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User:The Dire Reverend/Vampire Wraith (3.5e Prestige Class)

120 bytes removed, 10:10, 21 November 2011
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Spirit Form}}:''' When the Vampire first becomes a Vampire Wraith, they lose their physical form and are taken to the Plane of Shadow, where they are forced to stay until they use their Materialize ability.
'''{{Anchor|Materialization}} (Su):''' When A Vampire Wraith is at full health, they can spend a full-round action to materialize a physical form and teleport to the Material plane. They lose their Spirit Form qualities. Their maximum hit points are halved while in the Material Plane, and in addition all forms of fast healing occur only once per minute. While the Vampire Wraith is on a Material plane, they lose one hit point per hit die every minute, at the same time you get the benefits of fast healing, that can not be healed with at least 1 hit point of damage every minute after your fast healingwhile in the Material Plane. At zero HP or lower, they return to the plane of shadow (see returning to the Plane of Shadow)
'''{{Anchor|Returning to the Plane of Shadow}}:''' A Vampire Wraith can voluntarily return to the Plane of Shadow with a move action, and it is done involuntarily if the Vampire Wraith reaches zero HP, or is killed by a vampire weakness (for example, from sunlight, decapitation, staking or being submersed in water). They regain the missing half HP from materializing, but keep the damage that they had while in their Material form (For example, Billy, a Vampire Wraith with 100 Hit Points has 50 Hit points when in the Material plane. He took 25 points of damage while on the material plane, and decided to go back to the Plane of Shadow. Now, he regains his maximum of 100 Hit points, but has 75 hit points.)