< User:The-Marksman
Humanoid (Human)
Land base speed: 30 ft
Magic Talent: All Xanthians are born with a magic talent that is unique to them. Each Xanthians talent is rated in power from the weakest "Spot on the Wall" talents, to the most powerful "Magician Calibur" talents. A male Xanthian with a "Magician Calibur" talent gains the honorary title "Magician" and female Xanthians gain the title "Sorceress" All magic talents act as spell-like abilities, and each talent is either automatic and self activating, in which case the Xanthian has no control over it, or the magic talent is like a spell-like ability at will. If a saving throw is ever needed in conjunction with a magic talent, the save is always charisma based.
+1 skill point per level and 4 skill points at 1st level.
Favored Class: Any
Spot on the wall
- Creating a spot on a wall
- Having stupid ideas
- Changing the color of your own hair
- Change the color of others hair
- Changing own eye color
- Changing the color of any body parts
- Heating meals
- Eye color changes with mood
- Hair changes color with emotion
- Change gender at will
- Glowing in the night
- Sex appeal (being sexy/physically attractive for ones whole life)
- Projecting boom sounds
- Conjuring sweet smelling flowers
- Create small 1 foot illusionary hole in the ground
Weak talent
- Directing winds
- Your kisses cause intoxication
- Projecting others most embarrasing moments as visible scenes above their heads
- Transform wood into reverse wood
- Turn any inanimate object into pure jade stone
- Making people feel guilty
- Conjuring print to appear on any surface
- Making rain in a very small vacinity
- Voice projection
- Manifesting a normal shortsword
- Conjure fruit
- Manifest sensory organs (noses, mouths, eyes, ears) on objects
- Can feel but not manipulate things via an ethereal hand up to 30 feet away
- Turning water to wine
- Physically see through things, but not half way through like into a rock, or someones skeleton
- Creating pictures on surfaces
- Massage can heal a broken heart
- Produce music from anything touched
- Poisoning water
- Conjuring a silver flute
- Change through out the month from beautiful and stupid, to average beauty and intelligence then to ugly and super intelligent
- Make bridges appear
- Darkvision 120 ft
- Hearing things at great distiances
- Causing heartache
- Causing sore throats
- Animating rocks
- Soothing burns of others
Normal talent
- Slow down time
- See the past
- Making living things friendly
- Flight without wings
- Turn ordinary stones into gems and vice versa
- Rusting metal to any length
- Animating objects
- Create physically manifested puns (i.e. a dandilion flower that can roar, a quater horse that can divide into 4 one legged creatures, etc)
- Restore zombies to good condition
- Transform into any aquatic creature
- Transform into any creature that has wings
- Draw a door on an object and it becomes openable to whatever exists on the other side of the object
- Invisibility at will
- Making the ground quake
- Create a small invisible wall of force
- Projecting maps of things previously seen
- Turn things transparent
- To change species every day
- Use your finger to write on stone
- Transform into a brick wall
- Changing the personalities of others
- Conjuring mundane items
- X-Ray Vision
- Changing one type of plant to another
- Killing plant life in the local vacinity
- Assume the essence of what you see
- Summoning and directing nicklepedes
- Summoning and directing equines (mules, horses, pegasi, unicorns and the such)
- To make others believe you if you speak something as a promise
- To know when folks are lying
- Create an extremely tiny spot on the wall that is actually a picture of the future
- A 'stun-gaze' that freezes a person in place
- Can touch someone and they immediately know what others around them truely think of them
- Spin in a circle and point to anything you want to know the direction of, but not the distance
- Looking briefly foward in time
- Rewind time 6 seconds in your local vacinity
Strong talent
- Duplicate inanimate objects
- Know the exact route to anything or place desired except the way home
- Talks to the winds and it obeys
- Create a small intangable barrier that hostile creatures cannot cross
- Reading minds
- Saying no to a creature causes it to choose to not do the action attempted or specified
- Summoning creatures described in any book held
- Producing and controlling small mounts of electricity
- Making a temporary and sentient duplicate of yourself
- Shattering objects
- Changing things from soft to hard or light to heavy
- Suggestion as a spell-like ability
- Absorbing one property of something you touch
- Produce a sticky resin that can trap dibris, insects, enemies, or whatever it comes into contact with and preserves it for later use
- Teleport other folks anywhere
- Can make imaginary friends with real talents
- Can communicate with any living creature (plants, animals, creatures, anything)
- Fast healing 10
- Perfect memory
- To pleasantly find something that you werent looking for
- Erase any inanimate object out of existance with a wave of your hand
- To know if something is inimical (threatening or a threat to you or means you harm)
- To see exactly 24 hours into the future as its happening (requires concentraition)
- Borrowing the talents of others temporarily
- Half wishes (get half of what you ask for, probably in an unexpected way)
- Transform into a dragon of your own hit dice
Magician/Socrceress talent
- To know the magical abilities of others (this includes any class ability that is Supernatural or spell-like, as well as any spells known to any spellcasting class or talents of other Xanthians.)
- Bring golems to life
- Having a circle of magic around you, where magic functions normally, even in an anti-magic field
- Cause plants to grow rapidly, completing full life cycles in minutes if you desire.
- Make any inanimate objects (rocks, clouds, water, bones, floor tiles, furniture, etc) within a 30 ft radius able to speak having a 7 intelligence, 10 wisdom and 8 charisma, They're often crass and rude, but know what has happened around them in the past
- Making pictures or paintings come to life
- Divining entire history of a touched object
- Change yourself into any animate creature (another race, species, a lion, griffon, roc, rat, dragon, cocatrice, unicorn, ogre, goldfish, etc) with all physical characteristics and abilities of the normal creature.
- Can know anything about anything inanimate (such as picking up a leaf and seeing the exact spot in the exact forest it came from, and that it was carried by a swarn of tiny creatures on its branch to its current location and on the way the swarm was attacked by a small dragon whos inanimate soot from its breath weapon still microscopicly covers the leave, the swarm fought off the dragon after losing many members of the swarm. Once at its current location, it was plucked off and the branch, which was thrown into a constructs fire chamber to create its energy, and here the leaf lay since, until you picked it up.)
- Can know anything about anything animate: Such as finding out the entire history of any animal, live plant, humanoid, or outsider, etc.
- Create any illusion desired. As simple as making it look like there is a hole in the ground, to as complex as making a plate of rice look, smell and taste like dragon steak. This includes making the semblance of invisibility or total silence, or even recreating an ancient city and all its detail. Any such illusion can be maintained with little to no effeort, even in your sleep.
- Making things go wrong (See Murphy's Law)
- Creating storms of any strength, size, or type, including rain storms, snow storms, hurricanes, tornados, etc
- Reanimate almost any dead body into a zombie, with the exact amount of decay on the body as when it was zombified.
- Transform any animate living thing, into any other animate living thing within a 10 ft radius, a human to a centaur, a tree to a fish, a blade of grass to a human, an orc to an ogre, a minotaur to a blade of grass, a racoon to a tree, etc. The subjects new form is now its natural form for all purposes including for spells, abilities of others as well as for breeding purposes.
- Immortality (body may die, but your soul is capable of taking over others bodies forcfully)
- Know where to find the information that will answers any question.
- If you both believe and agree with an idea or suggestion that comes from someone who doesnt know your talent, it immediately becomes reality.
- Adapting by enhancing or partially transforming magical inanimate things to make them more useful
- Create any given magical effect once and its gone forever (for example could fly via using magic to grow feathered wings, but if you wanted to fly again, you couldnt manifest feathered wings, but could grow bat wings, or repel yourself from the ground, or remove the gravity in your local vacinity, etc). All effects are temporary and wear out within a certain limited time, so if you grew feathered wings, they would not be permenant.
- Unhappening: You can rewind time by slipping into a blurry limbo and coming back out in your own body whenever you choose, leaving only you with the memory of what transpired, starting at adolecence, but you can go no further back in one unhappening, than to just after you came out of your last unhappening to prevent a time paradox.
- Reverse anything. make a substance from hard (such as wood) to pliable like putty, liquid (such as water) to solid (walkable surface), solid (such as stone) to powdered (sand), reverse others moods, reverse inanimate (statue) to animate (construct), your current location to another location (reverse here to there), reverse curses into blessings, etc
- Conjure any effect you can imagine into reality while singing, humming or playing an instrument.
- Nullify magic: Supress magic like a targeted antimagic field on anything as small as a ring or a small coin to a person to even an entire 15 ft radius centered on you, except that the effect is permenant if you choose, and innately magical creatures such as constructs, elementals, undead or outsiders that require magic to animate them, cease animation.
- Enhance the qualities you percieve in anything animate or inanimate.
- Magical Invulnerability, which manifests itself via an intangible sentient force that prevents anyone from acting against your interests through magical means. This includes protecting you from magical harm of any kind. If the exact nature of your talent were known, then you would be vulnerable to those who want to attack you through non-magic means - thus making (your own) magic the indirect cause of your injury.To prevent the exposure of its existence, the talent prefers to work in roundabout ways, one day it could drag you through a previously unknown whirlpool to avoid a field of magic that kills on contact, for example. So your talent is kept hidden by the select few who know it. This talent cleverly conceals itself by acting through coincidence, causing your to appear to be an amazingly lucky (if not somewhat clumsy at times) individual. Such as while running away from a dragon, you almost break your ankle after tripping on a rock which causes you to fall into a pit that just happens to be deep enough for you to hide in, and that the dragon cant fit its mouth into. This talent does not care about your reputation or humility or how you look, only that the quickest, easiest and most direct route of protecting you was taken.