall tales of his latest hunt. He is a very friendly person who doesn't shy away from telling it like it is. It is not uncommon for him to be the life of the party at the tavern, even going as far as to drinking in the street when the tavern closes.

During the hunt however Nash is overly serious. Chasing the most uncommon of beast, Nash lives for the renown a great catch will bring him. Nothing is more serious than the hunt for Nash. Like a true ranger, Nash will track a beast for days if he must. Never willing to enter into a fight with his hunt at the wrong moment. This attitude is what makes others on the hunt with him either leave or get impatient. Impatience leading to the others attacking at the wrong time, more than likely getting themselves injured, and then watching as Nash catches the wounded and tired beast.

His capture process involves using his magically created shackles. It is unknown exactly how many sets of these shackles he has. This is how Nash travels the world gathering impossible to catch monsters. His efforts and methods of capture make the coliseum in Volmoria as profitable as it can be.

Campaign Story Ties

Nash is part of these campaign stories.

When interacting with the party

First interactions with the party

  • Nash is from the city of Khuul.
  • Nash works for the city of Volmoria.
  • If asked about Khuul or Volmoria he will just invite the party to come stay with him sometime. This is because most of his travel companions end up dead or leaving before the hunt is completed.
  • Nash will be hesitant to connect too much with the party at the start. He will mention that most of travel companions are not up to the challenge of a real fight. Nash will conclude with he hopes the party will change his mind that most hired swords are not skilled enough to keep up.