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SRD:Cube of Frost Resistance

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Cube of Frost Resistance: This cube is activated or deactivated by pressing one side. When activated, it creates a cube-shaped area 10 feet on a side centered on the possessor (or on the cube itself, if the item is later placed on a surface). The temperature within this area is always at least 65°F. The field absorbs all cold-based attacks. However, if the field is subjected to more than 50 points of cold damage in 1 round (from one or multiple attacks), it collapses into its portable form and cannot be reactivated for 1 hour. If the field absorbs more than 100 points of cold damage in a 10-round period, the cube is destroyed.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from energy; Price 27,000 gp.

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