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Deriding Comment (3.5e Skill Trick)

1,060 bytes added, 01:40, 15 May 2015
A couple of interactions to end things normal skill tricks for now
|date_created=14th May 2015

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Skill Trick
|name=Deriding Comment
|summary=Make an incredibly hurtful comment or insult.
|prereqs=[[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] 9 ranks
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=As a move action you make a single highly hurtful comment against a creature, make a bluff check opposed by the creature' sense motive. If you succeed any moral bonus it benefited from are suppressed and it take a -4 penalty to attack roll and DCs of it ability against all other creatures as long as you are a potential target. This effect last for 1 round plus one additional round per 5 points your bluff check exceed it sense motive check OR until you are no longer available as a target.
|example=<!-- If your skill trick has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->

{{3.5e Skill Tricks Breadcrumb}}

[[Category:Skill Trick]]