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Andellion Warrior (3.5e Class)

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Andellion Warrior

Balance Point: Wizard Tier, 4 of 4

Andellion Warriors are devout followers of Eden, the Goddess of Numbers. They are a brutal class of athletes and the so-called "shock troopers" of Eden because of their aggressiveness and violent nature. They can handle any weapon with ease thanks to their strange blessings of Dark Strength from their Goddess.

The Goddess Eden endows her proud warriors with divine strength and ability in the form of magical blessings. These blessing's are often called gifts of "Darkness" or gifts of "Numbers". These extraordinary abilities that sprout from their faith in Eden make them formidable opponents in combat. Eden strongly encourages her follows to spread her teachings through the missionary work of conquest and warfare. It is here, in the fires of combat, that these warriors seek to purge themselves of all evil and one day rejoin their Goddess in paradise. Most have fallen in ancient times and few remain to carry the torch and teachings. Those that do linger seek only the will of Eden and an honorable death in epic combat.

Andellion Warriors cannot easily be distingished from there fellow peoples except by their arrogent pride and violence. There massive strength is hidden beneath their sacred vows and blessings of their God, making them appear no different from any other memberof their natural race. They are a very outgoing persons as well, seeking to spread the teachings of Eden throughout the world and beyond. They may withstand public ridicule only to challenge their assailent to personal combat at a later time and place. They value honor, duty, and beauty in all its many forms. Their Goddess demands such qualities of her followers and worshippers. As such, Andellion Warriors are always dressed in their best attire and maintain high standards of conduct and poise. They maintain a rigid and lawful outlook on life, shunning theivery and it's law-breakers. Following the laws of whatever lands or kingdoms they may inhabit is only a means to an end. One day they believe they shall be the ones who make the rules and reign in the glory of Eden's power.

This makes their alignment difficult to judge openly. If they percieve you to be worthy of Eden's grace they shall treat you like a brother to their order. Helping and strengthing you at every turn, even at great sacrifice. If they percieve you as anything less than worthy, then expect to be ignored or killed outright. Eden does not stand the weak-willed and filthy to live. If they forgo murdering common civilans it is only because slaughtering officer's and official's of the law is deemed dishonorable in the eyes of their Goddess. Of course, for whatever reason they find to draw their swords, Andellion Warriors always bring terrible destruction and leave death in their wake.

Making a Andellion Warrior

Andellion Warriors are paragons of Strength and Vitality. The following is designed to help you build a Andellion Warrior.

Abilities: Strength, Constitution.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Lawful.

Starting Gold: 135gp.

Starting Age: Moderate

Table: The Hybrid Elite Warrior

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Faith, Eion's Grace
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Pressure
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Hold Still
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Eion's Blessing, Feather Armor
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Full Swing 19-20/x3
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Purity
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Force Spike
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Eden's Blessing, Acceleration
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Force Haste
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Full Swing 18-20/x3
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Shatter Point
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Eden's Blessing, Transfer
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Blades of Eden
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Ariel Smash
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Full Swing 17-20/x3
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Eden's Blessing, Berserker Armor
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Pulse Wave
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Eden's Freedom
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Zealot's Sheild
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Eden's Blessing, Eden's Judgement

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Choose 6 skills plus Craft to use as class skills.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Andellion Warrior.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple, Marital Weapons. Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor.

Faith (Ex): Your faith in Eden strengthens you. You trade your Dexterity modifier to armor class for your Strength modifier.

Eden's Grace (Ex): Gravity holds no sway over the servant's of Eden. You can make a Jump check, DC10, to negate any and all Falling damage as an immediate action.

Pressure (Ex): You are a master of dark leverage in combat. You gain twice your Strength modifier to damage when using a two-handed weapon.

Hold Still (Ex): With a divine shout you hold your enemies fast. Whenever an opponent provokes an Oppurtunity Attack for leaving a square you threaten, you can forgo your attack and cause the enemy to make a Reflex Saving Throw, DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Strength modifier. Should they fail they are held in place and cannot take another move action that round. This ability does cost one of your Oppurtunity Attacks for the round and you may only use this ability as long as you have an Oppurtunity Attack remaining.

Eden's Blessing (Ex): Eden blesses you with divine power. Every time you gain this ability you gain a +1 to your Strength score.

Feather Armor (Ex): You regard armor and metal like a second skin. You can move at base speed in heavy armor.

Full Swing (Ex): Eden's opponents are your victims. You gain automatically confirmed critical hits for the following attack roles. 5th level: 19-20. 10th level: 18-20. 15th level. 17-20. This attack is always taken at a 3x multiplier regardless of the weapon used.

Purity (Ex): You perfect yourself in Eden's image. You gain your Strength modifier to all saves. This replaces all other ability bonuses.

Force Spike (Ex): Unleash the fury of Eden upon your staggered foes. You gain a special skill attack which deals double damage to opponents with less than half of their total hit points remaining. This functions similar to a standard attack and you may use this attack skill at-will. However, this skill requires a cool-down period 3d6 rounds before it can be used again. This attack is never a critical hit.

Acceleration (Ex): You tend to run everywhere you go. You can run at five times your base land speed and gain a +2 bonus against opportunity attacks.

Force Haste (Ex): Four times a day, as a swift action, you can summon the effects of the Haste spell upon yourself. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier.

Shatter Point (Ex): An enemies weakness is always to your advantage. All of your attacks now deal either Slashing, Peircing, Bludgeoning, or Energy Damage to match your opponent's weaknesses. For instance, your attacks are always considered to deal Bludgeoning Damage against undead opponents and Fire Damage against opponents weak to Fire. This skill does not bypass Damage Reduction.

Transfer (Ex): Eden jumps you to a previous location that her missionary work my continue. This skill instantly transports you to a previously visited destination anywhere on your current plane. Interplanar travel is not possible. You can bring along your objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. This skill may used a number of times per day equal to one plus your Constitution modifier.

Blades of Eden (Ex): You can attack with speed faster than light itself. Whenever you charge you can make a full attack.

Ariel Smash (Ex): You smash your opponent into the air and patiently await their fated return. You gain a special skill attack which knocks your opponent into the air and deals Falling Damage when they return. This functions similar to a standard attack, you attack and deal damage normally, and you may use this skill a number of times per day equal to one plus your Constitution modifier.

The height your oppenont reaches is equal to their Size Modifier. Medium Sized opponents travel 30 feet into the air, dealing 3d6 falling damage when they return. Smaller sized opponents travel 10 feet farther per Size catagory and Larger sized opponents travel 10 feet less per Size catagory. All opponents are knocked prone by this attack regardless of Size. However, flying opponents are not affected by this attack skill.

Berserker Armor (Ex): Your madness and ferver grant's you divine protection. You gain Damage Reduction 5/ Magic.

Pulse Wave (Ex): Your critical attacks create a wave of destruction. Whenever you gain a critical hit, all opponents within 15 feet of your target take half damage from that attack. You can gain this bonus multiple times a round.

Eden's Freedom (Ex): Your faith in Eden releases you from physical restraint's. You are permanently under the influence of the Freedom of Movement spell.

Zealot's Shield (Ex): Your zealous devotion to Eden grants you improved protection. You gain Damage Reduction 10/ Magic.

Eden's Judgement (Ex): Eden accepts your sacrifice and grants you a second chance. Once a day when you are rendered below zero hit points you are immediately returned to full health and strength. This also heals any ability damage you may have suffered.

Ex-Andellion Warrior

Any Andellion Warrior who multi-classes trades the Faith ability for the Dodge feat. They retain all other benefits of the class.

Any Andellion Warrior who ceases to be Lawful or ceases to follow the path of Eden suffers "The Mark of Shame". The Mark of Shame reduces their Strength Score to 10 and cannot be lifted without an Atonement Spell and a re-dedication to the ways of Eden.

Epic Andellion Warrior

Level Special
21st Wings of Seraph, Fiend Armor 15/ Magic
22nd Epic Force Spike
24th Epic Blessing
25th Fiend Armor 20/ Magic
28th Epic Blessing
29th Fiend Armor 25/ Magic
30th WIngs of Eden

2 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Wings of Seraph (Ex): Eden grants you the Wings of a Seraph. You grow wings and gain a flight speed of 120 feet (good).

Fiend Armor (Ex): Your enemies regard you a Fiend and demon of combat. You gain an additional +5 damage reduction magic.

Epic Force Spike (Ex): Eden reminds you of your full potential. You may now use the attack skil, Force Spike with only a cool-down of 1d6 rounds.

Epic Blessing (Ex): Eden enhances your abilities. You gain an additional +2 bonus to all Strength and Constitution checks.

Wings of Eden (Ex): Eden grants you the Wings of a Pure Disciple. Your wings grow in size and splendor. You gain a flight speed of 240 feet (perfect). You also gain a +3 bonus to your Constitution Score.

Human Andellion Warrior Starting Package

Armor: Scalemail (speed 20ft.)

Weapons: Fullblade (2d8. 19-20/x2)

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Climb 4 Str 4
Jump 4 Str 4

Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficientcy: Fullblade

Bonus Feats: Power Attack.

Gear: Backpack w waterskin, bedroll, flint and steel, 3 torches, and 3 days trail rations.

Gold: 10g.

Campaign Information

Playing a Andellion Warrior

Religion: Andellion Warriors are devout followers of Eden, the Goddess of Numbers. Eden rewards their faith by blessing them with great power and strength. This power is often refered to by the warriors as gifts of "Darkness" or gifts of "Numbers". Eden demands qualities such as Beauty, Knowledge, Strength, Poise, Honor, Duty, and Pride in her followers. They are often percieved as a curious and violent group of zealots by others. Which is fine by them as they only respect power.

Other Classes: They prefer to charge their enemies and stand toe-to-toe dealing deadly blows with their swords. They find Empathy with all classes that aid their prowess in combat.

Combat: Melee Combatant. Damage output is your specialty. To maximize your crushing power it is recommended you gain an exotic weapon proficiency, such as the Full-blade weapon.

Advancement: Multi-classing can add breadth to your vertical progression.

Andellion Warrior's in the World

I am the instument in Eden's hand and shall bring about your destruction.
—Samara, Elven Andellion Warrior

Andellion Warrior's are born fighters.

Daily Life: Personal Physical Training through Combat. Meditation and reflection upon the revelations given by Eden. Missionary work through war and conquest.

Notables: They hold no positions of honor amongst themselves except for their Goddess. "Seek to mold yourself in her image", is their motto.

Organizations: A once proud and powerful guild of zealots, their numbers have diminished to only a handful. They travel now in adventuring groups seeking followers and knowledge. Rarely seen traveling in large groups as their missionary efforts have spread them thin across the world.

NPC Reactions: Regarded as a curious and violent group of zealots. Keep your distance and they shouldn't harm you. Challenge one and expect a quick and meaningless death.

Andellion Warrior Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can research the Andellion Warrior's to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (local)
DC Result
5 They are very gifted fighters and very rare to any region.
10 They can perform feats of great strength beyond any known swordsman.
15 They have infused strong amounts of "Dark Strength" into their bodies, giving them unique traits.
20 They seek perfection of the ideals of Eden in this life and an honorable death in combat.

Andellion Warrior's in the Game

Worshipper's of diverse race and background. They can be found all over the world in very small numbers. Always noticeable with a large weapon hung from their back and terrible ferver in their eyes. Able to crush the strongest foe with their god-granted strength. Players of this class will have an great time smashing heads.

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