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Arachnomancer (4e Class)

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You can use the ''Cloud of Darkness'' and ''Unseen'' powers as {{I}}encounter power|encounter powers]], and the ''Light'', ''Telekinesis'' and ''Charm'' powers as {{I}}at-will power|at-will powers]].
{{4e Power|name=:Cloud of Darkness|usage=Encounter|flavor=You hide from your foes within darkness that you weave around you.|class=, Arachnomancer|type=Utility|keyword1=Arachane|keyword2=Illusion|owner=Class Feature|actiontype=Minor Action|range=Close|rangemod=burst 1|effect=This power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.(4e Power)}}
{{:Unseen (4e Power|name=Unseen|usage=Encounter|flavor=You make yourself unseen, all the better to surprise your foe with a vicious counterattack...|class=Arachnomancer|type=Utility|keyword1=Arachane|keyword2=Illusion|owner=Class Feature|actiontype=Immediate Reaction|range=Personal|trigger=You take damage.|effect=You are invisible until you attack or until the end of your next turn.)}}
{{:Light (4e Power|name=Light|usage=At-Will|flavor=With a thought, you create a bright, glowing ball of light that floats around you.|class=Arachnomancer|type=Utility|keyword1=Arachane|owner=Class Feature|actiontype=Minor Action|range=Personal|effect=You create a glowing ball that floats around you and sheds bright light. The light fills your square and all squares within 4 squares of you and moves along with you. You can send the light up to 2 squares away from you as a free action. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action.|special=You can only have one ''light'' active at any one time. If you create a new light, the old one winks out. Putting out the light is a free action.)}}
{{4e Power|name=:Telekinesis|usage=At-Will|flavor=With a wave of your hand you move an object with the power woven by your mind.|class=, Arachnomancer|type=Utility|keyword1=Arachane|owner=Class Feature|actiontype=Minor Action|range=Ranged|rangemod=5|effect=You can pick up, move or manipulate an object weighing 20 pounds or less that is up to 5 squares away without touching the object. If you are holding the object you wish to manipulate, you can move the object into a pack, pouch, sheath, or similar and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body to you hand with your mind (so you do not need to physically move either object4e Power). As a move action, you can move an object carried in this way up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can drop an object you are holding in this way and end the effect.|sustainaction=Minor|sustaineffect=You can sustain the effect indefinitly.|special=You can have only one ''telekinesis'' effect active at any one time, and a ''telekinesis'' effect can only influence one object.}}
{{:Charm (4e Power|name=Charm|usage=At-Will|flavor=You weave minor threads of power to achieve a minor trick.|class=Arachnomancer|type=Utility|keyword1=Arachane|owner=Class Feature|actiontype=Minor Action|range=Ranged|rangemod=2|effect=You can use this power to accomplish one of the effects given below.* Move up to 1 pound of material.* Create a harmless illusion such as a shower of sparks or a 3D image of an object. You can move such an object as part of the effect. * Warm or chill up to 1 pound of non-living material for up to 1 hour.* Make a small illusionary mark or symbol appear on a surface for up to 1 hour.Nothing you can create with this power can deal damage, serve as a weapon or a tool, or hinder another creature's actions. This power cannot duplicate the effect of any other power.|special=You can have as many as three charm effects active at one time.)}}
====Spider Empathy====
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