SRD:Psionic Focus
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Psionic FocusEdit
Gain Psionic FocusEdit
Merely holding a reservoir of psionic power points in mind gives psionic characters a special energy. Psionic characters can put that energy to work without actually paying a power point cost—they can become psionically focused as a special use of the Concentration skill.
If you have 1 or more power points available, you can meditate to attempt to become psionically focused. The DC to become psionically focused is 20. Meditating is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When you are psionically focused, you can expend your focus on any single Concentration check you make thereafter. When you expend your focus in this manner, your Concentration check is treated as if you rolled a 15. It’s like taking 10, except that the number you add to your Concentration modifier is 15. You can also expend your focus to gain the benefit of a psionic feat — many psionic feats are activated in this way.
Once you are psionically focused, you remain focused until you expend your focus, become unconscious, go to sleep (or enter a meditative trance, in the case of elans and elves), or until your power point reserve drops to 0.
The feat Psionic Meditation allows you to gain your psionic focus as a move-equivalent action.
System Reference Document → SRD:Skills
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