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Template:5e Magic Item

1,549 bytes added, 03:39, 11 November 2016
initial draft
=Template: 5e Magic Weapon=
{| class="dragon monstats" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | {{{name}}}
| colspan="2" | ''{{#switch: {{{type}}}
|Armor = [[Item Type::Armor]]
|armor = [[Item Type::Armor]]
|Weapon = [[Item Type::Weapon]]
|weapon = [[Item Type::Weapon]]
|Wondrous Item = [[Item Type::Wondrous item]]
|wondrous item = [[Item Type::Wondrous item]]
|Wondrous item = [[Item Type::Wondrous item]]
|Potion = [[Item Type::Potion]]
|potion = [[Item Type::Potion]]
|Scroll = [[Item Type::Scroll]]
|scroll = [[Item Type::Scroll]]
|Staff = [[Item Type::Staff]]
|staff = [[Item Type::Staff]]
|Rod = [[Item Type::Rod]]
|rod = [[Item Type::Rod]]
|Wand = [[Item Type::Wand]]
|wand = [[Item Type::Wand]]
|Ring = [[Item Type::Ring]]
|ring = [[Item Type::Ring]]
|#default = [[Item Type::{{ucfirst:{{{type}}}}}]]
}}''{{#if: {{{typenote|}}}|({{{typenote}}}| }},&nbsp;<!-- avoid cr
-->{{#switch: {{{rarity}}}
|Common = {{lc:[[Rarity::Common]]}}
|Uncommon = [[Rarity::Uncommon]]
|Rare = [[Rarity::Rare]]
|Very Rare = [[Rarity::Very Rare]]
|Legendary = [[Rarity::Legendary]]
|#default = [[Rarity::{{{rarity}}}]]
}}{{#if: {{{raritynote|}}}|, ({{{raritynote}}})| }}
|{{#if: {{{desc|}}}|{{{desc}}}| }}
|} [[Category:5e Magic Weapon|{{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}
<!-- Tech note:
&#91; and &#93; display as [ and ] , respectively, but won't get parsed as wiki links.