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Corgiriff (3.5e Monster)

Revision as of 15:43, 14 February 2012 by Aarnott (talk | contribs) (moved Hamstergriff (3.5e Monster) to Corgiriff (3.5e Monster): It wasn't a hamster :()
Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 9 August 2011 18:24 (UTC)
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This monster is balanced to fit in a rogue level game. I have taken the liberty of not using the standard D&D rules for determining various statistics for this monster. As a result, it may seem a bit stronger (or weaker) than some SRD monsters of the same CR and that is fine. I think it will pose an appropriate challenge for rogue-level characters of its CR.



CR 5

N Large Magical Beast
Init/Senses +2/True Seeing 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot +12
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 20; Eagle Eyes
hp 50 (5 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+7/+6
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (12 squares, average); Burrow Dive
Melee +15 Bite (2d6), +13/+13 Claws (1d6)
Space/Reach 10ft./5ft.
Base Atk/Grp +5/+13
Special Actions Eat Babies, Squawkwave, Sneak Attack +1d6, Food Pouch
Abilities Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 16, Cha 6
Eat Babies (Ex) Hamstergriffs, like most hamsters, will eat their own babies. As a swift action, a hamstergriff can gain a +4 bonus to damage against creatures at least two size categories smaller than it for one round. Because everything that size is a baby from the perspective of a hamstergriff.
Burrow Dive (Ex) A hamstergriff can spiral, seemingly in a suicidal manner toward the ground and immediately burrow when it hits the ground. It uses its full fly speed during the burrow, but must take a full round action of moving (a charge, run, double move, etc).
Squawkwave (Su) As a swift action usable once every 5 minutes (once per encounter) or a standard action at-will, a hamstergriff can emit a powerful sound that is something like a squawk and something like a squeak. Each creature in a 30 ft. cone must make a Fortitude save DC 18 or else be stunned until their next turn (dropping held items as normal, but not losing any actions except the opportunity to use immediate actions) and knocked prone. The squakwave throws the hamstergriff off balance, however, and the next attack that hits it causes it to become stunned until its next turn and knocked prone.
Sneak Attack (Ex) +1d6, as the Rogue ability of the same name.
Eagle Eyes (Ex) The hamstergriff has four eagle eyes, which gives it an amazing field of vision. Creatures don't get bonuses to attack rolls for flanking a hamstergriff unless it loses its dexterity bonus to AC.
Food Pouch (Ex) Hamstergriffs have massive cheeks that can hold a lot of food. Any creature that they are grappling can be swallowed whole with a successful grapple check. Inside the hamstergriffs cheeks are razor sharp hamster teeth (hidden behind the beak) and the creature takes the hamstergriffs' bite damage each round it remains in its mouth. A creature is treated as grappled in the mouth (although the hamstergriff is no longer grappled itself) and must deal 6 damage to break free or win a grapple check to force the hamstergriff to spit it out. A hamstergriff has room for the equivalent of one medium-sized creature in its mouth.

The four eyed monstrosity rears up on its eagle clawed back legs. Its bulky torso is... fuzzy.

The Hamstergriff is one of the most terrifying griffon-like creatures to roam the world. It hungers for flesh and will cannibalize its young if it can, probably because it has no morals and no god. Yes, this creature is a thing of nightmares

Hamstergriffs fly or burrow, searching for other creatures to eat. They spend most of the daytime sleeping, however, and only come out at night to attack.

Strategies and Tactics

Hamstergriffs love to swoop in or pop out of the ground to surprise their enemies. They can emit a powerful screech, temporarily disorienting creatures. Most hamstergriffs make good use of their mobility underground and in the air to launch a series of surprise strikes in order to gain sneak attack damage.

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