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Limbform Maestro (3.5e Class)

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A physical mage who projects copies of their own body parts 10 1 Moderate Poor Good Poor Alternate Magic Full

Limbform Maestro

After a magnificent performance, a thousand hands clapping. Alas, all the hands are those of the limbform maestro, an endless sea of their own hands surrounding them. Whistling can be heard, but it's just coming from the limbform maestro's many mouths. The Limbform Maestro creates copies of their own body parts to perform a variety of tasks.

Making a Limbform Maestro

The Limbform Maestro puts their hands on the scale in battle, giving their team a leg up with a variety of support and battlefield control powers.

Abilities: Limbform Maestros need to be fit and supple, and they also use Wisdom sometimes.

Races: Races with limbs or access to limbs mostly.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 4d4×10 gp (100 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Limbform Maestro

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Forms Flourishes Whim Dice
Fort Ref Will Basic Known Master Known Ultra Known Prepared Basic Master Ultra Basic Master Ultra
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Limbforming, Forms, Whims 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Prestiging 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Flourishes 5 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 0 0
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 6 0 0 5 1 0 0 6 0 0
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 7 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 1 0
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 7 1 0 5 3 0 0 4 2 0
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 7 2 0 6 3 0 0 3 3 0
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 7 3 0 6 4 0 0 2 4 0
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 7 4 0 6 4 1 0 0 6 0
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 7 5 0 6 4 2 0 0 7 0
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 7 6 0 7 4 2 0 0 6 1
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 7 6 1 7 4 3 0 0 5 2
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 7 6 2 7 4 4 0 0 5 3
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 7 6 3 7 5 5 0 0 4 4
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 7 6 4 7 5 5 1 0 3 5
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 7 6 5 8 5 5 1 0 2 6
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 7 6 6 8 5 5 2 0 1 7
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 7 7 6 8 5 5 3 0 0 8
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 7 7 7 8 5 5 4 0 0 9

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Listen (Wis), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Limbform Maestro.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Limbform Maestros are proficient with simple and martial weapons and shields but no armor.

Limbforming (Su): The Limbform Maestro forms projected duplicates of their own body parts. As such, any attack on a body part targets the Limbform Maestro instead, as though they were standing in that square, except that the body parts are naked and thus have no Armor bonus. If the Limbform Maestro class is the character's first Maestro class, their Form save DCs are Wisdom-based.

Forms (Su): Limbform Maestros are a Maestro Form-Based class and thus use those rules.

Basic Forms

Field of Arms — Active Ongoing

Arm or tentacle
[Any], [Any]
Range: Close
Area: All unattended objects in a burst, 5' radius per pip on the first die.
Action: Standard

The Limbform Maestro sprouts a field of grabbing limbs.

Every other creature within the area of the spell must make a grapple check, opposed by the grapple check of the limbs. Use your own statistics for this, with a bonus to the grapple check equal to the number of pips on the second die.

Once the limbs grapple an opponent, they may make a grapple check each round on your turn to deal your unarmed damage. The limbs continue to crush the opponent until the form ends or the opponent escapes.

Any other creature that enters the area of the spell is immediately attacked by the limbs. Even creatures other than yourself who aren’t grappling with the limbs treat the area as difficult terrain.

  • [4+] Giant Limbs: The limbs grapple with a size of Huge instead of your actual size.
  • [Even] Constrict: The limbs can deal any Constrict damage you have, or 1d6 per pip on this die plus your Strength modifier, your choice.

Sudden Punch — Active

Unarmed, Natural attack, or Feral Strike
Range: Within Close range of you or any of your ongoing forms.
Target: A provoking creature
Action: Attack of Opportunity

When a target would provoke an attack of opportunity within range, and you detect it, you may use Sudden Punch to take an attack of opportunity against it with one of your unarmed, natural, or feral strike attacks.

  • [Odd] Interference: If the attack hits, you may make a free trip or disarm attempt on the target, with a bonus to the check equal to the number of pips on this die.

Spying Eyes — Active Ongoing

Sensory organs
Range: Close
Area: 3" object surface
Save: Reflex negates
Action: Standard

You surreptitiously place copies of your sensory organs onto the target surface, making a Hide check with an additional bonus of twice the number of pips on this die. You can now use your normal and special senses from that surface.

  • [Any] [Any] Eyes of Death: The organs can now perform your Gaze attacks.

Catch — Active

Range: Close
Target: falling creatures
Save: Reflex negates
Action: Non-action

You catch a creature right before it hits the ground, slowing its fall so it doesn't take falling damage. The die used to activate this form is rerolled instead of being expended.

  • [4-] Catch Denied: Instead of catching the creature, you forcefully shove it to the side, moving it 10' laterally in any direction (potentially letting it fall even further) and increasing the fall damage it suffers by 1d6.

Carry — Active Ongoing

Move speed from a body part
Range: Close
Target: One creature or object weighing less than your light load, multiplied by the number of pips on the die.
Save: Reflex negates
Action: Standard

You sprout motor limbs from the target and move it one of your move speeds. Each time you take any standard or move action while this is ongoing, you may move the target one of your move speeds again.

  • [Any] Group Move: You may target a number of creatures or objects equal to one plus the number of pips on this die.

Pummel — Active

Unarmed, Natural attack, or Feral Strike
Range: Medium
Area: Spread with a 5' radius per pip on the die
Action: Attack

When you make an unarmed, natural, or feral strike attack, you may use this form to have the attack target any creatures or objects within the target area. Roll a single attack roll and compare to all targets.

  • [3] Pummel Blast: The area becomes a cone emanating from you, and the area triples.
  • [Even] Crushing Wave: Creatures in the area that fail a Fortitude save are pushed to the edge of the area.

Bridge — Active Ongoing

Range: Close
Area: Open space whose area is one 5' square per pip on the first die.
Action: Standard

You create a massive wall, bridge, or other structure out of contiguous 5' squares of your own projected body parts, two feet thick. It can extend over open air, so long as at least one square is firmly attached to the ground.

  • [Even] Bigger Bridge: The size of each square you build the structure out of increases by 5' per two pips on this die.

Flick — Active

Leg or hand
Range: Close
Target: One creature or unattended object.
Save: Reflex negates
Action: Standard

You create a massive projection of a hand or a leg to flick or kick the target forcefully. If they fail their save, they are moved 10' per character level in any direction. If they collide with a surface (any creatures in the path may make a Reflex save to get out of the way), they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10' of movement that they had left to travel, and the hit object or creature takes the same amount of damage.

  • [Any] Force Boost: The distance moved is increased by 15' per pip on this die.
  • [1] Quick Flick: Flick can be used as an attack action.

Swat — Passive Ongoing

Unarmed, Natural attack, or Feral Strike
Range: N/A
Target: Self

You (and by extension, your projected parts because they use your defenses) gain a Deflection bonus to AC equal to the number of pips on the die, as a shifting mass of sprouting parts swats attacks away.

  • [4+] Friendly: Other creatures within the areas of any of your ongoing forms may also get this bonus to AC.

Extra Arms — Passive Ongoing

[Even][must be the same as the first die]
Range: Personal
Target: Self

You gain a number of extra arms equal to half the number of pips on the first die.

  • [Odd] Donate: You give a touched willing creature the extra arms instead, and they behave as the creature directs, much as though they had extra of their own arms. Creatures can make sunder attempts on the arms (using your AC) to attack you like they'd attack any other projected limbs.

Sword as a Projection of Self — Passive Ongoing

Range: N/A
Target: Self

When a form would let you make a natural attack, you may instead make a manufactured weapon attack using a weapon you're holding. Your Armor bonus applies to your projected parts. Projectile attacks have a range of 30', as the projectile winks out after that distance. If the weapon has some form of limited charges, those are expended normally.

  • [5-] Longer Projections: Your projectile attacks don't have a range limited by this ability.

Master Forms

Crush — Active Ongoing

Hand or Tentacle
Range: Medium
Target: One creature on the ground
Action: Standard

You form a giant version of your hand or tentacle from the ground and use it to grab and crush a single target. Make a grapple check against the target, with an extra bonus to the attack roll and the check equal to the number of pips on the first die. If successful, the target immediately takes constrict damage, either according to your own or 1d6 per pip on the second die, plus your Strength modifier. Your giant body part provides total cover to the creature from outside interference.

The creature continues to be held and take constrict damage on your turn until either it breaks free, ending the form and expending the dice, or you end the form. If you end the form yourself, you may fling the creature 10' per character in any direction, exactly like Flick.

  • [4+] Regrab: As a standard action, you may have the giant hand or tentacle throw the creature, and then attempt to grapple a creature within Close range of where it is. If it succeeds, now that creature is pulled into the body part's space and grappled and constricted by Crush. If it fails, Crush ends and the dice are expended.

Neck Snap — Active

Hand or Tentacle
Range: Medium
Target: One living creature with discernible anatomy
Save: Fortitude
Action: Attack

Limbs sprout from the target and snap their neck, killing them instantly. If a creature succeeds on its save, it grows wise to this trick and the form does not work on them for the next 24 hours.

  • [4+] Far Snap: Range increases to Long.

Facsimile — Active Ongoing

Range: Close
Target: Any open space that can fit you
Action: Standard

You create a projection of yourself out of combined projections of your various parts. You can sense with its senses and use forms or even cast spells from its location. However, it only acts when you choose to sacrifice the same action to puppet it around. The seams of the projection can be recognized, with a spot check that beats your Craft or Disguise check.

  • [4+] Many Projections: Create one additional projection per pip on this die. You still only puppet around one projection per action.
  • [3-] Simple Control: Facsimile can be used as a Swift action, and the projection can be puppeted for an entire turn as a Standard action.
  • [Any not already used by this form] Reprojection: When you end this form by removing the dice from it, you may teleport to the position of one of your facsimiles, so accurately that you appear inside its clothing if it was wearing any.

Walk the Walk — Active

Move speed from a body part
Range: Medium
Target: One willing creature or unattended object weighing less than your heavy load, multiplied by the number of pips on the die.
Action: Move

You briefly sprout motor limbs from the target and move it twice one of your move speeds.

  • [Any] Group Move: You may target a number of creatures or objects equal to one plus the number of pips on this die.

Talk the Talk — Active Ongoing

A mouth that speaks
Range: Medium
Target: One creature
Save: Reflex negates
Action: Immediate action

You project a mouth directly on top of the target's mouth, and imitate their voice. They can't speak, but you can while pretending to be them if you like. Observers can see your mouth on their face so the form is somewhat limited as a ruse.

  • [Any] Mass Mouths: You may target a number of creatures equal to one plus the number of pips on this die.

Detachment — Passive Ongoing

Range: N/A
Target: Your projected parts

You form a safer level of detachment from your projected parts. Any damage dealt to you through your parts is divided by the number of pips on the die, and any saves you must make from effects that target you through your parts instead of you directly, you get a bonus to equal to the number of pips on the die.

  • [Any] Retreat: You can end an ongoing form as an Immediate action. Any dice invested in the form are expended until rerolled.

The Walls Have Ears — Passive Ongoing

Sensory organs
Range: N/A
Area: All surfaces within close range

You form a constant field of eyes and ears and other sensory organs projecting in and out of existence constantly, allowing you to sense as though you were at all places within close range at once. In addition to the obvious benefits, this gives you blindsight out to a distance of the area.

The body parts appear and disappear so rapidly that only a readied action can hit them in time.

  • [Any] Eyes Everywhere: The sensory organs also appear all over any projected body parts you have.

Ultra Forms

Yawning Abyss — Active Ongoing

Range: Medium
Area: A circular area on the ground, 5' radius per pip on the first die
Save: Reflex
Action: Standard

Creatures in the area must save to escape to the edge of the area, or fall into a giant mouth you project into the ground, with an extradimensional space inside. Creatures inside the mouth take 1d6 per pip on the second die of bludgeoning damage, and 1d6 per pip on the second die of acid damage each round, starting immediately. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 25 damage to the walls of the space (which hurts you, as normal), leading it to escape to outside the opening. When the form ends, all creatures inside are shunted harmlessly back out.

  • [Odd] Grabbing Tongue: The abyss gains a long and elegant tongue, which can make a grapple check (using your bonuses) to grab any creature and pull it into the space inside. The tongue is 10' long per pip on this die.

Grow a Spine — Active Ongoing

Central nervous system
Range: Medium
Target: one creature that died fewer rounds ago than the number of pips on the first die, which had a central nervous system.
Action: Standard

You animate the target with your own nervous system and force its rapidly cooling body to act as you direct. It takes its turn immediately after yours, and each turn you must use a standard action to direct it if you want it to continue to act. It acts as though it was alive and not unconscious, but completely obeys your commands and cannot use any class features or feats you don't also have.

When the number of rounds since the creature died exceeds the number of pips on the first die, or the creature's body takes enough damage to reduce it below -100 HP, this form ends and its dice are expended.

  • [Any] Mass Animation: You may target one additional creature per pip on this die, and direct them all with a single standard action.

Disease Explosion — Active

Diseases or Poisons
[Any] [Any]
Range: Medium
Area: Spread with a radius of 5' per pip on the first die.
Save: Fortitude
Action: Standard

You project a number of diseases or poisons equal to the number of pips on the second die from inside your body into the area, curing yourself of them. Any creature in the area who fails its save catches those diseases and poisons.

  • [Any] Seek Deeper: You find a poison that isn't even harmful to you in your system, but which are harmful to other people. The poison deals 1d3 points of Constitution damage per pip, initial and secondary.

Constant Reprojection — Passive Ongoing

Range: N/A
Targets: your projections

You quickly deproject and reproject any projected parts that would be in danger, effectively giving them 50% concealment. Spells that force a save and don't require an attack to hit also have a 50% chance to fail.

  • [Any] Reproject Shifting: Whenever you take a standard, move, or swift action, you may reproject any of your ongoing projections 5' per pip in any direction. Any creatures they were grappling or attached to stop being grappled or attached to by the projections, which may cause the projections to end.

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